Part 1 The Vanished Podcast Transcript from July 23, 2016 - Where Is Noah Davis?

July 23, 2016 

The Vanished Podcast Transcript

Part 1

Admin Notes are in bold red

Joshua Wright: You guys have no idea all the stuff I've heard, had to listen to, had to see, had to take part in, had to walk to beside these people. I have to hug these people. I have to listen to them. I have to watch them cry telling me details about my brother and stuff. I would be feeding them because they would be hungry.

I'll do that regardless if they had anything to with it or not, but I've literally fed people that couldn't feed themselves, watched them cry about wanting to tell me the truth, trying to tell me the truth. Then the week later, they're dead. Within the last month, two people, two people have done that very thing. I'm telling you the truth.

Admin Note: June 8, 2014 (Sunday) - Noah Davis's friend, Douglas Andrew Lemons, dies. His death was ruled a suicide, however, according to Joshua Wright, there were some very suspicious circumstances surrounding his death. He was found with a noose around his neck in a shed that was locked from the inside. He died BEFORE Noah was ever released from prison. 

November 24, 2014 (Monday) - Noah Davis's friend, Courtney Danielle Godwin, of Chattanooga, TN, dies in a house fire. According to Joshua Wright, it is under mysterious circumstances.



April 2, 2016 (Saturday) - Noah Davis's friend, Olivia Sucher, dies of a drug overdose.  

July 27, 2016 (Tuesday) - 7:30 AM - Noah Davis's mother, Janice Davis, is found dead in her home, almost 2 years to the day that Joshua Wright claims Noah Davis was last seen.   

Joshua Wright: I'm not going to say their names, out of respect for that, but I've seen the good trying to come out in them, though. I've watched people take this to their graves. I've had to take a lot. I don't even know how this robot, detective brother or whatever you want to call it, son is going through it all, but I guess I am and I'm somehow being a dad that's not got a tear on his face when the door pops open. Man, I don't even know. I can't lie. I can't lie. A lot of it has to do with the fact that I have somebody else pushing me.

Marissa Jones: Hello and welcome to Episode 36 of The Vanished. Tonight, we will be discussing the disappearance of 24-year-old Noah Davis. I would like to thank Noah's oldest brother, Josh, for taking the time to speak with me for the show. Noah disappeared in July of 2014 and Josh has spent the last two years investigating his disappearance because there has been a lack of interest on the part of law enforcement and the media. This is part one of Noah's story.

Joshua Wright: Hello everybody. My name is Joshua Wright. I have a younger brother by the name of Noah Brandon Davis that's been missing for 718 days as of today. I'm looking out for anybody that I get ... steal their ear so I can get some assistance on this search. Its been a long ride so far and I got plenty of time left to continue on, but I'm hoping that you guys are more than willing to pay attention, take note and just, if nothing else, keep up. I certainly do need the help.

Marissa Jones: Before we really dig into this story, I wanted to clear something up for everyone who is listening. You will see online that Noah's missing date is incorrectly listed as June 20, 2014. Noah was actually incarcerated at that time, but law enforcement refuses to change the date even though Josh has made repeated requests to have it changed. Josh explained to me why he believes that Noah actually went missing on July 28, 2014.

Admin Note: Joshua Wright reported Noah Davis missing on August 15, 2014 and HE gave the missing date as June 20, 2014. . 

Unsolved Mysteries video dated 6/18/16, 2 yrs after Noah went missing. around the 1 minute mark Joshua says June 20, 2014.

Joshua Wright has given several conflicting dates that he claims are when Noah Davis went missing so to expect the authorities to change the date just because Joshua says so is ludicrus. 


Joshua Wright: The date that he has been missing since officially ... when I say, "Officially," I mean literally the official one ... the date that I'm putting out there for everyone and not the sheriff's office is the 28th of July 2014. Honestly, 9:17 PM was his last traceable moment that he was accounted for at all, in totality. He was followed up until that moment, date and time and a lot of messages, some be it via Facebook, social media. Some via GPS and other ways via the people that were with him up until a certain point, but that's the confirmed last second that he'd done anything.

Marissa Jones: At 9:17 PM on July 28, 2014, Noah sent a message to his uncle that said, "Hmm." After that, he simply vanished. I asked Josh to walk us through the events leading up to Noah's disappearance.

Admin Note:

Joshua Wright: Events began on the 12th. He was released from a facility on July 12th of 2014. My brother had been clean for quite some time. I say quite some time because it was the ... the way the courts work around here is he did have a ... and pretty much only a drug charge. A drug charge and it was almost about 10 years ago.

He was growing up. Nobody's perfect. I'm not perfect. No one's perfect. He had a bump in the road and he really straightened up almost after that, but there's a lot of hurdles they'll put out in front of you here. There's no drug court. There's no nothing but a scheduled required two-time to invest in appearances and work classroom counselors and so forth.

Anyhow, he had actually been released from a facility that was like where he went to go and put in public works time type of thing is the best way I can give a universal explanation. When he was released from it, which you tell me what kind of sense this makes.

He was released from a facility that was for straightening him up and giving him discipline and stuff like that, but he had a waiting period from being released to go to a rehab facility. They released him on the July 12th date of 2014 with expectations of him reporting to a rehabilitation center on the 18th of July.

Admin note: Noah's biological father, Jerry Stephens, paid for Carters Hope, the rehab that Noah was to enter on July 22, 2014.

Joshua Wright: Now you tell me what you're going to do if you're an addict in those five days or six days, right? I don't know what sense that makes to me. I mean, really think about it. We're aware you're an addict. You'll put in some work and then we'll send you to rehab, not back-to-back, but you'll be incarcerated pretty much, which means like enclosed, detained for these times, but we'll give you a vacation in between the two of them. What sense does that make? I don't know, but I digress. He was released on the 12th of 2014.

Marissa Jones: After our conversation, I asked Josh to explain this a bit further. I was wondering why Noah was incarcerated for a drug charge from so long ago. He explained to me that Noah had been in and out of the system for minor probation violations. If you know about anything the legal system, you know that this is a very common occurrence. Once you're in the system, it can be very hard to get out.

Joshua Wright: Upon on that release, my brother did nothing but spend time on his physical health, man. He came out the biggest I'd ever seen him. Taller than me, bigger than he ever had been and honestly, he was a sight to see. A healthy, I'd say at the time, so 24-year-old. He was 24 at the time. A healthy 24-year- old, above average healthy.

I mean dude was strong. Very, very strong. You'll see in those photographs, his missing poster and flyer, the most recent photograph ... and the pretty much last one that I'm aware of that was taken of him, I don't really know of any taken past that point because he took that a couple of days after being released or whatever. Me and my brother, of course, I picked him up.

Admin Note: Noah's Godmother, Michelle Fountain, picked him up from prison, not Joshua Wright.

Joshua Wright: He surprised called me and I was actually on my home from just getting my daughter in my custody the same day. My mother had no idea that this could have occurred. We had no idea for at least six more months that Noah could have been released or gotten out. We didn't know. We weren't as updated or as up to date as Noah himself, the adult, was now.

Admin Note: By his own admission in letters to his paternal family and friends, Noah was not close to his mother or Joshua Wright, which may explain why none of them knew he was being released from prison on this date. However, Noah posted on facebook on July 6, 2014 that he was counting down the days until his release and Joshua "liked" it. 

On July 12, 2014, Noah posted on facebook that he was on his way home and his other maternal half brother, Chase Wright, commented on it. 

Noah's biological father knew when he was getting out because he arranged for and paid for the rehab Noah was entering into on July 22, 2014. Noah's paternal aunt and uncle went to pick Noah up to take him to rehab on July 22, 2014 but Noah wasn't there and Janice said she hadn't seen him in days. 
Letters from Noah Davis to his biological father, Jerry Stephens, and his step-mother, Maria Stephens 

Joshua Wright: They just released him quicker than I guess we had much more expected. That phone call took me surprise, but I was my way home from actually, police escort, picking my child up and putting her into my custody for good and final. Legitimately on our way home, the both of us, we got that call from saying, "Hey, Josh. It's me. I'm here at the jail. Can you come pick me up?"

Admin note: Noah's godmother picked Noah up from jail, not Joshua Wright. Joshua Wright obtained custody of his daughter in 2013, not 2014. 

May 2, 2013 Video of "police escort" to pick up Joshua Wright's daughter. 

Joshua Wright: I said, "How come this call wasn't collect?" He said, "Because I'm already released. Can you come pick me up?" I said, "You've got to be kidding me." Then of course, it was like an extremely happy memory as I'm recalling it and as I say it, of course. It was a really happy moment because I already, obvious, I had just finished a two-year, two and a half year custody battle and stuff that day.

Admin Note: Noah's godmother picked Noah up from jail, not Joshua Wright. Joshua Wright obtained custody of his daughter in 2013, not 2014.

Joshua Wright: My daughter was finally safe and secured in and then I just knew my mom was going to be on top of the world for that and then Noah coming home, it was going to flip her out. Of course, I missed my little brother. So I went and U-turned and went down to the sheriff's department and picked him up. We popped in here and surprised everybody. It was a pretty interesting moment there.

Admin Note: This is completely fabricated. Joshua Wright did NOT pick Noah up from prison and take him home to surprise their biological mother. Noah was picked up by and went home with his Godmother, Michelle Fountain.

Joshua Wright: Noah posed with Kaylee a few times. They played a lot. They were actually and the few times they got to bond because Noah was in and out of the system. They were pretty awesomely close. They were very, very close to one another. There's videos still on YouTube right now that I've gotten of him and her just playing on our back porch here when she was learning to talk. I can still pull them up. I keep those private.

Yeah, it's something else. I've got a pretty good archive of media from my daughter's life in chronological order like the dork that I am. Yeah. I go through there sometimes and I'll look back and see and how well and how close they had gotten to because Kaylee hasn't seen him, that's my daughter's name.

She has not seen him in quite some time now herself and the ... One of the last things that's made my cry about this whole ordeal was looking at Noah's account finally a few weeks back when we had finally gained access to it, me and my brother, Chase, and seeing the messages that my daughter had been writing him online had brought me to tears, man. It was something else. She misses him.

Admin Note: April 28, 2016 - Joshua Wright admits to hacking into Noah Davis's Facebook account

Joshua Wright: She really does, but they were very close. Noah has that kind of ... if you liked Noah you two were friends or definitely if you were related to Noah, but if you were close with him that's ... I don't want to sound like I'm tooting my own horn or anything, but I like to be that way myself.

When I show up, everybody starts to smile if they haven't been or if they have been, I'll make it that much more better. When Noah was that turned up a little bit more. Just ... but he'll get you smiling immediately, like it's not an option. Then when the two of us together, it's just something else.

Man, he was lighting the whole room up when he'd come in there. Of course, nine hours into hanging out with him, you were starting to wonder how you were going to sleep or something because he would not turn off, but Noah was a trip, man. I miss him. I can't get his laugh out of my head. Daily, all I hear.

Marissa Jones: Getting back to the timeline now, Josh explained to me why his own personal custody battle is so important to Noah's story.
Admin Note: As already pointed out, Joshua Wright's custody of his child had nothing to do with Noah Davis being picked up from jail. He got custody in 2013, Noah went missing over a year later in 2014.

Joshua Wright: One of the most impactful loose ends from the custody ordeal that was left over dangling still apparently was something that was never supposed to have happened. It's a stupid issue to be quite honest with you because I never done anything wrong, but my driver's license, apparently by someone's choosing, had gotten suspended.

When I say that that's literally, without digressing, that's literally what this person had done that had an issue with me during the custody ordeal. He also had gotten fired for being corrupt and dealing with a FBI agent, but no biggie. True story. Tom Evans, Ringgold PD. Look it up. Anyhow, my license apparently had gotten suspended, come to find out the only way that you can find that out is to get pulled over.

Admin Note: this is simply untrue. Tom Evans was fired in 2013, BEFORE Noah Davis went missing in the summer of 2014 and BEFORE Joshua Wright was arrested on July 21, 2014 for driving on a suspended license. Tom Evans had nothing to do with Joshua Wright's license being suspended for which he was arrested for on July 21, 2014. 

Joshua Wright: In the state of Georgia, when that happens, you can't show your license in lieu of bail. That's what all tickets here say, at least. "Did person show license in lieu of bail?" They put a check mark in there, yes or no. If they say no, that means you didn't have anything in lieu of bail when you went to jail. When it's suspended, whether or not you physically have it or not, you can't do it because you don't have a license.

So they took me to jail. Keep in mind, and legit, like this is all public record. You can Google my name and see all these things. This case got completely dismissed because it was never supposed to had gotten or have been suspended, ever, but it was. While in jail, there wasn't going to be a court hearing for this magistrate, the person who releases you or gives you a bond for apparently almost five days.

Admin Note: July 21, 2014 - Joshua Wright is arrested at MAPCO Mart located at 7701 Old Lee HWY Chattanooga, TN 37421 in Hamilton County in his white 1999 Ford F150 pickup truck for DRIVING ON A REVOKED LICENSE, NO SEAT BELT.

Joshua Wright: I think it was, five maybe. I'm not really sure, but yeah. You could imagine my emotional boiling point at being a single parent having this happen, for one.

Getting there and getting told that there's no judge for like four or five days. Yeah, this is all legit and that they were either going to try and take me to another county's magistrate, or I would have to wait.

Admin Note: 5 days from July 21, 2015 would be July 26, 2014.

Joshua Wright: It was like a holiday or something. I can't remember the exact date either. Long story short, I wound up getting a hold of Noah from inside of this place, that they called unfortunate and had him able to come and retrieve my vehicle and stuff where it had gotten left. Luckily, they didn't tow it for some reason. I'm not really sure why, but they agreed to leave it where it stood because ... Oh I remember. I wasn't driving.

Admin Note: There was NO holiday during this time period that would prevent a hearing. According to the police report, Joshua Wright WAS driving when he was pulled over.

Joshua Wright: That's right. That's right. That's right. It was parked legally, not obstructing traffic. It was parked in a parking spot, windows up, doors were even locked because I had the key. So yeah. Driving on a suspended license while parked, but anyhow, I had to make the arrangements really quickly because I didn't want this place where the truck was left to tow my vehicle, because that is another world that I didn't want to ... It's very expensive.

One of my only phone calls, I spent 90% of it on the phone with Kaylee. The other 10% because my mom was in a panic kind of state, like she can easily get with anxiety. The other 10%, I was still on the phone with my brother, Noah. Noah knew exactly how to talk to me and everything. He was very mellow, trying to calm me down, even though I wasn't panicked.

Admin Note: Joshua Wright was arrested at 8:48 PM. Phone records do not show Joshua had called nor messaged Noah at all.

Joshua Wright: I was more angry like, fist pumped to the wall angry that this ... I was tired of getting messed with so much at this point by these people. Anyhow, he showed up, got ride down there, to retrieve my property. My brother did have a lost [inaudible 00:15:49], he did have that, so I just actually retrieved this for him the other day because I wanted to verify exactly what I had signed over to him.

Admin Note: Noah Davis picked up Joshua Wright's property from the jail on July 24, 2014.

Joshua Wright: Come to find out, news to make it from the other day, even I apparently signed over like cash I had on me too, of like $81, my cellular phone, the key to my truck and that's it. I really had no idea that I had signed over money to him. That actually blew my mind. Still is, as I speak, but I mean, I had no worries about it, I just signed over my vehicle.

Admin Note: The amount of money was $60.81 that was signed over to Noah Davis.

Joshua Wright: Anyhow, he went and he got it. He retrieved it. I trusted him. He was sober. He was sober. Now, I knew my brother high. I knew my brother on a puff of high. I knew my brother walking through a room of other people high and him just taking a whiff of it. I knew my brother high. My brother was not high. All my brother had even done since he had been out was play with Kaylee, stay at home, work out and take those pictures that you see him posing with his friend there because they were gym friends.

They were workout buddies. That's all they wanted to stay on each other about was keeping in physical shape. Letting that distract them from the rest of the world and their previous group of friends and that works, by the way. Like the idle time is what can pull someone back into the mess. They were doing quite well at it. Honestly, this guy was a friend of mine, too. His name was Brandon, I'll just say.

Anyhow, I trusted my brother, my call to make. I did. So I signed it over to him. My mom had no license, of course. Upon my release, which was just within a, I think, a day and a half or so afterwards. Was I angry? Yeah, but when you're that angry [inaudible 00:17:46] getting out, you're more happy about seeing your child about and everything else, but once I'm getting picked up, I'm surprised that it's not my brother picking me up.

Admin Note: Joshua Wright was arrested on July 21, 2014. If he was released a day and a half later, as he states in the podcast, he would have been released on July 23, 2014. Noah Davis did NOT have a driver's license.

Marissa Jones: Josh walked me through the emotional process that he went through as he learned that Noah was missing, which began with confusion, then anger, then fear.

Joshua Wright: So I'm asking like, "Okay. Why are you ... " It was my uncle that came and picked me up. "Why are you picking me up? Why is my car not picking me up?" After about 15 minutes of small talk about other stuff, 15 minutes into this pick up, he said, "Oh, so where's Noah at, Rick? Where's Noah, my brother? Where is the truck? What's going on? Why didn't he come pick me up?"

Admin Note: How did Rick Hafley know to pick Joshua Wright up from jail? Who called him? Noah didn't have a valid driver's license.

Joshua Wright: Keep in mind, 15 minutes of talking already. "Oh, nobody knows where he's been at. Nobody knows what's going on. Nobody's seen him driving your truck in a few days." I'm like, "How is that how you break that news? Why have you been having a normal-toned conversation as if I came out there with college credit just now or something?" I get so annoyed at family sometimes, but I didn't get that at all.

I don't like getting hit with stuff that hard out of nowhere. So I'm trying to dwell and focus on that without snapping on my uncle, and I don't snap easily, and I didn't, but I'm getting really immediately upset because what is he talking about? Soon as I get home, walk in the house, I hugged my daughter who ran out first.

I held my daughter for a minute, I ain't going to lie. Then I let her go and I look and I go in the house. Curse words are flying everywhere. "Just, where the heck Noah at? Why is the truck not in the driveway where with we live at? Where's the vehicle at, number one," because here I am at first, I'm thinking, "The hell. This has never happened before."

He's never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever screwed with any of my stuff, taken any of my stuff, broken any of my stuff. Tempted, threatened, asked to have any of my things. Not that I'm that materialistic. He just hasn't. He respected my stuff, always. So that's some of the reasons that I trusted him with my property, obviously.

So, I'm kind of angry that he hit that nerve with me. Like, "He's going to do this?" You know what I'm saying? So I'm kind of like, "Really. Where's my little brother at? I'm going to smack the crap out of him," is my mindset. "All right, mom. Where's he at? What's going on?" "What the hell you mean, 'You don't know?' How come you're acting that way? What the hell you talking about?"

Then I'm getting on his ... looking online and I'm saying, "What the hell is going on? Why is his ... the workout buddy, Brandon. I was able to locate him I'll say, pretty quickly. "Where you at, bro." Several texts, so forth. Then a few others, mainly females looking for him and stuff and I'm starting to notice a bunch of stuff that's not cool.

Then I, immediately as of that moment began tracking and gathering all ... because my mother didn't know a damn thing. My uncle didn't apparently care to know a thing, but he definitely didn't know anything, and so that's what I walked into was a brand new notebook with nothing written and just like some sort of game or scavenger hunt, go, green light, hit the ground running. "The hell," would be what I'd call that game.

What in the hell, because that's how it started. Gathering info, putting stuff together, block by block by block. I didn't initially have any intentions ever of calling the police and filing anything, because it's apparently my newly dumb ass brother thinking he can get over on me or ... Actually, he for damn sure always knew that he could not ever get over on me.

That's why I was so annoyed that I was having to go and catch him. Like, "What the hell?" He knows I will find him. He knows I will catch him. He knows his friends will immediately turn a finger and point when I say, "Where's he at?" No matter what. No matter what. So I'm quite annoyed at that. I didn't really want to be tested.

Anyhow, I let an entire, almost two solid days pass before I said ... After the last conversation with my mom, which I had about three total in that two day standing. I gave it two days because I just assumed that he was going to pull in, three, four in the morning or I was going to get a text about it being on the side of the interstate or something like that.

Admin Note: Records show Joshua Wright reported his truck missing on August 7, 2014. If it was 2 days after Joshua Wright says he was released from jail, he would have been released on August 5, 2014.

Joshua Wright: No, I gave it those two ... then once it got to about a normal hour in the afternoon, at like 3:00 PM range, the discussion ... My mother was very worried about me getting Noah in trouble because he's on probation and I agreed. I said, "Well, if I can get back to my vehicle side of it first, then I'll make sure they're not pursuing him for a charge I'm putting on or anything, but I was going to file my vehicle stolen.

Admin Note: Records show Joshua Wright reported his truck missing on August 7, 2014.

Joshua Wright: I just asked her, I said, "Well when the sheriff shows up here, predictably so, now I know these people, this office, this administration, this agency and legally myself because I've been a public servant. I have been post-certified. I got about 11 year experience with law enforcement. Security and investigations and so forth and that's a professional trade and I know how to resume that trade.

Admin Note: Joshua Wright was a correctional officer at Walker State Prison for 2 1/2 yrs from November 2006 until April 2009. He also says he was a correctional officer for Corrections Corporations of America from August 2003 until November 2005.

Joshua Wright: I know how to treat people with respect in that trade also, but I know also about integrity and accountability and how to make sure I have it. Before I made that call, I looked at my mom and I said, "Mom. Make sure you're not talking," and unfortunately, that's a sad thing to have to mention or ask. She will be the reason why Noah gets a theft charge. All right. I looked at my mother and I said, "All right, mom. I'm going to have to do this."

She's actually not ... she looks at me and talks to me at this moment like I'm supposed to shut up and sit down and wait. That's my 1999 Ford 150. I've had it for 10 years and I love it and I love it. It's all me and Kaylee have. So I'm looking her and she's mad/worried/sad/aware I have to do it. So I have to do it, but I asked her to please make sure, unfortunately, that I'm the one talking.

If you ask questions, don't say anything because I didn't want mom to make it worse for Noah, because once she began to speak, and it may sound rude, one she began to speak, it would be out of my hands. That's how law enforcement works. When they show up to serve a paper and they see blood on faces of two people, married, husband and wife and then they see the broken stuff on the floor and then they look up and they see the cut hands, they pretty much will arrest you, regardless if you admitting to fighting or anything.

Admin Note: What exactly is Joshua Wright implying here?

Joshua Wright: Whether or not they seen it, they can just take you based upon their awareness of something occurring. They can make their own decisions and make their own call. It's out of their hands. If you want to call someone about a fight or something like that, it's out of your hands at that moment. They still know that a fight happened. You can't say, "Ah. Never mind." They are going and they're working. It's going to happen.

So anyhow, I digress. I let her know that and she understood and it's a tense moment for me because my mom is hard to get to listen, in that sense. She's more worried than I am about my brother's well-being at this moment, but she is. If she still isn't, she may very well be. I can't lie, I don't know that answer.

Anyhow, the guy shows up. I feel like, I can't remember much about this officer's persona, which is a good thing. I do remember that I didn't like what he had to say about my vehicle, but he did call it in. I did file a missing person report on my brother and then I did file a stolen vehicle.

Admin Note: Joshua Wright reported his truck missing on August 7, 2014 . He didn't report Noah Davis missing until August 15, 2014.

Joshua Wright: Both separately, I guess, but at the same time. When he asked if my brother stole the vehicle. My answer was, "No. I don't know," because I didn't. You see what I'm saying? I really didn't. I didn't have confirmation that he took it from our driveway after I had signed it over to him. For all I know, he could have parked it and a neighbor took it.

So without that I'm using that as my grounds for not lying to the police here and also keeping them from my brother criminally. For the time being, I really was anyhow. I filing the two things at the same time separately, but clearly officer, they seem like in, a strange way they may have something to do with one another. My brother's nowhere to be found. It's unlike him.

He goes out to his car. It had began to rain. I remember it started to rain a little bit, so he sat in his car instead of on the porch. We invited him in, he need to be out there to make some cell phone calls because he was going to call in what's called a BOLO. A B-O-L-O, be on the lookout.

It's like a four or five county-wide page out one time by our dispatch here, that touches the Walker, Catoosa, Chattooga, and Dade and even Hamilton counties. Hamilton's even in Tennessee. We ride on their network. Anyhow, it's a trunking system, but we all keep the same radios, so when they do a BOLO, which again is, be on the lookout.

When they announce one, they do a loud, fire call top sound and it catches every law enforcement officer's attention. "All right everyone, be on the lookout for a blank, blank, blank, blank and it's a 1999 Ford 150, white in color, four-door, so forth. It has been stolen," possibly with a description of my brother. Any information contact the Catoosa County Sheriff's Department.

Within about 35 minutes, he walks back in the house, never leaving, saying, "All right. I found your truck. I was like, "What? What in the hell you mean you found my truck." He goes, "Yeah. Isn't that good news?" I said, "Where the hell is my brother?" He said, "I found your truck. I figured you'd be ..." I'm like, "Where's it at?"

Admin Note: Joshua Wright recorded the phone call with the officer who informed him the truck has been located.

Marissa Jones: Remember that at the time, Noah was living with Josh in Ringgold, Georgia, but Josh's truck was found at an America's Best Inn in East Ridge, Tennessee.

Admin Note: Noah was couchsurfing, staying with his Godmother and friends.

Joshua Wright: At that moment, I was a little shook. How in the hell someone's found the truck and not found him at the same time? That was the only little stick that I had going that wasn't completely forthcoming and truthful at that moment, or at that time, you know? Because I knew that Noah had my vehicle, but I didn't say that, those words.

At that moment, after they found my truck and he's not found, I'm talking out loud because I just got punched in gut a little bit. I'm like, "Whoa. Where's Noah at? What do you mean you found ... but where's he at, though?" They couldn't tell me no, nobody was found there and the vehicle had all the windows down and it was left unsecured.

Admin Note: Listen to the recording again. Did Joshua Wright ask about Noah? Seem concerned Noah wasn't with the truck? The officer told Joshua Wright he would have to file in Tennessee since the truck was located there. Joshua never filed anything in Tennessee. Instead, he waited another 8 days and then filed the missing persons report on August 15, 2014 in Georgia, not in Tennessee.

Joshua Wright: It was parked crooked in the middle of two spots at a hotel here, 15 minutes away, but across state lines in East Ridge, Tennessee. For the sake of removing curse words and cuss words from this story telling, the thing I'm doing here, WTF a lot. Then I called my uncle, the only other person with a vehicle that could drive around at the time, come up here, take me to this hotel, asap, whatever.

I said, "Are there going to be police there waiting on me to arrive, or what?" He said, "No. The vehicle's left unsecured." Meaning that anybody and everybody could go in it, go through it or may have already. There isn't chain of custody on the property possible, because who's to say who's had it? Who did it? Who parked it there and so forth.

Anyhow, he said also that he was going to at my choosing, remove the stolen vehicle report that I had filed and kind of delete it at that point because I wasn't pressing any further issue on it as I had found it. I asked him if he could leave it open in case something had happened to it like a wrecked, crashed, left and abandoned or something, if I could follow back up.

He said I would have to do the East Ridge, which I even knew that answer before I asked it. I'm still in shock. So I'm trying to wrestle all these legal terms and things like that into a way that I can make sure and resume later if necessary. I catch my little Lyft up to the hotel, and sure enough, like this hotel's not five-star by any means, probably negative three, honestly.

Admin Note: Didn't he just say he called his uncle to take him up there?

Joshua Wright: I'm showing up there, all the windows were down. It was kind of dusk or sunset like. I'm trying to recall the time of day, but I couldn't tell you. That was the East sky. Then again, I said it was raining, so who knows? We pull up, a bunch of folks walking around, but as soon as I touched my truck I look in the back in the bed of it, and some of the valuables are still in there.

By that I mean a jack, a hot fuse hydraulic jack, my tool box and stuff, battery jumper cables, like a pretty good set, brand new, were just sitting in the back of the truck, which is indicators on a normally hands-on, if they snatch something, they'll snatch something and in a bad part of town like that.

Usually jumper cables will get snatched or tie downs and so forth will get snatched because those are pretty hard to come by rare and actually kind of expensive things, especially when you need them. Those will always be the first things that come up missing, but no, there they are. I'm looking at them, which is kind of weird.

Soon as I touch it, though, the bed of my truck, I hear about three folks from the upper tier in that hotel go, "Ah, it's yours, huh?" I'm like ... I just look up at them. "Pardon? What are you all talking about?" "Well, that thing's been here about a day or so." I was like, "Has it?" They're like, "Yeah." "Okay. What's going on with it? Do you know what happened? Why is that? Then why have you guys seen it here and not said anything for a couple of day or so, whatever it was you said?"

"Well, what are you talking about?" "Did you let the people here know? Did you call the police? Did you guys have any good bones in your body and seeing something suspicious?" You know what I'm saying? Like these people just wanted to tell me about how it sat there for a few days like it was waiting on an expiration date on a carton of milk. On that note, they said, "Nah. Nah. We didn't see anything, we ... "

One of them says, "I told the janitor lady when they was doing the inservice," or something like that. I'm like, "Good grief a mighty," and I do my best stone cold Steve Austin walk into their office of the hotel. I went, "Hi. How you all doing?" They said, "Well, that's your truck up there?" I said, "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah it is. I don't look too happy, do I?" "Un-hun."

They said, "Ah. It's been there for a couple of day or so." I said, "You got any cameras?" Said, "We don't have cameras." I said, "Do you have any kind of way of pulling up what's happened? When it got there, maybe, possibly. It's very suspicious, probably criminal. If not already criminal, add to that parked it there. It's going to be pretty important, if that camera go ... " "No. It just shows me here as I stand in the office."

It just showed him live. I said, "Dude, don't play with me. I'm not playing around right now. Is there anything recording at all whatsoever?" I even had the cop go in there and verify all this, but this guy just had cameras on that didn't record. Just cameras so he could stand there at his register and stuff and see what's going on outside, but never again.

[inaudible 00:34:26] happened, couldn't even pull anything up. That was a bummer. Go back and go through the vehicle. My laptop's still inside of it, my phone isn't. A bottle of medication was not mine, and was inside. Spilled even ... Some of the stuff had gotten rained on. I said it was raining. I remember as I'm going through I'm closing my eyes and pulling the details up.

Admin Note: Inside his truck was a bottle of meds he claims wasn't his. Who did it belong to? Joshua says his laptop was still inside the truck but his cell phone was not. All of this in a drug infested hotel parking lot with unlocked doors?
On Facebook, Joshua said the laptop was missing. Which is it?
Joshua states his cell phone was also missing. Almost 2 years later, on May 17, 2016, he emailed the detective to inform him he "located" the cell phone Noah had been using. Really? Where and how did he "locate" it?

Joshua Wright: Scrimmaging through, there's items of sentiment in there. Gifts from my mamaw and papaw were inside of there. I remember moving everything around. Shuffling stuff, clothes, trying to get some sort of a truck image back to my truck going. Then I get and I sit in my driver's seat and I'm looking and I'm like, "Where the hell are the keys?"

I never found the key, ever. Still haven't to this day. I had to call a locksmith for that. The keys were never recovered. The manager person came back out and said that apparently this person has left in because of the fact they said it was in inoperable condition ... He did have broken English, but he's ... 'Inoperable condition' is the term he said.

I said, "Did it seem believable or anything, brother? Did he look like this guy?" I showed him a picture of my brother and he said, "No." It looked like ...I don't know. Some random description, but he said he that didn't look like the gentleman who had left it. As I got this key made, that's when he had walked back out there.

Soon as I did, the battery was dead. That was the entirety of the inoperable state. I hooked up two jumper cables. Remembered where they were. In the bed of truck. Cranked it right up immediately. So I was looking, I was like, "It wasn't inoperable at all, man. How does excuse how they parked this damn thing?

Admin Note: Messages from Noah's account state the truck broke down. But now it's not? Messages from Noah's account also show Noah looking for rides from his friends during that time. Noah didn't have a valid driver's license. Joshua posted a video of someone using a drill on the ignition because he didn't have the key

Joshua Wright: That doesn't make any sense and how come you all don't pay attention for stuff like that? When a guy comes in and parks across three parking spots, gets out of the vehicle, says, "Coming to get a room real quick? I'm fine. That truck sucks. It had nothing to do with the operator. Don't mind me. Please don't anybody know you seen me," and they go into a room and they leave a room.

This guy had no accountability at his business whatsoever. I'm telling you. Got the vehicle and got it out of there. Apparently that's the gist of that story, but there were really no more clues that came from the vehicle itself either other than it had clearly had the battery pulled off and on a lot.

Marissa Jones: I asked Josh to clarify for me about the medication that was found in the vehicle. I wondered if it could have been prescription that would have their name on it, or if it was just medicine that you would pick up at the store. He told me appeared to be related to illegal drug activity. I also wanted to know if his truck was ever processed as a crime scene.

Joshua Wright: No and I guess because of the fact only that the East Ridge Police Department located the vehicle after hearing the BOLO, but they phone called Catoosa, a different state, but again 10 minutes away. "Hey, we got it up here, man," pretty much and then that's when he walked back in the house and said, "Hey. I found your vehicle." So once he let me know that he was going to have to drop that unless I was going to pursue someone stealing it at that point, see what I'm saying? The property being recovered. I would have to say that someone stole it at that point to do anything further. So, on that note, no.

Marissa Jones: Josh told me about his mother's failing health and why that drives him to find out what happened to Noah.

Joshua Wright: My mom has emphysema. She's in the last stages of her emphysema. She's got 18% of her last lung left and she was given about five years to live and I think, eight and a half ago. Five years to live. Five years to live. She was given that diagnosis after I had cleaned her up. Her entire life, even raising us, her entire life, she had been addicted to drugs herself.

Those drugs, inhaling those drugs hurt her lungs, but I remember getting her clean was some of the happiest, most awesome moments that I ever went through and experienced with my mom and she's been clean to this day. She was clean as of that time too. When I was around 14, and I'm 33, so that's pretty awesome. I felt like that was a pretty big deal.

I'm still proud of my mom for that. Anyhow, that's caused her to get her medical diagnosis because of course she wasn't going and getting physicals and so on of emphysema that being disabled physically, spinal issues and here severe anxiety from having the nerves being shot from the drug use and so forth.

In combination with the deterioration of her lungs and her life and friends change that come with a clean and sobriety ... You know, the sober wall. The people you thought you knew, you don't anymore. You're done with them. You write them off. You close the chapter. You move on, and she did and she done it well. Awesome. She's been very strong from that moment on and it's almost inspiring on how strong she's been.

It's, I'm telling you. Me and Noah both, Noah was very young at that time when that happened, but Noah remembers. Me and Noah both ... Noah's my half-brother. I don't know if you guys have noticed, but we have a different last name. Noah's dad has not ever, if not ever really been ever a part of his life and I've kind of been in that role, really. Myself and he had a godmother that would pop in and help with him a lot and stuff, but I was the male role in his life.

Admin Note: Our research has shown Noah's biological father, Jerry Stephens, and his Godmother, Michelle Fountain, seemed to be the only stable people in Noah's life.

Joshua Wright: I remember specifically my brother Noah always noticing, always knowing, always seeing and rolling with her on it as a damn near toddler. He was on team mom as soon we seen her sober. From that moment on, they never really broke contact. Even when he was in his bad moments in jail, not three would pass without a letter coming in the mail, letter coming in the mail, him getting some sort of way of getting some sort of hustle inside the jail of getting a three-way phone call in to talk to my mama.

I'm talking, he was good at that too, because he would be calling my mom left and right, and he would. Wouldn't even talk to me, her, her, her, her. We've been all been worried because she's went way past the finish line. It's hard to see any change with her. It's just inconsistent health now. So we've all stayed in touch with her.

Admin Note: Noah called home when he was in jail in January 2014. His mother and Joshua Wright didn't know he had gotten arrested or was in jail until someone had texted Joshua to let him know Noah was in jail and when visitation was. In this recording, Noah repeats several times he's sick, he needs rehab, he wants to go to Carter's Hope. It wasn't his mother or Joshua who stepped up and helped Noah get into rehab, it was his biological father, Jerry Stephens, who set it up and paid for it upon his release. Noah also states several times he needs a lawyer. It wasn't his mother or Joshua who stepped up and helped Noah. It was his biological father, Jerry Stephens, who hired a lawyer for Noah. His mother only seems interested in getting her cell phone back.

Marissa Jones: Josh shared a video message for their mother from Noah.

Noah Davis: Mama, I love it. [inaudible 00:43:59] be strong. It pays off. Yeah. Love you. Tell [inaudible 00:44:01] I'll be home soon, okay?

Joshua Wright: Every birthday when it passes, every birthday that passes we always treat it like it's going to be the last time we see her and stuff. I don't know. We think pretty highly of her. I think honestly, if you have loved ones yourselves, man. What could be wrong with looking at every sentimental moment or taking every moment that you can with them as a family with that much extra little bit of sentiment because you don't ever really know.

I always a point, if you're leaving for a little while, whatever it is you're doing. All right, even if you're mad, all right, okay. All right. Appreciate it, no problems. Calm down. I love you. If they don't say, "I love you," I'll repeat it like a monotone, redundant machine even, "I love you. I love you. I love you," until I got it back. "I love you, man. Go." That's how we've always kind of been. We would always get that ...

My mom's still that way to this day, except she says, "I love you with all my heart," is her thing. That's insight into our little family stuff there that I've never really talked about before. It's kind of how close we were, the four of us, you know? We've all known that mom didn't have long, doesn't have long and surprisingly, she's still here.

Mainly, she's been driven the most by helping me get Kaylee, six years ... because that meant just as much to her and now for the obvious. How could you blame her? How could you not blame anybody for holding on to find this out? I can't imagine. I really can't imagine, so that's been a little bit ... that much more to the drive that I've gotten has been because of the fact I'm really wanting to get this for my mom, closure for my mom.

No matter what's going on, no matter what I got to absorb, I'll absorb it afterwards. I still feel like that's exactly where my head is right now in this ordeal is IDGAF. I got to get the closure for my mom. I've gotten ... fast forward really quick to the state that I'm in right now.

You guys have no idea of the stuff I've heard, had to listen to, had to see, had to take part in, had to walk to beside these people. I have to hug these people. I have to listen to them. I have to watch them cry telling me details about my brother and stuff. I've actually seen people do that. I would be feeding them because they would be hungry.

I'll do that regardless if they had anything to with it or not, but I've literally fed people that couldn't feed themselves, watched them cry about wanting to tell me the truth, trying to tell me the truth. Then the week later, they're dead. Within the last month, two people, two people have done that very thing. I'm telling you the truth.

Admin Note: June 8, 2014 (Sunday) - Noah Davis's friend, Douglas Andrew Lemons, dies. He died BEFORE Noah was ever released from prison.

November 24, 2014 (Monday) - Noah Davis's friend, Courtney Danielle Godwin, of Chattanooga, TN, dies in a house fire. According to Joshua Wright, it is under mysterious circumstances.


April 2, 2016 (Saturday) - Noah Davis's friend, Olivia Sucher, dies of a drug overdose.

July 27, 2016 (Tuesday) - 7:30 AM - Noah Davis's mother, Janice Davis, is found dead in her home, almost 2 years to the day that Joshua Wright claims Noah Davis was last seen. 

Joshua Wright: I'm not going to say their names, out of respect for that, but I've seen the good trying to come out in them, though. I've watched people take this to their graves. I'd give them every opportunity to help. I've had to take on a lot. I don't even know how this robot, detective brother or whatever you want to call it, son is going through it all, but I guess I am and I'm somehow being a dad that's not got a tear on his face when the door pops open. Man, I don't even know. I can't lie. I can't lie. A lot of it has to do with the fact that I have somebody else pushing me.

Marissa Jones: Since I've met Josh, like so many other people that I've met through the show, we have become friends. Josh is one of the funniest people that I've ever met. It amazes me how he is able to do all the things that he does, from being a single father to investigating Noah's disappearance, while maintaining his sense of humor and not having a complete emotional breakdown.
Admin Note: Joshua Wright didn't begin to "investigate" Noah's disappearance until AFTER the police came to their home in February 2016 to take DNA from Joshua and his mother.

Joshua Wright: I am fortunately am pretty consistent at being consistently good at withdrawing my emotions on ... at this time and for now. Trust me, it's going to hit me. It's going to him.

Marissa Jones: Josh has run into a lot of issues, while trying to get help from local law enforcement. We will go into this aspect, in depth, in part two where he described a local culture of corruption that he has personally witnessed.

Joshua Wright: Dude, there are tons of good police here, by the way. I want to make sure I point it out. There are. There are tons. I have friends in different various agencies including even the Catoosa County Sheriff's Department. I really, really do. I really do.

Actually, all my friends in Catoosa Sheriff's Department have now went to the city municipality police departments because they've left ... they don't like the current regime at all, whatsoever, for the reasons that I don't, for the most part. That's literally why, but anyhow, I digress. Yeah. There are good police here. There really are.

I'm not anti-police, as I've said. I got my feelings hurt because of the fact I've wore a badge. That's what I didn't get. That's what I didn't understand and I didn't carry over any hurt from the custody thing, but as I've said, there's no worse feeling that when you think of law enforcement like brothers, but then when you get out and you're trying to just claim your child and stuff and you watch illegalities begin and things of that nature, it'll start tearing you up, man.

Admin Note: Joshua Wright was NEVER a police officer. He was a correctional officer for a few years with a few hours of training to get certified.

Joshua Wright: Then you start studying it on your own because you can't find help and you look and says that the state in Georgia is the most corrupt state in the entire country for that year. I'm getting very highly depressed on that and I'm studying, as I do. I sometimes over study and I see and I look. I don't know if some of you have ever heard of Tonya Craft trial.

She's also someone I look up to now, up to this day. She was getting accused at that very moment and time also in Catoosa County here, which made the Today Show and all kinds of nationwide news of 22 counts of child molestation as a kindergarten teacher, here locally. She had only gotten accused and all charges were acquitted because I've studied the case. I'm not going to stop and cross my arms and tap my feet while you guys go do that.

Anybody's ever heard of it or if you're familiar with it, you're aware. Then if you go and look into for a little bit after this, you'll see. Everything that was done in that investigation and everything just twists into the "What in the world are they doing at this sheriff's department?" I've made some of the best friends that I've made in this entire adventure, crusade, calamity whatever you want to look at it as, have been her.

After I got over the annoyance of never being able to get to an attorney because they were all star-gazing at her trial and her private investigator ... Her private investigator's named Eric Echols. He's a friend of mine to this day. He's even helped me out some with this. I helped him get the word out and put together a book on Amazon called The Echols Files Catoosa County Justice. Forgive me.

It actually was a best seller on Amazon and still sells quite well to this day. Honestly because he had just come up here and served the papers and they arrested him for no reason. As he's getting arrested, he lets them know that this serving of this paper was recorded entirely. He was even beaten and called racial slurs the entire time and they arrested him for witness tampering on two people just because he said someone else's name in the middle of it all, if I'm not mistaken.

Admin Note: Eric Echols book

Joshua Wright: Yeah, he's a good friend of mine. Very good man of integrity, though. He had that same moment that I went through, kind of happen to him. He's a marine, huge, seven-foot tall. They released him only on the terms he wouldn't even come back to Catoosa County. That was what the magistrate released him on.

You have to say that you won't ever come back to Catoosa County. How Dukes of Hazard could you sound? It's a very big deal when he himself comes up here because he lives in Marietta. He has his own private investigation firm. He does very well for himself. He's a good man and he's been someone I looked up to and now I have become friends with, but we stay in touch, right.

Well, when he comes up here, which I still have plans on working with him on a few things here, but when someone sees that he's up here, what did I say? What did I say was a condition of his release? Those charges got closhed, not squashed. Closhed, that's a legal term meaning, I want to be [inaudible 00:53:07].

They just let it go and they wanted to wash their hands of it and act like they weren't the ones who said that part and they spin it around and act like it never happened. Yeah, that's what that term means, pretty much, but they were closhed. If not mistaken, he's had a lawsuit on them too, but crazy ordeal. Look it up. Look it up, but he stayed in touch and he's going to come up here a few more times on it for me because I like to have someone else do certain things at times.

He's a good resource. He's went through a lot of the problems I've had to deal with. He went back home and got into safety and can remote ... be a shoulder to kind of lean on even in times of struggle and stress in the law field, in law enforcement. It can humble you beyond humble. You could feel like the worst, most worthless piece of anything that's ever even been burned on this plant.

He was there in some of those times for me. To wrap this up about him though, like I've even helped him with the Anthony Hill case. Maybe you guys heard that or even ... I helped him with that. Me and him have kept a relationship of helping others together, still like Anthony Hill was a ... got the naked veteran of a shot and murdered by a cop just rolling up on the scene seeing a naked Black male.

They just showed up and shot the man, instantly on sight. No criminal record, nothing, a veteran. Killed him instantly and that cop is now in jail for murder because we put a ... I got the flyers together, we put the word out and we kept people motivated. I've been friends with their family even.

You wouldn't even believe that we made a difference and we got that going. They actually followed through and stayed aware and got the word, kept it up in their faces and that cop got help accountable. That's all I've ever been about as has he, accountability. We want accountability. One of my first media mentions here was when I wrote in a letter to the editor because it was only that way anybody would say anything about, "Can we please get more accountability?" Pretty much and a very well written one, too.

I remember it being even controversial because it was supposed to get published. It got rescinded from being published, but left online. They left it online, but the editor got a phone call or two apparently about printing it, so the letter city editor on more accountability could not be ... You may see the irony there.

Anyhow, this area lacks that still, unfortunately and I want it returned. I'm not somebody that abandons my hometown, but I will if I need to. It definitely isn't here, you all. It definitely isn't. Just look it up. Look it up, okay? This police department has had some issues and some controversy, but I mean, as have people. We're not perfect, but we've not gotten the change here yet. I know that. Man, I don't even know if I want to get started on this topic just yet, but they have hindered absolutely everything.

Marissa Jones: That brings us to the end of part one of Noah's story. In part two, Josh and I will be discussing his interactions with law enforcement and also his own search for Noah. Believe me, he has gone to great lengths to find him. At the very end of this episode, I will playing a clip of a meeting that Josh had with law enforcement.

They appear to be more concerned about him writing on Facebook about his dissatisfaction with their efforts to find Noah than they are about actually finding Noah. Again, I would like to thank Josh for speaking with me and all of you for listening. If you would like to contact me, I am on Twitter @thevanishedpod. I have a Facebook page and a closed group.

If you have any trouble finding the group, send me a message and I will send you a link. The closed group gives us a place to chat without all of your friends and family seeing your comments. If you have a missing loved one and would like to have them featured on the show, please email me at

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Admin Note: The following self serving clips were taken from a recording Joshua Wright had made when detectives Miles and Sullivan visited his mother's home on February 19, 2016 at 1:15 PM. The full recording can be found here

Joshua Wright: What's going on?

Detective: Well, that post that was up there on Facebook that you made all the smart aleck comments about us.

Joshua Wright: Is that relevant, man? I'm pissed off. Yeah, so what about it?

Detective: Well, I don't care. Okay. [crosstalk 00:58:52]

Joshua Wright: I can play [crosstalk 00:58:53] the fuck out of my face.

Detective: You don't want to cooperate-

Joshua Wright: I'm trying to cooperate.

Janice Davis: Calm down, please.

Detective: I've been leaving messages for three days.

(Admin: Janice Davis wrote in her diary that the detective had been calling for 3 days and she missed the calls )

Joshua Wright: Not with me. You contacted me once. Calm down.

Detective: Okay.

Joshua Wright: It's my brother.

Detective: I am calm. I am calm.

Joshua Wright: That wasn't even necessary. Yes, I'm fucking pissed. I'm the big brother. He's my brother. I'm pissed off. Two years.

Detective: You asked what I was doing with your stuff and how [inaudible 00:59:23].

Joshua Wright: I'm not talking to [inaudible 00:59:24]. You have not reached out and said shit to me. [crosstalk 00:59:25] I'll fucking get mad if I want to. It's my brother, not yours.

Janice Davis: Josh. [inaudible 00:59:32] here.

Joshua Wright: Don't say another smart ass comment.

Janice Davis: Yes. Yes. Yes.

Joshua Wright: I don't have to [inaudible 00:59:35]. Don't say another smart ass comment.

Detective: Did you ever get your computer back?

Joshua Wright: No.

Detective: Okay. Does anybody has access to your Facebook page but you?


Part 1 The Vanished Podcast

Part 2 The Vanished Podcast

Part 3 The Vanished Podcast

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