May 19, 2018 - Transcript of vlogger Danelle Hallan - Where is Noah Davis?!? COLLABORATION WITH JOHN LORDAN


Danelle Hallan - Where is Noah Davis?!? COLLABORATION WITH JOHN LORDAN Published on May 19, 2018

Admin Notes in red bold 


00:08 Danelle Hallan: Hello everyone and welcome to my channel. So today's video is a first for many reasons. Um it is the first video I am doing in collaboration with another creator and that creator is John Lordan.

00:24 It is the first time I have really really closely worked with a family member and the process of looking into a case um and it's also the first time I have stayed up pretty much all night working on a case because I was that baffled by it so definitely sit down, put your thinking caps on.

00:44 I will get more into what exactly the collaboration is in a minute and more details into this but for now I will let you guys know that today's video is on the case of Noah Davis who was a 24 year old man that went missing in Ringgold, Georgia on a plethora of different dates, which again, I will get into in just a minute.

01:02 This case is not a cut and dry case. You cannot go on to Google, you cannot go onto anything, you can't even go on to the police reports and get a very good idea of what exactly happened and you know information collected since all of this started.

01:15 Timelines have incredible discrepancies all across the board. Multiple people have different timelines. A lot of them do not make a single bit of sense.

Admin Note: Timeline of events along with official documents can be found here.

  1. 2013-2017 
  2. 2018 

01:26 Danelle Hallan: Allegations are being thrown around, life-ruining alligations and it's just a very very sensitive case so this has been a very delicate one for myself to work on and I'm sure John as well so I'm interested to see his video.

Admin Note: Agreed. Josh has publicly accused several people of murdering his maternal half brother, Noah Davis, with no basis of facts to back it up. Investigations showed most of those he has accused were actually in jail when Noah went missing. Josh has also attacked Noah's paternal family with false accusations online.

01:39 Danelle Hallan: So I want to state before I get into mind that the main focus is and always should be Noah.

Admin Note: That will be a refreshing change because for the past 4 years, his maternal half brother, Josh, has made himself the main focus, which has distracted investigators from finding Noah.

01:49 Danelle Hallan: Fortunately something that I've noticed as a pattern in this video from all parties involved is that there's been a lot of side ...I'm calling it side scramble because I don't know what else to call it. There has been a lot of side scramble going on that's really taken the focus away from Noah himself. It's all, I think, out of good intentions but it has just made a mess of this case so it's been a disaster to go through and I really want to reiterate before I start is that the main focus is Noah.

02:21 I will be going through the timeline and my video as best as I could. It does involve some of the allegations and discrepancies and things that I will briefly talk about but John Lordan's video is going to focus on the speculation portion of all of this. I'm sure he will add in a few other things into his video but he's actually going to be interviewing the brother of Noah Davis, Joshua Wright.

02:46 Me and John both had the opportunity to meet him at CrimeCon. Marissa (Jones) from The Vanished podcast has covered his case. She did a three-part series. All of that is, again, is very important for you guys to listen to. I will have it links down below. They are each an hour long, if that tells you anything about anything about this case but we had the opportunity of being introduced to him through Marissa.

Admin Note: The Vanished Podcast transcripts can be found here:

  1. Part 1 
  2. Part 2 
  3. Part 3 

03:07 Danelle Hallan: He was really looking for some help when it came to publicity for Noah's story and getting his information out there and obviously John and I were more than willing to help so there will be an interview with Joshua on John's channel and I am sure after you watched this video you are going to have a lot of questions and he will probably be answering most of those in John's video.

Admin Note: Josh is only interested in getting his narrative out, not the facts of the case. Facts in which he altered, manipulated and even falsified. He is working hard to silence and discredit anyone who tries to expose the truth, including the authorities.

03:29  Danelle Hallan: I do want to say when you get to the end of this if you have any questions left over, leave them down below and I will try to send as many as possible over to John so he can incorporate some of those into his list of questions.

03:42 So Wow I know you guys hate it when I have a long intro but this one is 100% necessary. There are lives literally on the line when it comes to this case. There are so many discrepancies that you are going to be mind blown by the end of it and yeah so just buckle in and get ready because here we go.

04:01 Noah had a difficult upbringing, mother ended up struggling with addiction for a good portion of his life and eventually COPD which ended her own life.

04:15 Janice Davis: "Noah was my baby and Noah it was me and Noah a lot. He just it was just a wonderful wonderful wonderful son to me he was so good to me he would do anything for me."

04:32 Danelle Hallan: His main role model in life was Josh, who was his half-brother technically but they grew up together you know did everything together it's kind of who kept him on track because Noah himself, the older he got ended up falling into drug addiction as well. He actually started struggling with drug addiction at a pretty young age and ended up in and out of the system, you know every time he would try very hard to get better he would end up around this circle of friends that just kind of drug him back over and over and over again.

Admin Note: That is Josh's narrative. According Noah and Noah's friends, Josh had a hair trigger temper and he and Noah did NOT get along at all. Noah was afraid of Josh. Josh threatened Noah, beat him up, pulled a gun on him, tormented him and was insanely jealous of Noah. 

In letters Noah wrote to his biological father, Jerry Stephens, neither his mother or brother was ever there for him. 

In researching Noah's facebook, there are no posts between Josh and Noah, no tagged locations or photos until AFTER Noah went missing. 

Josh was addicted to drugs himself, he was also in and out of jail. After their mother died, Josh's step father kicked him out of the house.

Josh was a shining example of someone you don't want your son to look up to and admire.

Josh's arrest records that we know of:

1. April 8, 2006 - Joshua Wright is arrested in FORT OGLETHORPE/Catoosa County, GA

2. February 11, 2012 - SEAT BELT LAW VIOLATION


4. May 17, 2014 - Joshua Wright is arrested in Hamilton County for driving on a revoked license.

5. May 30, 2014 - Joshua Wright is arrested in Hamilton County, Georgia DRIVING ON REVOKED, SUSPENDED OR CANCELLED LICENSE 


7. July 21, 2014 (Monday) - Joshua Wright is arrested at MAPCO Mart located at 7701 Old Lee HWY Chattanooga, TN 37421 in Hamilton County in his white 1999 Ford F150 pickup truck for DRIVING ON A REVOKED LICENSE, NO SEAT BELT. 

8. January 26, 2016 - Joshua Wright is arrested in Hamilton County for DRIVING ON REVOKED, SUSPENDED OR CANCELLED LICENSE

9. June 18, 2016 -  Joshua Dewayne Wright is arrested in Whitfield County by the Georgia State Patrol with DUI (drugs/Adderall), no insurance, speeding, driving too fast for conditions and operating a vehicle without proper tag or decal. 

10. February 24, 2017 - Joshua Wright is arrested in Hamilton County for theft of property. He stole a vape pen from Pramod Potluri 7420 Brainerd Rd. Chattanooga on 2/22/17 

11. August 14, 2017 - Joshua Wright is arrested in Walker County for DRIVING WHILE LICENSE IS SUSPENDED OR REVOKED, NO PROOF OF INSURANCE, SPEEDING

12. November 4, 2017 - Joshua Wright is arrested in Walker County for OBEDIENCE TO TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE 

13. November 27, 2017 - Joshua Wright is arrested in Whitfield County for FAILURE TO APPEAR ON TRAFFIC CHARGES

04:59 Danelle Hallan: We've talked a little bit about drug addiction on this channel before because their cases, nine times out of ten are treated horribly, they're not seen as people you know with someone who loves them brothers, sisters, fathers, sons, daughters, you know grandparents they're seen as less and usually that's how the case gets treated and this is no exception to that at all.

05:22 Months before Noah disappeared, he ended up back in jail on January 12, 2014 and he ended up back there for a parole violation. He actually failed a drug test.

05:32 Now again, this was not something very uncommon for him. Every time he tried to leave the lifestyle, the same crowd came, found him and know there's some point there where you know there is self accountability, but he'd very obviously to people around him that cared about him and to the department that ended up investigating this situation, he very obviously wanted out. But we all know drug addiction is a horrific disease and it's so difficult to pull yourself out of it especially when you have these friends coming back and kind of dangling it in front of your face.

 06:04 Actually heard a phone call between Noah and his mother when he ended up being put in jail and he was telling her all about you know how he wrote a letter to her explaining how it happened. He was apologizing and saying one thing that really stuck out to me he kept telling her I need Carter's Hope, which is a rehab facility. He said I need Carter's Hope, I need to learn how without drugs, they need to teach me, they need to help me.

Admin Note: Noah's biological father, Jerry Stephens, paid for Noah's rehab. Not his mother, not his "big brother Josh".... his BIOLOGICAL FATHER paid for it. Letter's Noah had written to his biological dad.

06:27 Danelle Hallan: It was the most heartbreaking thing to hear because you could hear in his voice that he knew what he was doing wasn't right and he knew what he was doing was going to keep landing him in trouble and he knew he needed help and was admitting it and just to see how events unfolded after that makes hearing that 10 times worse, at least in my opinion.

06:47 Noah Davis: "I need Carter's Hope 'cause it going to teach me how to live without drugs. You hear me? I need Carter's Hope!"

Janice Davis: "I know you need some rehab, I know that."

06:57 Noah Davis:  "Exactly listen, Carter's Hope is going to teach me how to live without drugs and get me a job and all that good stuff, you know?"

Admin Note: Noah is literally begging his mother, he wants to go to rehab. She made no attempt to get him into rehab or to help him. His biological father, Jerry Stephens, did.

07:01 Danelle Hallan: His mother had eventually gotten clean and he was trying to follow in her footsteps and she was begging him to because she had lived the lifestyle for a while and knew the dangers that could come out of it, that's why she ended up with COPD, that's why she only had 18% left of one of her lungs and only was given a few years to live so it was this big family struggle where they all kind of struggled downhill together and then were trying to struggle back uphill but they've kept losing Noah along the way and trying to drag him back up and this really did seem like the final straw like he really would go to this rehab and he would be better.

Admin Note: This is untrue. His mother remained addicted to drugs until she died. She took pills, sold pills, bought pills, etc. It was well known in the family and their circle of friends that she went from a crack addiction to a pill addiction.

 07:37 Danelle Hallan: On Saturday July 12, 2014, Noah was in fact released from jail and he had one condition for his release and it was something he wasn't too upset about. That was that he had to go to some sort of rehab facility. Now of course he wanted to go to Carter's help so this was already set up and he was supposed to go on July 22nd to check in so, I personally don't understand this and I have heard his brother speak about it but it didn't make a lot of sense to let someone known to struggle with drugs, out of jail for failing a drug test, and kind of give them this big period of time before they can go to a rehab facility because that's kind of allowing them a lot of time. It's enabling you know them to fall right back into where they were before so that's just kind of one thing that bothered me but at least there were plans and he was excited to go.

08:29 Rehab was paid for, the date was scheduled and at this point he was just a free man for a little over week and at first he seemed to be treating it the right way. He got in contact with a few of his friends and I'm pretty sure all of them had struggled with drugs at one point but had gotten clean and were working on their health and bettering their lives and getting themselves on track so he did immediately migrate to the best possible crowd he could have chosen.

 08:57 He hung out with one of his friends that took him to dinner they went to the gym, this friend as I said was sober, it really did keep his mind in check. But the same friend that was sober kept kind of bugging him about the fact that he needed to call his parole officer and for some reason at Noah seemed very hesitant, he didn't want to call him. He knew if he called him you'd probably have to meet him. It was this big ordeal and come to find out just as a couple of days since he'd been home Noah had taken Adderall, which I think from what I've read, is something that he had struggled with before was taking Adderall from other people, taking their prescriptions. So he had slipped up already and he was terrified.

Admin Note: Noah's friends said Noah got the Adderall from his maternal half brother, Josh. It was Josh's pills. Both men had an addiction to Adderall. June 18, 2016 -  Joshua Dewayne Wright was arrested in Whitfield County by the Georgia State Patrol for DUI (drugs/Adderall), no insurance, speeding, driving too fast for conditions and operating a vehicle without proper tag or decal. 


09:36 Danelle Hallan: He finally called, everything was fine, the situation was handled but you kind of see where he slowly started off okay and then things started trickling downhill.

09:48 But overall it was an incredibly exciting time for everyone and Noah's family. His mother absolutely loved him. Noah and his mom Janice had the best relationship. As I said, they kind of struggled through addiction together, they struggled through getting over addiction together, and since his mother was very very sick, Josh along with Noah especially, took a ton of care of her. I think the stepdad was in the picture at this point still, but during the day and all that they you know, made sure she had her medication, made sure she ate, with it took her anywhere she needed to go, to the doctor or whatever because you know she didn't have her driver's license didn't have a vehicle all that so you know, they were her main caretakers.

Admin Note: That is Josh's narrative. Noah didn't own a car nor have a driver's license. He had been in jail for more than 7 months and was only out of jail for less than 2 weeks before Joshua Wright claims he went missing. 

During that time, Noah was couch surfing at friend's homes and at his Godmother's home. 

During that time, Janice (their mother) was taking care of Josh's minor daughter. Her husband, Mike, took care of Janice, not the boys.

10:29 Danelle Hallan: So obviously she was excited to have her son out of jail. So it seemed like this high on life you know they had struggled for so long, as a lot of families who have addiction involved do. It was just a happy moment for everyone, however, this is where things really start to go down hill incredibly quickly.

Admin Note: Yet according to Josh in The Vanished Podcasts, none of them knew Noah was getting out of jail until he had gotten out and was picked up by his godmother. 

Noah told his biological father and his godmother when he was getting out of jail. 

His bio dad paid for and arranged for rehab upon his release. 

His godmother picked him up from jail and took him back to her house. 

He was AVOIDING his mother and maternal half brother, Josh, for good reason. They were addicts and he was desperately trying to stay clean before he went to rehab.

10:52  Danelle Hallan: Josh, Noah's brother, ended up being arrested on July 22nd, which was also the day that Noah was supposed to report to his rehab facility. Now this doesn't seem like it might be relevant to the story but I personally think it could be massively relevant to the story which is why I'm involving it.

11:08 For multiple reasons, Josh and the police department didn't really get along very well. It was just kind of a difficult situation and for reasons I'm not going to mention in this video, Josh's license was suspended and he ended up being arrested at a gas station for that and the car was left at the gas station I'm pretty sure because Josh wasn't actually driving it so they couldn't impound. It at least I think that's how that went so in the midst of all this happening, obviously you know, this was another big situation for the family.

Admin Note: This is untrue. He got pulled over on July 21, 2014 (Monday).  Joshua Wright had active warrants and is arrested at MAPCO Mart located at 7701 Old Lee HWY Chattanooga, TN 37421 in Hamilton County in his white 1999 Ford F150 pickup truck for DRIVING ON A REVOKED LICENSE, NO SEAT BELT. Police report:

Josh was arrested in TN, Noah took the truck from TN, therefore TN was the last state Noah was seen but Josh goes and files a missing persons report in GEORGIA, where he claims the police are corrupt???? Why file it in a state where he claims his police are corrupt and not file it in TN where the crime actually happened? File it in TN where the police are not corrupt against Josh and he would have a decent chance of being taken seriously?

If the police wanted Noah, they could have arrested Noah on July 24th when he went to the jail to get Josh's property.

Bottom line, the police didn't get along with Josh because Josh thinks he's above the law, that the laws do not apply to him. He's been driving around on a revoked license, without insurance and high on Adderall. I would expect nothing less from the police if they DIDN'T pull him over as soon as they saw him driving. 

11:42 Danelle Hallan: Noah ended up never showing up to Carter's Hope and I've spoken to the family and no one really knows why. And it's confusing to everyone because the rehab was paid for, like everything was ready to go.

Admin Note: After speaking to Noah's friends, it appears Noah was afraid he would be sent back to jail because he had used Adderall when he was released from jail on July 12th. He knew his tests would show he used and he believed the judge would violate his probation and send him right back to jail.

11:55 Danelle Hallan: And there's a lot of people involved in this case that do not agree with each other whatsoever, like family and you know, outsiders. There are so many people, the police department, but the one thing that I noticed that they all agree on is that he was excited to go to Carter's Hope. So the fact that he didn't go absolutely confused everyone now that they're looking back on it. Only a few knew exactly when he was supposed to go so it's not like a lot of people could have said something had they noticed he didn't and even I'm sure when they did he kind of brushed it off.

Admin Note: Noah's biological paternal aunt and uncle went to Noah's mother's home on July 22nd to pick Noah up and take him to Carter's Hope. Upon arriving, Janice informed them she hadn't seen Noah in a week and didn't know where he was. He didn't have a cell phone so nobody could get in contact with him.

12:30 Danelle Hallan: So two days later on July 24th, Noah had a friend take him to the jail that Josh was in. So at around at 10:46 a.m. that morning, Noah sent a text message to this friend and said "hey can you give me a ride to the jail. I've got to go pick up my brother's belongings", cuz the car was still sitting in the parking lot of this gas station, and obviously Josh should not want to have it towed so he signed over all of his belongings to Noah, Noah was to come pick them all up from the jail, key everything and then go and pick up the car and take it back to their parents house and then Noah was supposed to come and pick Josh up from jail when he was released.

Admin Note: July 24, 2014 (Thursday) - Noah Davis and his friend Bobby Joe Rogers were taken by Joshua Wright's friends,  Michael Cobb and Kera Francisco  to the jail in Tennessee where Joshua Wright was incarcerated to pick up his personal belongings.

Noah Davis and his friend Bobby Joe Rogers were then taken to the MAPCO Mart located at 7701 Old Lee HWY Chattanooga, TN 37421, where Joshua Wright's white Ford F150 pickup truck had been left when he was arrested. 

13:10 Danelle Hallan: Now Josh had been told when he got into jail it was probably gonna take a little over a week because they didn't have a judge he can get in front of until then so there was really no telling how long exactly Josh was going to be in jail.

13:22 So this friend that Noah texted at 10:46 asked where he was and he said he was at America's Best Inn, which is incredibly important for you to remember when we get later into this story.

Admin Note: Messages between Noah Davis and Michael Cobb. Noah states he is at the America's Best hotel with Bobby Joe Rogers.

13:21 Danelle Hallan:So this friend came and picked him up and at exactly 12:56 p.m. Noah signed a document that I have seen. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to show it here. If it's here you'll know, if it's not you'll know why, but there is documentation showing that Noah, on that day on the 24th did in fact sign for all of these items.

Admin Note: Signed document showing the jail released Josh's property to Noah on July 24, 2014. Note the items released. Also note the notation in red under the time. Josh added that. He is trying to convince people the time was 12:56 AM. 

13:51 Danelle Hallan:Now once Noah got them he obviously went over to at the MAPCO gas station and picked up Josh's truck. Now from here on is when, you know, everyone's kind of relying heavily on Noah's social media because not a lot of people saw him that are willing to come forward and say they saw him at this point. I think family themselves only saw him a handful of times between now and you know when you technically probably went missing.

Admin Note: Noah's social media account was compromised when Josh hacked into it and began deleting and altering messages and posts so this is not a reliable source of factual information.

14:20 Danelle Hallan: It's confusing guys, I told you please bear with me, I promise I'm trying to get this off as out as you know easily as I can but, the only thing we know of Noah from the 24th to the 27th it's from the phone that he picked up that was in Josh's possession. But we also can't say for sure that it was Noah using the phone so this is where everything kind of gets very very confusing. There were multiple phone calls outgoing and in going for the next couple of days and then the 27th is when we know kind of a more factual bit of information about Noah's whereabouts.

Admin Note: Remember, Noah has Josh's cell phone now. He got it when he picked Josh's property up from the jail on July 24th. This is important.

14:57 Danelle Hallan:So that day Noah and one of his female friends were dropped off at a Walmart that was very very close to where his family lived, his uncle and his family lived on the same property, just separated by a short strip of woods and then they walked home to the uncle's house. So no one's really sure what happened in this time frame, no one really knows exactly what time it was. I don't even think, but when the girl and Noah got back to the house there was some sort of argument.

15:27 There were two males that came to pick up this female when Noah kind of left her there and the uncle witnessed it as well and every single one of these people will say this is the very last time anyone physically saw Noah after this argument he apparently stormed off into the woods in the back of the uncle's property which it's pretty safe to say he more than likely was heading to his mom's house I know his mom was in the hospital at some point during all of this I'm not exactly sure when the dates were so I don't know if she was home or not. But if he got into an argument with a female for any reason and he was kind of over it, I can see him walking through the woods just to get away for a minute and get to his mother's house.

16:06 The next day on the 28th which is listed by Josh Noah's brother as the last day he made contact with anyone so the day he technically went missing not much has really heard from Noah again until about 9:00 p.m. when he starts texting a female about selling Josh's truck.

Admin Note: According to friends and the uncle, Josh instructed Noah to sell his truck and Adderall and use that money to bail him out of jail. 

 16:24 Danelle Hallan: Now he sent this to this woman at about 17 minutes later his uncle texts him and says "the truck isn't in the target parking lot". Now this is the last time he responded to anyone all he said was uncle was "hmm" like H mmm and then his uncle says "I think they towed it", and then silence from all of Noah's social media.

Admin Note: The messages between the uncle and Noah were altered. We have a print out of the message thread. Compared to the screenshot Josh provided, you clearly see where he deleted one of the uncle's messages.

16:50 Danelle Hallan: I heard all this information and had so many questions for just a little amount of time. I wanted to know why Noah would have sold his brother's car. I wanted to know why his uncle thought the car was parked in a Target parking lot. I wanted to know why the uncle was going to try to find the car if you know Noah was trying to sell it to someone else. It was just very confusing.

Admin Note: Clearly Josh failed to tell you he instructed Noah to sell his truck and Adderall and use that money to post his bond. It's kind of hard to sell someone else's vehicle without the title. 

Josh said in an audio recording made in February 2016 with police that he signed the truck over to Noah in August. Yes, AUGUST 2014, AFTER the date Josh originally said Noah went missing. 

Noah was to sell the truck for bail money. Noah didn't make this a priority at all. There is no flurry of messages going out to his friends with him trying to sell the truck. 

If Noah was serious about trying to sell Josh's truck, how come there are no messages to anyone asking if they want to buy an F150? How many people did he message to sell the truck? ONE person. Just one. 

The only message that even mentions him selling the truck was from Ashley and Lisa Farmer. And he was honest and told her it had broken down. 

Doesn't sound like a man who is desperately trying to get money for his own selfish needs or to pay an outstanding debt, does it? 

Janice Davis wrote in her diary regarding this visit. 

17:14 Danelle Hallan: So I ended up finding out that Noah had told his uncle a few days before that the car had broken down in the Target parking lot and never really mentioned it again. Which made sense when I heard it so then I started thinking about why Noah want to sell his brother's truck and then everything kind of hit me like a ton of bricks.

Admin Note: This is July 28th when Noah is having this text conversation with his uncle. He was suppose to be in rehab on July 22nd and clearly he didn't go. He was scared he was going to be sent back to jail for using Adderall. Noah didn't have a drivers license. No way was he going to drive Josh's truck without a license and risk getting pulled over. Josh's truck is well known by authorities because Josh himself has a suspended license and gets arrested every few months for continuing to drive.

Back to Noah's messages with his uncle. The truck did break down in the Target parking lot. Somehow, between July 28th and August 7th, it ended up in a hotel parking lot in Tennessee. Nobody knows how it got there. Obviously Noah wasn't driving it because it was broken down in a Target parking lot on July 28th plus he was hiding from police out of fear of having his probation violated for the Adderall and for not going to rehab. 

So somebody at some point after July 28th went and got the truck and moved it to the hotel parking lot in another state. When Josh got the truck on August 7th, he says nothing was wrong with it other than the battery was dead. Meaning, NOT broke down. Who fixed it? Stay with me here.  Now think back to those messages between Noah and his friend on July 24th where Noah tells him which hotel he's at (this is the friend that took Noah to the jail to get Josh's property then drove him to the gas station to get the truck). 

Fast forward to August 7th, Josh gets out of jail, he's angry, Noah didn't sell the truck and bail him out of jail as instructed. He's looking for Noah, he looks at Noah's social media, he sees Noah was at that hotel on the same date Noah had come to the jail to pick up Josh's property. Josh is pissed, he voices it on facebook. He just sat in jail for 2 weeks because Noah didn't sell the truck and Adderall and bail him out. 

Did he get someone to take his truck to the hotel and leave it there so authorities will think Noah left it there based on those other messages from July 24th? Maybe he had a friend dump the truck there for him. Then he calls the police and says Noah STOLE his truck. 

Now ask yourself how the police knew where to look for the truck. How did they find it so quickly in another state? Who gave them that information?

17:33 Danelle Hallan: So Josh, Noah's brother, has said, not to me personally but on The Vanished podcast and a few other places, that his brother was very respectful of his property. He never touched his property. He knew when you know stuff was not his and he did not have the rights to it.

17:51 And something that really stuck out in my brain is the phone call where he was speaking to his mother when he was first in jail and I think January, he said make sure no one touches, I think it was his drawings...

18:05 Noah Davis: "Don't let nobody touch my drawing or motorcycle."

Janice Davis:  "I already know that. I know what's special to you."

18:11 Danelle Hallan: But he made it a point to say make sure no one touches my stuff so there seemed like this overall respect for others belongings. So the only reason that could come to my mind that he would try to sell another person's vehicle without permission is if it was an emergency.

18:29 So then I started kind of going down the thought process of I think he owed somebody money.  I think what happened is he got home, he started off great and then he started kind of trickling back down to relapsing and falling back into using drugs.

18:43 Now I think it's very possible that, as I said, he owed someone money and he was in a very hot spot at the moment. You know, he was hanging out with people, talking to tons of people you know, with family, and then all of a sudden he just like kind of lost track of everybody.

19:02 It could also explain why he told his uncle the car was in this Target parking lot and the car was never there when uncle went to go in check. You know that could have been to get his uncle to look in a different place or you know maybe he was setting it up to look like someone had stolen the vehicle to explain why it was gone. Since he did obviously have plans to sell his brothers truck.

19:20 So to me this just screams situation a situation of someone struggling with drugs again and owing someone a lot of money or possibly he had owed someone money for a very long time and now that was out of jail they were coming to collect it. All we really know is that he very suddenly was trying to sell something that was worth a lot of money that was not his and suddenly he vanished so I'll leave the rest of the speculation to you.

19:43 For the next couple of days, Noah showed at no activity from his cell phone communicating with other people, there were no more outgoing Facebook messages. I have personally seen some messages and spoken to his brother. Get consistent messages going with multiple different people from the day he got out up until the 28th and everything literally just stopped.

20:03 But multiple phone calls were coming into the phone there were a few outgoing phone calls. Nothing lasted for more than maybe like a minute so it could have been you know a stranger actually answering the phone or you know maybe he left the phone back at the house because at this point, we just know on the 28th was the last time he spoke to someone and we don't really know his whereabouts so it's very possible he could have dropped the phone back off at the house or you know, lost it somewhere, left it in someone's car so that doesn't necessarily indicate that he was the one who was answering those phone calls.

20:36 And then by August 7th Josh was released from jail and he was expecting Noah to pick him up because Noah, after all, had all of his belongings but instead his uncle was the one who came to pick him up.

20:48 Now Josh says it took quite a few minutes of just small talk before he finally was able to say you know, get to the point, where is Noah? It was at this point that Josh's uncle said Noah has not been seen for a few days now and your car hasn't been seen either.

21:04 Now this obviously upset Josh because at this point in time, everyone in the family thought, oh great, you know, he dipped, he went back to drugs and you know he just took off with our property, he's going on like a little spree, but he'll be back, so this was the kind of mindset they were all in however it was imperative that he have his vehicle, his wallet, his phone, his laptop, his money, everything he needed was with Noah.

21:28 He was very, very upset. So he did take to social media, you know, was saying you know please bring me all these items back. There are quite a few what messages, text messages, of him asking for all these items back. And then finally after the whole family is speaking about it and the fact that the truck was also missing and it was not very common for Noah to go away for a few days, even when he was in jail he would write at least every three days or call every three days and again, remember as I said before, he took care of his mom.

22:00 It was not expected of him to just disappear. So they obviously knew something was wrong and Josh ended up calling into the police department and reporting his brother as missing and reporting his truck as stolen. Now no one really knew 100% again if Noah had the truck. No one really saw him leave with any of this and it was just kind of speculation and they obviously didn't wanted to get him in trouble again so they didn't want to say he's the one who stole the car but obviously people kind of made connections.

Admin Note: Clearly this vlogger didn't read the police dispatch report from 8/7/14. Josh tells the police Noah had stolen his truck 10 minutes before he called the police on him to report it stolen. Josh also told the police Noah had needles on him and there was pepper spray in the truck, setting Noah up to be treated as a dangerous person and taken down by the police if he was found. 

22:28 Danelle Hallan: Now this is where the main discrepancies come in and this is where I spent hours trying to nail specific things down, so sit back because I've got a lot of things to explain to you right now. Because not only are there a ton of discrepancies in the next few dates and times that I'd give you, but it's also the foundation on which a lot of people are accusing someone of something and Josh just so happens to be the person in the middle of all of this and again, John's gonna go deeper into all of this in his video but because I was kind of in charge of the timeline, I had to address these very specific things.

23:06 So Josh called, reported his brother and the truck missing on the same day he was released from jail, which was the 7th, and I will verify I have seen documentation showing when his arrival day into the jail was and showing when his release is. Obviously, you guys are just going to have to trust me. I'm not going to put up a document that has personal information on it like this document does so I have visibly seen myself that he was released on the 7th. But as these discrepancies go, for some reason the police say that this call and you know the report was made on the 15th of August not the 7th and the police are claiming that nobody was on the case until the 18th, which doesn't match Josh date of the 15th.

Admin Note: Agreed, Josh was released from jail August 7, 2014.  He reported his truck as being STOLEN by Noah on this date. She is talking about 2 different reports, 2 different calls. Josh also said Noah stole his truck on the 7th.

23:54 Danelle Hallan: Now you can see where a lot of people are starting to create these different allegations because you know, Josh obviously comes home, his truck and items are stolen on the 7th and a lot of people assuming, for obvious reasons, based off of this documentation from the police department, that nothing was reported for days, which would give Josh a pretty large opportunity to do something stupid.

24:21 But this is where I dug into everything incredibly deep. First let me say what happened next. So a report, when a report was made for Noah, a bolo or be on the lookout, for Josh's truck was also sent out and the same day on the 7th, the truck was found and it was at America's Best Inn. The same place that Noah said he was days before when he went to go pick up Josh's items.

24:45 And so I'm gonna play for you really quickly the clip of the police department calling Josh letting him know that his truck had been found at America's best end but Noah was nowhere to be found so this alone indicates that when the truck report was filed so was Noah's because when they found the truck the department said for a fact Noah is not found with it he is still missing and then there was a couple other little bits of chatter about if they meet at the truck towed or if Josh was going to go pick it up.

Admin Note: Actually, that's not at all what the police said in the recording. Nobody used the word missing because he wasn't reported missing. Josh reported the truck as STOLEN by Noah.

25:12 Call is now being recorded ...

Joshua Wright: "Yeah I'm doing that because I can't find a pen, sorry. I'm going to need that location again."

Catoosa County Police: "Okay so America's Best Value Inn."

Joshua Wright: "America's Best Value Inn."

Catoosa County Police: "Yeah, it's on Camp Jordan Parkway right there close to Ringgold Road"

Joshua Wright: "Okay"

25:31 Catoosa County Police: "Now Noah's not with it, he's nowhere to be found. Do you have extra keys to it?"

Joshua Wright: "Um I'm assuming I'm betting that the keys in it."

Catoosa County Police: "Okay well here's the thing, they want to know if you want to go pick it up now or if they need to have it towed."

Joshua Wright: "I'll come get it."

Catoosa County Police:  "You want to come get it now?"

Joshua Wright: "Yeah"

Catoosa County Police:  "Okay, I'll tell them you're gonna come and get it. Just like I said, if you want to pursue it, if you want to pursue charges, you need to go through Tennessee because I've talked to our detective the whole thing happened in Tennessee. Your arrest happened and he took the vehicle from Tennessee."

26:04 Joshua Wright: "Okay"

Catoosa County Police:  "That's what I was told, I talked to our detective just now. Okay?"

 Joshua Wright: "Okay thank you Officer Frye, good news, man."

Catoosa County Police:  "Okay you're welcome Mr. Wright, you have a good one."

Admin Note: Listen to that again. Josh reported the truck STOLEN. He did not report Noah MISSING. Police tell Josh if he wants to file charges against Noah, he has to do it in Tennessee because that is where the truck was stolen from (Noah got the truck from the gas station where Josh had been arrested in Tennessee on July 24th, it was found at a hotel in Tennessee on August 7th).

26:19 Danelle Hallan: So, to fix up this timeline, at this point Noah was listed as last seen on the 20th of June which, according to when he was released from jail, July 12th, it's not possible, so that right there is already one discrepancy with the last time he was seen. There's no way he was last seen on the 20th of June when he got out of jail July 12th.

26:47 So then we come to Josh calling in on the 7th and the police report says he actually didn't call in until the 15th. Now this I've also proven that Josh's date is correct and the police department does have down an incorrect date.

27:00 So on a document, and if I'm looking down it's because I'm reading it. I'm also going to have it up on the screen for you guys to look at but you can see the date in the top, statement date is August 15th. So, it says that deputy Frye responded to the location and there was obviously a missing persons report put it for Noah, last seen June 20th, again doesn't make sense he didn't get out of jail until the 12th of July.

Admin Note: August 15, 2014 is when Josh called the police and reported Noah missing. Catoosa County, Georgia Deputy Frye responded to the call, went to the house to get a statement from Josh, to get the back story, information, etc to enter into their system. 

The June 20, 2014 date was given to Deputy Frye by JOSH. Here is what Josh did on this day.

Clearly Noah wasn't missing on June 20, 2014 but because JOSH gave that date in his official statement, that date remains in the official report.

Additionally, Josh posted on Facebook that Noah was last seen on August 7, 2014.

27:26 Danelle Hallan: You go down a little bit further and if you look down here it says Mr. Wright's white Ford f-150 and the truck was found at America's Best Value Inn in East Ridge Tennessee on August 7th 2014 or August 8th 2014. Now the police is saying here that the truck was found on the 7th or the 8th of August which coincides with when Josh says all of this happened and coincides with the voicemail. I have seen the voicemail as well this was also dated the 7th of August and in the voicemail it is acknowledged by the officer that the car was found and was not indicating both reports had been put in by the 7th so that right there already contradicts their date of not being put into the 15th and completely breaks the foundation of majority of the speculation being put out there by a lot of other sleuthers.

Admin Note: Deputy Frye is taking Josh's statement here. These are the things JOSH is telling him on the scene and the officer is entering it into his computer. 

Josh couldn't remember off hand when the truck was located so he said August 7th or 8th. No biggie. Nobody has disputed the truck being located on August 7, 2014. 

It was reported STOLEN on August 7th. Josh reported it STOLEN and said Noah is the one who STOLE it.

Josh didn't report Noah missing until August 15th and they sent an officer right out to get his statement and make the report. This is not ground breaking news here. 

The vlogger clearly is confused or doesn't understand that 2 different reports were made. 

Stolen truck on August 7th, Noah reported missing on August 15th.

28:20 Joshua Wright: "Okay"

Catoosa County Police: "Now Noah's not with it, he's nowhere to be found. Do you have extra keys to it?"

28:25 Danelle Hallan: And this is what a lot of people are basing their speculations off of and it is literally ruining people's lives because their information is incorrect and you know you can't say that on June 20th was the last time someone was seen when you know this person wasn't even out of jail until July 12th. And then you can't say that this person had a report filed and they were missing as of the 15th when you have stated that the truck that was reported at the exact same time as you confirmed in your voicemail was made on the 7th of August. Boom, that right there just kind of destroys so many different timelines. And then on the 15th was when a detective it was put on everything which would make sense again as to why all of a sudden all this information was being done just with the wrong date.

Admin Note: Josh told police the last time Noah was seen was on June 20th, not realizing Noah was still in jail at that point. Nobody is disputing the fact that Noah got out of jail on July 12th. 

Josh went to jail July 21st. 

Noah picked Josh's property up on July 24th. 

Josh got out of jail on August 7th. 

He then reported his truck as STOLEN (read the report and listen to the audio...NO mention of Noah being a missing person by anyone, including Josh). Police locate the truck in Tennessee and they tell Josh if he wants to file charges against Noah for stealing the truck, he needs to do it in Tennessee. 

Listen to that audio conversation between the officer and Josh. Does Josh sound concerned that Noah wasn't found with the truck? No. Why? Because he wasn't reported missing in the first place. 

IF Josh had reported Noah missing at the same time he reported the truck as STOLEN, then when the police located the truck, they would have impounded it and processed it as a CRIME SCENE because it was used in a MISSING PERSONS CASE. None of that ever happened because Noah was NOT reported missing on August 7th. 

As a matter of fact, police asked Josh if he wanted them to tow it or did he want to go get it from the hotel. Did Josh ask them to process the truck? Nope. He happily went and picked his truck up that night. 

He then texted Noah and told him he got his truck but wants his key and wallet. Why would he do that if he just reported him “missing”? 

It’s because he didn’t report him missing on August 7th.

29:14 Danelle Hallan: So have mercy you guys. I know that sounds like not a lot of information but the level of sifting through documents and speculation and matching other official documents and dates up to make this timeline was a lot of work and for some reason a lot of people are paying attention to dates and not realizing that things aren't really matching up and not on Josh's end but on the police department's end. They still have him listed everywhere as last seen on June 20th even though there is official documentation that he didn't get out of jail until the 12th and then there's another official document where he signed for his brothers items on July 24th.

Admin Note: The police know this. They are doing their job and being very thorough. The only person trying to confuse the police and the public is Josh. Josh is the one who gave the police those dates. Why do you think the FBI got involved? Because Josh was busted lying to the police and hindering the investigation with his bogus dates, times, locations, etc. But he somehow continues to sucker innocent podcasters into believing his bogus narrative over and over again. Maybe try filing FOIA and get the documents from the officials instead of getting them from Josh. 

29:54 Danelle Hallan: It's just crazy. I don't know why the police department won't change any of this because again, as I said it's been the foundation for a lot of allegations from people against Josh when in reality they just really messed up the dates on the actual report. You know you can't say someone was missing on the 15th and then further down in the same report say the truck was found and the missing person wasn't located on the 7th. You know it just we can't time travel here okay. So I just really, if you hear anything out of this entire video, that's one very important thing to keep in mind.

30:30 So moving on in this. Everything that happened, report was made on the 7th, car was found on the 7th. Noah was nowhere to be found so Josh decided to go and get his vehicle for obvious reasons and he was told basically that if anything seemed off about it to call the different area it was found in. So the car was parked crooked, the doors were unlocked and the windows were down so obviously someone was kind of got out of it didn't care if they locked it up nothing. Everything inside of it just could have been taken. Now when he looked that was true. His laptop had been taken, quite a few other personal small items I think were taken but majority of the stuff in the bed of the truck was not taken. so it looked like you know no one really rocked the truck just a few things were taken out of it because there was a hydraulic lift in the back of the truck there were jumper cables, tools, a lot of things that people will steal. it's very easy you can grab with your hands, it cost a lot of money so it didn't really seem like a robbery and the car was dumped. It was just kind of a very peculiar scene. There were pills spilled all over the front of the car that did not belong to either Noah or Josh it was very strange.

Admin Note: Actually, the police told Josh if he wanted to file charges against Noah for stealing the truck, he would have to do it in Tennessee because that's where the crime occurred. Very strange indeed. 

If Noah owed someone a lot of money and was desperate to get money, why didn't he sell all of that stuff that was left in the truck? 

The truck was left in a well known drug infested hotel parking lot, doors unlocked and nothing was taken but the laptop and a few small items? 

The pills were left in the truck, an expensive hydraulic lift, tools, etc were all left out in the open and none of it was stolen? 

Noah didn't sell or pawn any of it? Doesn't sound like Noah was desperate for money at all. 

It also doesn't sound like that truck was in the parking lot very long. 

31:39 Danelle Hallan: So Josh decided to go in and speak to the manager at the America's Best Inn, asked if there was any security footage. I was told that it was basically just a live feed, there was no recording of anything, they used it I guess for their own security purposes while they were working inside to monitor the outside situation. So that was not beneficial at all and then on the 18th police ended up going in and found that Josh was never a registered guest at the hotel. So nothing was really coming together, nothing was making sense and there were no signs as to where Noah would have gone. He had this truck, he had been at this Inn for some point in time for whatever reason but then he just vanished and why did he leave the truck that he was trying to sell?

Admin Note: So, why didn’t Josh immediately call Tennessee police, have them come back to the hotel and report Noah missing in TN before moving the truck? Why didn't Josh have the truck processed since there was no surveillance video and he says Noah was "missing"? No fingerprints taken from the truck? It wasn't tested for blood? It looks like the truck was dumped there and used as a decoy. But Josh claims that is where Noah was last seen even though nobody actually saw Noah there with the truck.

32:21 Danelle Hallan: So Josh ended up calling a locksmith because the key was not in the car and if you also listen to the recording you would know it that he expected the key to be there because again, he was kind of on the wavelength that, you know, Noah is just on a little adventure you know, he's taking full advantage of this last, you know, a little bit of time before he goes to rehab.

32:40 Josh hadn't known when exactly he was supposed to go to rehab just that he was supposed to go eventually so there weren't any real red flags yet and as any sibling you get angry when your sibling takes your things so he assumed that Noah had just run off with the key and didn't want to deal with him.

Admin Note: Good point here. Josh was angry. He was angry that Noah didn’t do what he was supposed to do for Josh, which was sell the truck and Adderall and use that money to bail Josh out of jail. 

I thought she  said Josh and Noah were close? What do you mean Josh didn't know when Noah was suppose to go to rehab? How can that be? (note my sarcasm). If none of this raised any red flags with Josh, then why does he claim he filed a missing persons report on that date, August 7th? 

And when he finally did file a missing persons report on August 15th, where was this done? Not in Tennessee where the truck was found and where Josh claims Noah went missing. The police flat out told him in that recording that he needed to file it in Tennessee. As of this date, Josh still hasn't done that. 

32:57 Danelle Hallan: So he ends up getting the car up and running and realizes that the battery was actually dead. So when he went and checked it it looked like the battery had been taken out of the car and put back in the car quite a few times. That could be the reason as to why it was left there. Later on, which I will dive into it deeper when I kind of get more to it, but Josh was able to find out that Noah had actually had the car and had been complaining to quite a few friends this entire time that the car kept breaking down, he kept having to ask for a ride. So despite all of this information, and like I said before, seeing all these items gone from the car and the way it was parked, Noah seems to just have vanished. He vanished from social media in the middle of conversations. He vanished in the middle of, you know, his small break before he went to rehab. He vanished, you know, in to thin air from his family that heavily relied on him and he would never ever you know turn his back on.

Admin Note: Obviously the truck wasn't broken down at all. If Noah really had been driving the truck, he could have used those jumper cables in the bed of the truck to jump start it, right? Noah was asking for rides because he didn't have a license. 

We cannot rely on Noah's social media messages because Josh hacked into Noah's Facebook and altered the messages, deleted messages, etc. 

Noah’s family didn’t heavily rely on him. He had only been out of jail for 2 weeks, didn’t have a job, a car, a license and he was suppose to go to rehab. He had been avoiding his mother and brother during that time.

33:52 Danelle Hallan: It just didn't make any sense and people who knew him knew something was very wrong. Now there are little to no article releases, no media releases of how exactly searches went you know. The police department don't really talk a lot about it at all, they actually tend to avoid talking about this particular case. And I think it's very unfortunate because apparently because he missed a meeting he was supposed to have, he was quickly changed from a missing person to a fugitive so he had a wanted label over his head. And I saw the detectives actually state that it probably is more beneficial to the case that he was wanted instead of just missing and I had said before I saw this that you know, while that seems to a lot of people that kind of a blow at first, when you scare people and someone thinks there's a fugitive out on the run or some bad guy out on the run they're probably a lot more likely to report this person. So to me that says that no one saw him a missing person. People look over all the time. I see it personally through doing these videos that no one like people see it they're like oh that's sad and then they move on once it is totally different and I honestly am worried as to what that means when it comes to what happened to him.

Admin Note: We know Josh reported his truck STOLEN by Noah on August 7th. STOLEN. Police call and inform Josh they found the truck but Noah wasn't with the truck and if Josh wants to file charges, he has to do it in TN since that's where the crime happened. They said this in the recording. They ask Josh if he wants the truck towed or come pick it up. Josh opts to pick the truck up. 

Now, if Josh had actually reported Noah as a missing person, the police would have impounded that truck because it's a crime scene. The dispatch report even states Josh said Noah STOLE his truck 10 minutes ago. 

By then, Noah had a warrant out for his arrest for failing to show up to rehab. Josh gets the truck back, Janice sees the damage in the front seat. And still Josh nor Janice called the police to say hey come get this truck and process it because it looks like something really bad happened inside of it. 

Josh takes the next week to clean the truck up and come up with a story before calling the police to report Noah missing on August 15th. 

Now remember, Josh was claiming Noah had his cell phone this whole time. So why wasn't Josh messaging the heck out of Noah during that whole time? From August 7th until the 15th, there were only the messages on the 8th from Josh saying he wants his wallet and keys. 

Josh reports Noah missing on the 15th, they send an officer to the house to take the report. 

On the 18th, Miles is assigned to the case. 

Look at it from the police's point of view....Noah just got out of jail, he has a warrant for failing to show up to rehab, his brother accused him of stealing his truck and if the family really thought he was missing, they would have reported it sooner than the 15th. 

In the police's eyes, the family gave Noah time to run from his warrant. Police saw no urgency from the family from August 7th until the 15th, no worry that something had happened to him or that they really believed he was a missing person. 

Even after the 15th, no urgency from the family. As a matter of fact, Josh called the media BEFORE he called the police to report him missing! He was disappointed that the media didn't run the story that night. Why didn't they run it? Because the media talked to the police and they most likely told the media this wasn't a real missing persons case, it was a case of a guy who had a warrant and he ran. 

And even AFTER the 15th, there was no urgency from the family, no demands to know what's going on, no frantic posts, no search parties set up. NOTHING. Not until Feb 2016 when the police took their DNA....suddenly Josh panics and goes into overdrive, realizing his story isn't going to hold for long.

35:09 Danelle Hallan: A lot of people were very upset that he was a placed as wanted and a fugitive instead of a missing person but from, you know police department perspective, I understand why they did it. They didn't know him very well and from a legal standpoint that is what he was. But everyone who was coming forward and speaking about this and I've even seen police say to this day that he never wanted to run. He he wasn't someone who was running away from his problems, running away from going back to jail, and the police department was essentially saying that at first. They're like oh he's not missing he purposely ran away and you know it and you know we're not gonna look at this and that because he's just running from us he doesn't want to go back to jail. But when there's so many questionable things happening around that disappearance, I feel like it needs to be checked in to more and I think, you know, while it's very important to keep in mind he did break laws and he was a wanted person, there also comes a point where you kind of need to look at other options based on the circumstances given to you and I unfortunately think that wasn't really done at first.

36:12  To top it off, he had been involved in drugs and we already know that a lot of the times police departments treat cases where drugs are involved as kind of like a whatever, you know, they probably something happened to them. Drugs. They could have run off in a drug-fueled rampage, you know, they're hiding, they're just off doing drugs somewhere. We saw this in the David Gibson Smith case that I covered where, you know, he very obviously vanished off of a property. Like bizarre as all get-out and the police department is like oh well he's just on drugs somewhere.

36:43 At this point Josh had been running a Facebook page made for Noah, talking about his disappearance, trying to alert everyone to it so if anyone saw him they could say something because, keep in mind again, he was involved in drugs, he had a lot of connections. He knew a ton of people and getting to all those people and all these different outlying cities was proving very very difficult and no one really knew all the people that he hung out with. It was just kind of this big game of hoping the right person saw everything.

37:14 So he was posting to this page and, keep in mind again, that no one really knew exact dates of anything, the last time he was seen, talked to, whatever because no one at this point had access to his Facebook page and he used messenger quite a lot. So a timeline was still in the works and since the police department viewed him as a fugitive, Josh was kind of doing all that on his own. So he, you know, was having to amend the timeline as he went. He would find something, put it out there later on say never mind that's not what happened, I found something that you know, makes this make more sense so this is really what happened. And I feel like that's why people have so many problems with this case and so many allegations have come about because Josh was trying to figure things out on his own. Because I will say from a personal standpoint I had very limited information as I told you before. So I basically, you know, had things that the police department would have had, the news said, like all those things and I had a totally different idea of where this case was going and what was happening.

Admin Note: The problem is, Josh had altered and manipulated messages and posts, changed things to fit his agenda, to fit his narrative. That is why everyone is questioning his motives and his timeline because none of it is matching up to the actual documented facts.

38:12 Danelle Hallan: It's kind of like having your blinders on you know, when you look at one bit of information and you don't know any of the outliers. Sometimes you don't know what exactly that bit of information means and you can take it for face value but you cannot in this case. And you know, that's kind of what was going on. He was trying to pinpoint these details but these details look like one thing until you added another bit of information and then it all made sense. And if that's why it's taken me days and I mean over at this point 35 40 hours of research to get this together because it is madness. And that's exactly what Josh was going through. It was trying to gather his own leads, he was trying to talk to people who last were known to have seen him, you know, having people coming to him saying hey he was with this person, he was with this person, they said they were doing this, there was an argument here, an argument there.

Admin Note: Josh was not heavily invested until after LE asked for DNA in February 2016. That needs to be considered.

39:01 Danelle Hallan: He was trying to collect all this information and make sense of it but again, as I've said we are dealing with a group of people heavily into drugs. A lot of rumors, a lot of he-said she-said, completely uninvolved nonsense, a lot of codenames, things being spread around in jail. It was just a ton of information and Josh was working at the hardest he could. He would send into the police department and they just butt heads the entire time because the police department feels like their toes are being stepped on but Josh and his mother feel like there's not enough work being done. It was just a really stressful situation for everyone and, as I said before, I think it just got to the point where everyone was just trying to be right and trying to get to the most answers or trying to prove himself, that it started drifting away from Noah and drifting away from, you know, the real reason why everyone is there because everyone had just gotten so frustrated and angry. And this is why again this case is so important to me because I want to help redirect the focus back to where it needs to be.

Admin Note: If you want to redirect the focus back where it needs, why is this episode, so far the first 40 minutes, dedicated to Josh’s narrative and no mention of talking to LE? 

From day 1, Josh hindered the police investigation by not reporting Noah missing in the correct state, by delaying reporting Noah missing, by not having the truck processed, by talking to potential witnesses, audio recording these potential witnesses, posting online the email exchanges he had with the police, by audio recording the police and posting it online.

Josh withheld evidence, withheld information. He basically acted as if he were the one who had the authority to "investigate" this case as a police officer and by doing so, he has made this case unprosecutable. Any "evidence" Josh had was tampered with and altered by him. Any recordings he made of other people cannot be used (he also altered those recordings).

Josh has sent the police on so many wild goose chases over the past 4 years. The police have checked every "lead" Josh gave them and it turned out to be bogus. 

Police have listened to jail house phone calls, searched social media accounts, questioned every person Josh sent their way. They are no closer to finding Noah today than they were 4 years ago because of Josh's meddling and hindering their investigation. They've told him this several times. 

If Josh didn’t contaminate every piece of evidence they could potentially use, then maybe LE would not feel this way. 

He only sent copy and paste versions of records, with things edited out. Audios with things edited out. Phone GPS reports that Josh could control. You get the picture.

40:03 Danelle Hallan: It took two whole years and Noah not showing up to his mother's funeral for detectives to finally label him again as a missing person. He was not put into NameUS until 2016. So in that period of time, you know, someone could have been found somewhere, a body could have been found, and you know, at first, you know, nothing came of it. Granted at this point I'm sure things have been done, people have been run through, DNA has been tested, but you know that's a long period of time where nothing benefiting the case was allowed to happen because they wouldn't list him as actually missing in a database.

40:43 Josh and Janice also called in almost weekly to a sheriff's talk show. It's basically where the sheriff's of Catoosa County where all this was happening would go and sit down and take calls and answer questions and all that. And it came to the point where they were getting such little communication from the police that they were resorting to calling here and asking hey any news on Noah? Like hey, why hasn't our property been checked yet by cadaver dogs because all these people are coming forward you know, their uncle included, and these friends saying that the last time he was physically seen was walking into the woods on the family's property yet no one came and checked it. I think it took about nine months and multiple calls into the sheriff's talk show for anyone to decide to bring dogs out there and search for a possible body. When someone is last seen at a location, it is imperative to search the location. This area could have held a lot of clues that now could potentially be gone and they took so long getting dogs out there though there might be nothing left.

Admin Note: This is simply not true. For starters, Noah disappeared from Tennessee, not Georgia. Georgia is where Josh filed the missing persons report. Georgia authorities have a very limited ability to investigate because the crime happened in another state outside of their jurisdiction. Josh has been told for 4 years to file the case in Tennessee. He refuses. 

Next, the Georgia authorities were in contact with Josh via email. Josh was posting those email exchanges online. Authorities were meeting with Josh when he requested and Josh illegally audio recorded those conversations at the police station without their permission then he put those on the internet for the world to hear. That is why authorities pulled back from and limited their communications with Josh. 

They were in contact with Janice. As a matter of fact, Janice wrote about it in her diary, saying Det Miles had been calling her for 3 days and she missed the calls and should call him to see what he wanted.  If your child were missing and the lead detective is trying to contact you for 3 straight days, wouldn't you pick up the phone or call them immediately back or just go down to the police station and talk to him face to face to see what's going on????? 

Once again, the family was showing NO urgency even 2 years later, which is why police saw no urgency and still treated him as a guy who took off because he had warrants.

In regards to searching the woods behind Janice's home...Since Noah went missing in Tennessee, why didn't they search the hotel, the truck, the woods, the surrounding areas around the hotel when he was reported missing on August 15th? Why would they search the woods behind Janice's home at that time? The information given to authorities by Josh was that Noah was last seen in Tennessee, not in the woods behind his mother's home in Georgia. Cannot fault authorities here. 

41:45 Danelle Hallan: On February 19th of 2016, just after he was put into NameUS as a missing person, DNA was collected from Josh and Janice. That was a mess of its own. I suggest you go listen to the podcast to hear about. That you know, it's expected to take DNA day from family, you know, especially when NameUS is involved because they want DNA to compare things to when they are running everything in their system. but they kind of contacted the family in a very bizarre way and you know, didn't really give them a reason for the DNA didn't say hey we need it for NameUS, we need it for this, we need it for that, so Josh and Janice both stayed up all night long petrified, thinking they needed it because there was a body that had been found or you know, Noah was located and was deceased and they needed DNA to compare, like they had all these things running through their mind of possibilities and were just left to sit with it.

Admin Note: Once again, this is simply untrue. Det Miles had been trying to reach Janice for at least 3 days. She wrote about it in her diary

She made no effort to call Det Miles back to find out what he wanted. 
Det Miles finally emailed Josh in an attempt to get Janice to call him back so they could go over the reason for wanting to take DNA.  

Here is the audio recording Josh made of that DNA police visit. <insert link>

Authorities didn't know Josh was recording them so their statements and actions are very genuine and not a "show".

42:36 Danelle Hallan: And then when they got there, instead of keeping things on track, they felt the need to complain and I know there's a lot of butting heads just in general when it comes to police department activity and their work on cases and the family because everyone thinks they know what's best. And this was just to another level like I've never seen before. It's just frustrating to see, you know it's like when one side was trying to cooperate, the other side didn't want to and it was just kind of back and forth and it was because they just couldn't find this middle ground really and it was just a crappy situation honestly.

Admin Note: And the source of all that chaos was Josh. From the moment the authorities stepped into Janice's home, Josh was screaming and cursing at them. Police had been trying to make contact with Janice about this DNA visit for at least 3 days and their calls went ignored. But Josh was angry at police...why? Because they limited their communications with him because he was putting those conversations all over the internet, messing with the integrity of the case. 

43:08 Janice Wright: The best time I saw Noah was, there he is. Last time I saw Noah, I I was sick when he came out out of the juvie? Jail. And I was sick but he didn't realize how sick I was. I kept my leg covered up. When my husband came home it was a Wednesday night cuz I remember my husband saying, "forget church night, you're going to emergency room." And I got up and Noah was with me all that day and I was walking with crutches and Noah said, "mom you're doing it wrong". Of course everybody can walk with crutches when you ain't got nothing wrong with you. But my leg, my knee was in such bad shape that I couldn't do it. So Noah pick me up, Mike had drove the Jimmy around back because I was in the basement. So Noah got to see how big my my knee was. I quit looking at it, it was so bad. So Noah carried me and put me in the Jimmy. And he tell me, I said, "now son I want you to be good till I get back out." I figured I'd be back home. And I said, "I want you be good and when I get back out, I want to talk to you. I want to see you, I wanna spend some time with you." And we just spent the day together. And he said, "mama I love you you go get better and I'll see you when you get home". It was not a good bye, it was not a farewell. It was, "later mom".

Admin Note: In Janice's own words, it's clear Noah had been keeping his distance from her and Josh after he had been released from jail in mid July 2014. Sadly, Janice passed away in July 2016, the day after she went to the FBI and spoke with them for more than 2 hours.

 45:10 Danelle Hallan: I went on and authorities did acknowledge that they were searching different places, they were following a few of the leads that Josh was sending them, they were questioning a few people, revisiting some friends that they had talked to before. There were, I think, quite a handful of locations where people were claiming that Noah was buried or had been dumped and they checked all these places and all of them completely cleared. Now again though, Josh felt like things weren't being done fast enough and he really wanted FBI assistance so he went to the GBI the Georgia Bureau of Investigations and actually reached out to them asking for help. They told him they wanted him to come in and assist everything you know, so they could see if they could take the case over at least involve himself.

Admin Note: The FBI got involved because the crime happened in another state and Georgia cannot investigate outside of their jurisdiction. Josh hadn't filed the missing persons report in Tennessee like the Georgia authorities had advised him so they were left with no other choice but to involve the FBI.

45:52 Danelle Hallan: They said when he got there that he needed to take a polygraph test because the only source of information really for this case was Josh. I said the police department did their own thing and have their own investigation going on. I will say no, they don't tell everyone everything. They don't always tell the family everything. They were worried that Josh was gonna go post it somewhere, so there could be a lot of things that they looked into and searched that they just didn't feel comfortable sharing with everyone to protect the integrity of the investigation and the only people that can confirm that is them themselves.

Admin Note: Due to Josh's history of posting the conversations and emails he had with the authorities online, listeners can clearly see why authorities will no longer disclose any of their investigation information or share it with Josh.

46:24 Danelle Hallan: But Josh himself, along with his brother, Chase  got into Noah's Facebook page, found tons of information and the messages there that verify different times where he just kind of talked people and then when he dropped off the grid completely. There was just, you know, there was a lot of stuff that Josh himself found and a lot of places that he found. He went through Google locations and found where the phone was in that time span.

Admin Note: Josh hacked into a missing persons’ account instead of giving the login and password information to the authorities. Once Josh gained access to Noah's facebook account as well as their mother, Janice's facebook account, he began deleting and altering the messages and posts within their accounts. And again, that cell phone is mentioned. 

Josh says Noah had Josh's cell phone during this time and he was able to ping Noah's locations based on where the phone was in that time span. So Josh found all of these locations via Google account GPS but then found the phone in his own possession in a house he had moved to after Noah disappeared and Janice had passed away almost 2 years after Noah went missing?

46:48 Danelle Hallan: So basically they wanted to question him to make sure he was telling the truth. They questioned him, did a polygraph test, he obviously was willing to help but then the person told him afterwards that he failed completely. And yet again it was just another big head butt with the government. He was essentially told by the administrator of the test after he was told that he failed, that he thought that Josh had something to do with Noah's disappearance and he needed to just fess up and yada-yada-yada and it was a really horrific experience for Josh because he kind of reached out to them and he thought finally, you know, a different agency is gonna be looking over this because he had so many struggles with his own and he thought a fresh pair of eyes as everyone thinks might make a difference in the case which is highly possible. But to be kind of torn down like that and accused, it just was not obviously a great experience.

Admin Note: Here is Josh's version of what happened with the FBI

Here is the segment from Sheriff's Talk where they discuss what happened at the FBI and the polygraph examination.

Audio only

47:37 Danelle Hallan: And then his mother, who again was incredibly ill, managed to make her way up there and ended up also being questioned I think for about two and a half hours. And something that's hit me very very hard, is that a day later, she ended up passing away. The next morning,  after being with the GBI for two and a half hours, she couldn't be woken up. And Josh and his stepdad and his daughter were all there. Josh was giving her CPR for 30 minutes, waiting on everyone to come. It's just the amount of toll all of this has taken on the family. It's one thing to just lose someone and not know where Noah is and not know if you're going to die before you ever see your son again. But to have these accusations thrown at you and you know your other son that you love so dearly and to have it treated as if it's not of importance. You know she was hanging on by a thread in hopes of seeing her son come home and I think it just pushed her over the edge. And that's heartbreaking you guys. Like that is, oh it makes me so mad.

Admin Notes: The day before Janice was found dead in her home, she went to the FBI and spoke with them for more than 2 hours. We don't know what she told them. We do know that Josh was not happy because he didn't want his mother talking to the authorities without him present. He has stated this several times in several audio recordings. In the DNA recording, you can hear him cut her off several times when she was talking to the other officer. This is Josh's version of what happened the day his mother was found dead in her home.

48:54 Janice Davis: "Hard to explain, but that's when things haunt me at night. missing him. Wishing and worrying. I will get through this. And I'm keeping my health up the best I can. Doctors don't give me good reports. They don't get me good reports at all. To them I don't have long to live. But I'm strong. I'm a fighter and it's in God's hands not doctors hands."

49:33 Danelle Hallan: So now Josh was the only person left really that was searching for Noah. He was a single father to his daughter. He had watched his mom pass away and tried to revive her. He watched basically her dwindle away hoping, you know, that she would find her son before she passed away. And he felt like he had failed because he wasn't able to give that to her. And so it just was a huge blow for him that he knew that he was the only person constantly advocating for Noah and bringing his story into the public eye. He posted non-stop and he's still posts to this day about his brother. It's everything his life has revolved around for years. His daughter is, you know, in the middle of all of it as well, trying to find her uncle, you know. It's just, like, it's just heartbreaking.

50:19 2017 It appeared as if more work was being done on the case, they were looking into other leads again, checking out different locations, and it seemed to be in a more positive manner as well. Communication between Josh and the police department seemed to kind of cool down. Everyone, I think, kind of realized the situation and the importance of finding Noah and kind of simmered themselves again.

 50:43 But then the lead investigator on Noah's case ended up resigning for incredibly unacceptable behavior that I will not repeat on this channel. and you know while it doesn't say anything about Noah's case in particular, it shows this man's moral compass. And he was in charge of looking into these cases and because of what he did it was very obvious that he focused on other things and the case isn't steady and it's just another blow to the investigation.

Admin Note: This is a blatant lie from Josh. Look at the documents yourself.

8/15/14 - Josh called the Catoosa County Georgia police to report Noah missing. Deputy Johnathon Frye was the responding officer. He took the initial report.

8/15/14 - Approving officer was L. Cripps

8/16/14 - Reviewing officer was Michael Fann

8/18/14 - Detective Alan Miles is assigned to the case. He continues to be the lead investigator in Noah's case.

7/9/15 - LT. Freddie Roden spoke with Josh because Det. Miles was unavailable. Lt Roden documented this short meeting in a supplemental report.

This man was never assigned to Noah's case, was never the lead investigator to Noah's case. He simply did a quick database search for Josh because Det. Miles was busy. Josh continues to tell this lie to make people think there is some kind of corruption within the Catoosa County, Georgia sheriff's department to explain why they, in Josh's mind, are not working Noah's case. They are actively working Noah's case along with the FBI.

51:14 Danelle Hallan: In January of 2018, Crime Stoppers offered up a $1,000 reward for any information on Noah's disappearance. For anyone out there watching this, I know I've said it in most of my videos but I'm going to specifically say it again in this one because I think it is highly likely that whoever possibly did something to Noah will be watching this or someone who knows something might be watching this. Crimestoppers is completely anonymous. You can go in completely anonymous, no questions asked. Give information that leads to the whereabouts of Noah or whoever might have done something to him. And if it goes through, money is instantly wired to your bank account, again no questions asked, completely anonymous for ever. So there's $1,000 out there. You can go and you can claim it if you have the right information.

Admin Note: That is not how Crime Stoppers works. Rewards are available for any caller who provides information leading to Noah's recovery. All rewards are paid without compromising a caller's anonymity.

If you call in a tip to the Crimestoppers office, the caller is given a code number, then asked to call back on a given date.

If the information the tipster gave leads to Noah, a reward is authorized by the Board of Directors. When the caller calls back, they will be informed of the location to pick up their reward anonymously. They will go to the location on a given date and quote the code numbers to the staff.

The reward will then be paid in cash, with no signature or personal details supplied.

If you have any information that will help bring Noah home, please contact Crime Stoppers Officer Victor Miller - Phone 423-698-3333 - $1000.00 reward or you can email your tip to Victor Miller 


contact Detective Sgt Alan Miles - lead investigator assigned to the Noah Davis case. Email Detective Sgt. Alan Miles  Phone 706-935-2424 - Case number 140800254 

Please consider donating to Noah's Crime Stoppers reward by going here

52:04 Danelle Hallan: That's pretty much all there is to the case and I have sat and I've thought and I have tried to figure out what on earth possibly could have happened to Noah and at what time on the 28th we know he just drops off the face of the earth.

52:17 No I don't want to say that the phone calls made from the phone were made by Noah because we have absolutely no idea. I feel like if he had the phone, he would have continued speaking to people over social media and he just stopped so that indicates to me that something happened at that point in time.

Admin Note: Noah continued to talk to his godmother in private messages on Facebook on July 30, 2014. Someone deleted most of Noah's responses. Since Josh had access to Noah's Facebook account, nobody knows for sure when Noah stopped communicating because Josh has deleted and altered messages and posts. 

52:34 Danelle Hallan: Why-you know and the few hours leading up to this, was he so desperately trying to sell things, things that didn't belong to him? I honestly think it's very possible that he owed someone a lot of money and maybe his family was threatened, you know maybe that's why he didn't ever show up to rehab. Maybe this person threatened his family and he knew he couldn't leave them with that sort of situation going on. Or maybe he felt like he couldn't go to rehab because he had to stay until his brother was home and then all of this mess just kind of unfolded afterwards.

Admin Note: At no point has any evidence shown Noah was "desperately trying to sell things that didn't belong to him". If that were the case, we would see the messages he was sending and receiving regarding this desperation sale. The fact of the matter is, Josh told Noah to sell his truck and Adderall and use the money to bond him out of jail. Noah made a feeble attempt to sell it to ONE person. She asked him about it, he was honest with her and told her the truck had broken down. End of story there. If he was so desperate, he would have sold the truck at any cost, regardless if it was running or not.

53:06 Danelle Hallan: He was selling a car one minute and less than 20 minutes later he stopped responding to everyone. And wondering if maybe his time ran out you know someone gave him some sort of time frame and said "hey we need our money by this time and if you don't have it..."

Admin Note: Noah was messaging with his godmother on July 30, 2014 so that theory is incorrect. 

53:19 Danelle Hallan: I just you know find it odd that his last messages were just frantically you know trying to sell things and then nothing. obviously at this point I as well as everyone else is gravitating towards the fact that there was definitely foul play involved. He wouldn't have walked away. He loved his mother to death.

53:37 His biological father (Jerry Stephens) also passed away and his time frame and he had been slowly trying to have a relationship with him as well. So he lost both of his parents and still didn't come home.

Admin Note: Noah's biological father, Jerry Stephens, passed away on May 5, 2017.!/Obituary 

53:47 Danelle Hallan: Especially his mother you know, he took care of her. The last time he spoke to her he was putting her into a car to be taken to the hospital because she needed to get surgery and he told her, he was like, "take care of yourself I'll see you when you get back." But then he was just gone. It wasn't like him to just fall off the face of the earth like this, it just wasn't. And everything leading up to this indicates that someone was out for him. I think and he met with foul play. Which leads me to think that someone in that community 100% knows something and they're choosing to not come forward. I get when there's a lot of threats. And I get if you have information and your watching this right now and you're scared. I understand that.

54:36 Look at the chaos that it's created. Look at this video again and the people that it's hurt and the people that it's still hurting and the mother that had to die without knowing where her son was.

54:45 You know, look at what's going on and the fact that you can call in anonymously and stop it. Why would you not choose to do that? Imagine if that was your son or your brother or your loved one, your mom, your dad, struggling, being accused of things that are insane. Imagine how that would make you feel and I want you to think about that and hopefully someone that watches this video or John's video comes back to all this and comes to their senses and says something.

55:14 There's no way that Noah just vanished and not a single person knows something about it. He was in touch with way too many people before he disappeared. I haven't gone too deep into a lot of the information that I know because it does need to be kept private for obvious reasons. But he was in touch with a ton of people and for him to just vanish and not anyone know anything, that's very hard for me to believe.

55:36 Just keep in mind, there is all this drama related around this case and you are obviously going to see a lot more of it and John's video with the questions and talking about speculations and if you have any specific questions please leave them down below.

55:50 And I think it's very unfortunate that so many things seem to have happened in this case that I've ended up overshadowing Noah. From being labeled as wanton instead of a missing person. From people looking too deeply into dates that obviously the police department got wrong based on me piecing together all the information. You know, making crazy allegations against the family and causing family turmoil and you know, even the family arguing with the police department and the police department arguing right back. It just seems like chaos instead of everyone sitting down for a minute and realizing that it's not furthering the case. It is causing, like I said, all this outside scramble that's distracting everyone and taking away from what needs to be done which is finding out what happened to Noah.

56:41 Noah is a human being and he had issues and that is a fact. but he was still loved by people very much and he has people who are still hoping they get to hug him again and see him again or at least figure out what happened to him and bring whoever was involved to justice.

56:57 Most of the area where he disappeared is completely unaware of who he is because he didn't receive any media attention and when he did it was revolving around the drama and not the information when it came to his disappearance. it was "oh what's happening now that's causing feuds and anger" and you know you know "what family members angry now" and "what can we read too deeply into"... it was never about Noah and I think that's really sad and unfortunate.

57:28 Josh spent hours on Black Friday handing out fliers for Noah of Noah and not a single person know who he was. Someone in that town or surrounding towns know what happened to him. I hope that they decide to come forward or at least someone decides to come forward because the amount of struggle and hell this family has been put through that will never heal and go away is absolutely horrific.

57:49 And I really hope the investigating agencies are able to sit down and realize this is not a pissing contest. I hope the family is able to sit down and realize this is not a pissing contest. It's about bringing a loved one home. Someone who might be out there right now and you know watching all this happen.

58:07 Would Noah be happy with it? That's the question everyone needs to ask themselves.

58:11 So if you know something, please contact Crimestoppers. I have all the numbers you possibly need listed down below. Please share Noah's face anywhere you can and on that note, you guys, I really hope you paid a lot of attention in today's video.

58:27 Please don't forget to go and check out John's video. I can assure you there's so much more to this case like he shows a complete other aspect of this case that I didn't even touch on in this. Whole other whole other world of crazy going on over there so don't forget to leave any questions you might have down below. I will try to send as many as possible to John.

58:45 Go subscribe to his channel. Leave him some love on some of his most recent videos and watch them when you're waiting for his interview with Josh to go up.

58:55 So yeah, I hope you guys enjoyed this. This was our very first collaboration together. my very first collaboration on this channel in general and I could not have picked a better case to cover together. I honestly could not have. And hopefully John and I together are able to get some sort of ball rolling or at least focus put back where it needs to be.

59:12 But thank you guys so much for watching. Really don't forget to give this video a thumbs up. Hit the subscribe button so we can bring them home together and I will see you in my next video. Bye guys.


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