Part 2 The Vanished Podcast Transcript from July 25, 2016 - Where Is Noah Davis?

July 25, 2016

The Vanished Podcast Transcript

Part 2

Admin Notes are in bold red

Janice Davis: I am Noah Brandon Davis' mother. I know there's someone out there somewhere that knows something. Something that happened. I'm begging you as a mother with a love in my heart for my son, this is the two year anniversary. An anniversary doesn't sound right to say, 'cause it's not a celebration. As Josh has said, my health is not good. But I'm fighting to say strong 'cause I am fighting to find and learn about Noah. The last time I saw Noah, he carried me to the car, I couldn't use the crutches right.

So he picked me up and put me in the car and he said, "Ma, I see when you get out, you go get took care of." It wasn't a goodbye, it was a see you later, love you and see you soon. That was the last I seen of him. I never saw him no more.
Admin Note: That audio was taken from a recording Joshua Wright made of his mother, Janice Davis.

Marissa Jones: Hello and welcome to Episode 37 of "The Vanished". Tonight, we'll be discussing the disappearance of 24 year old Noah Davis from Ringgold, Georgia. I would like to thank both Noah's mom and his brother for taking the time to speak with me for the show. In Episode 36, you heard Josh explain the events leading up to Noah's disappearance and why it is so important to him to find out what happened. In this episode, we'll discuss Josh's interactions with law enforcement and his own investigation into Noah's disappearance. This is part two of Noah's story.

We ended the last episode with the discovery of Josh's truck in a parking lot in East Ridge, Tennessee. And Josh also described the condition that the truck was left in. Josh explained to me his initial attempts to find Noah and also that it took a full year for law enforcement to finally reach out to him again.

Joshua Wright: After I filed that police report and I'd gotten all of the information to follow back up with that Officer Fry, I got his card and a case number and so forth, I tried initially about four days later. Again, I'm thinking every single day that's passed that I'm going to hear from my brother by the time, at least or something because I hadn't quit, I'm talking to his friends, I've created my first little missing flyer. Begin what I thought would be at the time something that would more than likely embarrass him into coming out.

Because I felt like he was probably going to catch wind of it at some point. I've never really quit doing that ever since because I still do it to this very day but it took, if you can believe it or not, it took about almost a year before I heard back from anyone. And this also included me going to the sheriff's department in person, myself and I picked up an open records request and turned it in and got the report back, seeing that there was nothing hardly at all on this. To this very day, I've picked up this same report up three times and it's not changed much at all.

Marissa Jones: On July 17th, 2015, Josh received his first communication from law enforcement. He read the email to me during the interview.

Joshua Wright: "Mr. Wright, Mr. Davis is listed in the national database's "wanted" on the outstanding warrant for him. Also at the time of the initial reporting that he was missing, I met several times with his mother, you and other members of his family and chased every lead that became available on his possible location with no success. At that time we also posted his information on Facebook as "Wanted". Which they did do, one time and only once. "And the only information received from that posting is people saying they knew him or went to school with him but no leads were obtained on his possible location. I will again pull his photograph and information and post that again to see if we get any results." Which he never did. "However, I understand that he knows he is wanted and has been hiding because of that. His family has told me .... As if I'm not that. "Has told me on many occasions he knows this and they have contacted his known friends, etc. and have also had no access in locating his location thus telling us he doesn't want to be found."

So for the first year, solid straight as you hear, he's speaking in present tense that Noah knows he is wanted and so forth. And to cover that really quick, he did get a warrant put on him because he had a court order appointment to go to. And of course he missed it because he had went missing. And this was about three days after I filed an initial police report. He failed to report to it thus a warrant was put out for his arrest and so in my opinion, they treated it that way ever since. They treat him as a fugitive, there's a little paradox that comes about especially with the missing adult. If the circumstances are suspicious or whatever, because a human being adult can go missing at any point in time that they want to 'cause they have that right to. So they have to look at the circumstances to see if it's suspicious enough to treat it as such.

Marissa Jones: Imagine the amount of progress that could have been made in that first year if they had been searching for Noah as a missing person instead of a fugitive. Josh described some suspicious circumstances surrounding Noah's circle of friends, which he believes should have lead police to investigate Noah's disappearance further.

Joshua Wright: Noah had a very close friend pass away a month before this all began. And even a month after he had went missing, the girl that he had been dating at the time, was killed in a suspicious house fire. These are pretty major things to me that would be a flag.

Admin Note: On June 8, 2014,  Noah Davis's friend, Douglas Andrew (Drew) Lemons, dies. His death was ruled a suicide, however, according to Joshua Wright, there were some very suspicious circumstances surrounding his death. He was found with a noose around his neck in a shed that was locked from the inside. 

Marissa Jones: Was this the friend who committed suicide?

Joshua Wright: Yup, yeah. And all of his friend's opinions, it was an obvious suspicious ... The person was apparently, he apparently I'll say, I haven't thoroughly researched this one enough just yet but I'm actually going to do that within the next coming week because these cases have so much to do with one another. He apparently killed himself.

Marissa Jones: Do you know how he supposedly killed himself?

Joshua Wright: By noose? And was discovered by a person that we have talked about before also. He's got a common denominator in a few of these issues and same person who discovered this body. Person who discovered this death, pretty much the body of this person that was a friend of my brother's, we are just going to call him "Steve". I'm not going to give away his actual name, just because I don't feel like giving a person a reason to turn rabbit right now, to be honest with you but I have no reason to hide any detail. This person, Steve, again is apparently who had went and this is confirmed in one of the police reports I've read. He went in and discovered at this person's residence, inside of a locked shed, the body of the individual inside the shed hanging and passed away.

Admin Note: "Steve" is Bobby Joe Rogers. Bobby Joe, his father and Drew's father found Drew's body together.

Joshua Wright: A lot of the questions came about from this because of the fact that the person was in a locked shed. It doesn't make any sense to anybody, doesn't to me either. But to any other people close to the person as to why he would have locked the shed and then apparently committed suicide.

Marissa Jones: Shed's usually lock from the outside. Do you know if this one locked from the outside as well?

Joshua Wright: That's correct but the person who discovered that body of my brother's friend and all these people have networked with one another and were friends was Steve, again I'll say. And again, when I first heard that detail, I asked, are there any or where there any kids that lived there on the premises. Because that would be the only thing if I thought of, in my exit if I was going to do it, why I would lock the door, because I wouldn't want a child to discover it. But who's to say what's going through someone's mind at that point but locking a door on the outside is kind of a difficult thing to accomplish if you're inside a basic tool shed. That's how he was discovered, in my opinion very suspicious but apparently the sheriff's department has put their foot down on that one as well.

Admin Note: The shed was locked from the INSIDE, not outside.

Marissa Jones: Could this supposed suicide be the key in figuring out the motive behind Noah's disappearance?

Joshua Wright: Come to find out from some of the information I'm learning over this course of time, this has apparently a lot to do with that in detail or with some of the details being that apparently that, now these are just theories right now, I'm not stating facts. That my brother had began asking questions because he had just gotten released and gotten out on the 12th and this happened just a little bit before, I believe on the 6th of June or July, I'm not sure. He began asking questions and apparently it was the right questions. That's one of the main theories that's gotten Noah in the middle of all this is that he was wondering the correct things around the wrong people, yeah.

Marissa Jones: Over the span of just a few months what are the chances of Noah's friend dying suspiciously, then Noah disappearing, and then just a month later, Noah's girlfriend also died suspiciously.

Admin Note: On November 24, 2014 (Monday), Noah Davis's friend, Kourtney Danielle Godwin, of Chattanooga, TN, dies in a house fire. According to Joshua Wright, it is under mysterious circumstances. According to authorities and witnesses, the home was a meth lab. 

Joshua Wright: And again, Noah had been dating a girl at the time and they had all been hanging out, Noah, Steve, and this female. She had been in what you can even google, from our Chattanooga news here, a suspicious house fire is what took her life. Also that's apparently a closed book case. Meaning that they feel like they've gotten the entire story as well in that one. But to me they connect all through at least, at the very least it connects both of these incidents with my brother. And that's kind of interesting at the very least, that's what's called a critical indicator and when you are looking into something, you look for critical indicators. You look for common denominators and the same separate stories and that's how you can start beginning a basis for truth.

These stories had certain things in common that began waving flags to me and nothing else. Moving forward now, a year into it, I finally got that response back that spoke of my brother in the present tense and I'd already known at this point, even a year into it, that honestly three weeks into it, I knew my brother had to have been ... Something's had to have happened to him.

Nobody had had any falling out with Noah either, so he had absolutely no reason to break contact if anything whatsoever. And if he had even decided to move on and start a life afresh, start a new somewhere else with a clean slate, he wouldn't be able to do that because he was still on probation and then also just would not make any sense whatsoever for him to do so. Be it that he had never even had his own telephone number, had his own car, he knows that I would ... If he were out living on a beach somewhere with his new life that I would track him down and wouldn't have that right there because he did know me.

Marissa Jones: Shortly before he was released, Noah sent Josh a heartfelt letter. This letter is very meaningful to Josh today.

Joshua Wright: One of the last things I got in direct correspondence from Noah was a letter in the mail that still is even hard for me to read to this day. Other than that one phone call, where I released some property to him, we'd spoken before. The last time that we had directly corresponded, it had something along the lines, I think it came in the mail is where I got this from. It says, "Dear Josh", that'd be me, "Thank you for being my number one hero, you have never steered me wrong or in the wrong direction. You have always set a good example for me. I'd be lying and would not ask for a different brother. I only wish one day that I will follow in your footsteps.

Understanding how big the shoe is to fill, you've helped me, lending me some of your tremendous courage and it is incredible how you take life by the horns, so to speak. I can't emphasize how much it means to me that you were always there for me. Thank you is not enough. One day I will make it up to you, in the meantime, I just wanted to let you know from the bottom of my heart, I love you, brother."

And I'm looking at it in his handwriting because I scanned it and kept it of course, but that was one of the last times he ever directly spoke to me, really. I don't read anything from that that would make me believe that he's going to run away from all of us or anything at all.

Marissa Jones: Can you briefly explain your history with local officials?

Joshua Wright: The explanation that I was trying or they were trying to apparently force feed to me was just garbage from the get go. I was anticipating and I was correct. They don't enjoy talking to me that much because of some of the past that we've had, I guess is the best way to put it. I have a cause that's called Support Daddy vs. Catoosa County and this is Catoosa County. I never enjoyed conversating much because of that. I didn't do anything wrong, I just put them out there any time I felt like they were doing something wrong. They never liked it. Some YouTube videos and stuff like that they definitely became upset about. They barred me from the courthouse. I got them talking about it one day and I put that online. They never really enjoyed me ever since. I'm allowed to have access to my courthouse, that's a Georgia constitutional fail there. You have to be able to have access to your law system and so forth.

They definitely hated me for a lot of those reasons. All the wrong people did. I'll say that much. They're still on there too. I'm definitely going to take them down because it's upset someone. I always know what I'm doing. For example, at the beginning of this story, when I mentioned I went and got pulled over and so forth and gotten arrested for the drivers license matter. Even though I knew I had done nothing wrong. Typically, people get embarrassed by that type of thing enough where they would hide it or something like that. No, I put that up as well, I have full transparency with any kind of anything that's going on.

I just keep it 100 like that. My integrity is important to me. I would post that if I did anything wrong. There's never been to this day anything that I feel like that I've done anything wrong. But I've kept it 100% accountability on the entire story. Even as it's carried over from the previous ordeal over into this one. Especially now in dealing with my brother, I keep the diligence archived and on record and ready to go. There's not been much from their end on it. Other than them trying to distance themselves from it. Accuse my brother of being a fugitive and running more than anything else. They've not really kept up and done anything other than occasionally respond back via email.

The fact that even right now, anybody listening to this, can go the Catoosa County sheriff's department Facebook page and there's a little search bar there on the left for anybody that can see it. You type in my brother's name and only one single post will come up. And that when they shared for him as a wanted individual and not as a missing person or anything like that. You would be able to view documents or back and forth correspondence between the two of us, you'll see that they have apparently posted a bazillion times about my brother. That's obviously not the case. Let's see, I've recorded every encounter, I went to every single thing realizing that I had hopefully, if possible, keep or have set up something that would keep my integrity from being questioned because I always felt like I was going to need to have to prepare or prove of what I had said or heard in the future.

So I would always begin recording every time that I would encounter them especially verbally or out loud and some of the more infamous ones I'm sure you may hear now on this podcast. One of the most recordings that I know I do have, that I know you will hear, is when they just randomly out of nowhere showed up one day. I'm talking out of nowhere, I believe I got an email at 11:45 PM at night time saying nothing but this. "Make sure you're at home tomorrow, 1:30 PM", which I have a job during the day... "Make sure you're at home tomorrow, 1:30 PM. Me and another detective will be coming by to get copies or to swab you and your mother for DNA."

Admin Note: Joshua Wright is referring to the police coming to his mother's home in February 2016 to collect DNA samples from her and Joshua. In the recording, the officer states he had been trying to get in touch with Joshua for 3 days. Additionally, Janice Davis wrote about that in her diary 

Joshua Wright: At that point, I'm like, "They found him, they found him." They've got to find him. Of course, I wrote back and replied, okay I'll be here and they didn't say anything. I did, I wrote back and said, "Okay, I'll be here. Has anything came up, did you guys find a body or something. Is everything okay? Why so late are you letting me know about this?" And so forth. Of course, he didn't write back. I stayed up the whole night, scared and in a state of shock.

They showed up, I think right on time, 1:30 or 1:45 the next day. I remember as soon as they walked in of course, they immediately focused on talking with my mom, who's very southern, very polite and they were just small talking her up. All I said to them initially was, "Okay, so what's going on?" Even though they were in there talking to my mother in the kitchen, walking in from the main entrance, I'm staring at them like why are they in such a chipper mood. I don't understand. How could they not want to let us know as soon as possible what was going on, I don't know. All I remember saying to them was, "Okay, so what's going on?"

Admin Note: On February 19, 2016 at 1:15 PM,  Detective Miles and Detective Sullivan visit Noah Davis's mother, Janice Davis, and half brother Joshua Wright. Joshua Wright audio records this visit. 

Joshua Wright: And he goes into a rant about something that had been posted on Facebook or something. It was just completely out of hand. I remember that in this recording you'll hear, my mom in the background even, "Calm down, calm down". She's not talking to me, she's talking to them, believe it or not. As you can hear at the very beginning of it, when I'm, yes, explicit. I think we're a little bit over a year, a year and a half into it at this point and I'm getting so sick of never seeing a person, never speaking to anyone, not ever having a meeting, [inaudible 00:19:40] or anything.

Them coming around off the top of their heads was something absolutely rude is all get out. I think I let them have it a little bit.

Marissa Jones: Here's some clips from that conversation that Josh is talking about. When you hear something bleeped out, that is the real name of Steve and also a woman's name who was possibly connected to Noah's disappearance.

Admin Note: The following self serving clips were taken from a recording Joshua Wright had made when detectives Miles and Sullivan visited his mother's home on February 19, 2016 at 1:15 PM. The full recording can be found here 

Janice Davis: That's good if it's been awhile.

Joshua Wright: What's going on?

Speaker 4: Well, that post that's up on Facebook, that you made all the smart aleck comments by.

Joshua Wright: Is that relevant, man? I'm pissed off. Yeah, so what about it?

Speaker 4: I don't care.

Joshua Wright: Get the fuck out of my face.

Speaker 4: You don't want to cooperate--

Joshua Wright: I'm trying to cooperate!

Janice Davis: Calm down, please.

Speaker 4: I've been leaving messages for three days.

Joshua Wright: Not for me, you contacted me once! Calm down. It's my brother's.

Speaker 4: Okay, I am calm. I am calm.

Joshua Wright: That wasn't even necessary, yes I'm fucking pissed. I'm the big brother, he's my brother, I'm pissed off. Two years.

Admin Note: Noah Davis has FIVE older brothers and ONE younger sister. the birth order is as follows:
1. Chad - born 1973 (paternal brother)
2. Jason - born 1979 (paternal brother)
3. Justin - born 1979 (paternal brother)
4. Joshua Wright - born 1982 (maternal brother)
5. Chase Wright - born 198? (maternal brother)
6. Noah Davis Stephens - born 1990
7. Montana  - born 1998 (paternal sister)

Speaker 4: You asked what I was doing and how it was relevant.

Joshua Wright: I've not talked to you any, you've not reached out and said shit to me. I'll fucking get mad if I want to, it's my brother, not yours.

Janice Davis: Josh, don't cuss here. [crosstalk 00:20:51]

Joshua Wright: Don't say another smart-ass comment.

Janice Davis: Yes, yes, yes.

Joshua Wright: Don't say another smart-ass comment.

Speaker 4: Did you get your computer back?

Joshua Wright: No.

Speaker 4: Okay. [inaudible 00:21:06]

Joshua Wright: What was that post about [bleep] and a [bleep] about? They come to my work every day and they thought I'd call the police on them.

Speaker 4: Uh, [bleep].

Janice Davis: Brandon. That's the last two I can connect Noah with. And that's at the motel.

Joshua Wright: What the fuck was that?

Janice Davis: That's that sign.

Speaker 4: I talked to [bleep]. She interviewed with me. Gave me some information, I'm still working on. [bleep] has yet to talk to me.

Joshua Wright: I talked to him.

Speaker 4: He's avoiding me like the plague, I've been told he's afraid I'm gonna put him in jail for dope [inaudible 00:21:38]

Joshua Wright: They though I called y'all. No really, they come up to my work every night or about that.

Janice Davis: But Brandon and [bleep] was the last two guys that was with Noah in the motel room that's the cut off point, right there.

Speaker 4: See I'm being told that [bleep] they was possibly with Noah in a car.

Janice Davis: No, he was in the motel room.

Speaker 4: What motel room?

Janice Davis: Noah, Brandon and [inaudible 00:22:07]

Joshua Wright: No one you haven't registered on that NAMus website is not being a registered guest of.

Speaker 4: I don't have them registered anywhere.

Joshua Wright: I'm telling you that hotel. America's Best Value Inn.

Speaker 4: They told me that Noah has never been registered guest there.

Joshua Wright: Yeah, some chick's room.

Marissa Jones: Several minutes into the interview the conversation once again turns back to Josh's Facebook posts.

Speaker 4: And what I was saying [inaudible 00:22:31] not trying to piss you off, buddy but--

Joshua Wright: Well, you have been.

Speaker 4: When you put stuff up on Facebook that we haven't been doing anything for two years, that's not true. That's a lie.

Joshua Wright: All I have to go by is what [inaudible 00:22:45] your word of mouth is all I have.

Speaker 4: How many times have we posted Noah on Facebook?

Joshua Wright: Twice. Only one link still exists.

Speaker 4: Three times, three times.

Joshua Wright: Where's the other one at?

Speaker 4: They all went on there-

Joshua Wright: They take it down [inaudible 00:23:00] comment, reckon.

Speaker 4: Well Captain and the Sheriff take down certain posts depending on the attitude and language and things like that. That's their decision.

Speaker 5: I don't have access.

Joshua Wright: I'm fine with that I guess but that's kind of why, I'm not just going to sit on my ass.

Marissa Jones: One of Josh's frustrations has been the incorrect information that's been put out there. Not only his missing date, but they got his eye color wrong. They listed him on NAMus as having two different color eyes, neither of which were correct.

Joshua Wright: Says he's got a gray eye and freakin'--

Speaker 4: It's been changed for him. [inaudible 00:23:37]

Joshua Wright: Some sort of multi-colored, it's even on the news, the news said he had two different colored eyes, I'm like, "What the fuck?"

Janice Davis: Noah doesn't.

Joshua Wright: Since we're not working together on it. I'm mean that's were this is going to go.

Speaker 4: [crosstalk 00:23:51] Contrary to what you feel about your past--

Joshua Wright: What past? I'm not trying to be a police officer, I'm his brother, there's a difference. You're not that.

Speaker 4: And there's a lot of things that I do as a police officer--

Joshua Wright: I have no idea what you do.

Speaker 4: That you don't need to have any part of. Honestly--

Joshua Wright: That's fine. You choose to not cooperate, that's cool.

Speaker 4: [inaudible 00:24:09] actually more than helping.

Joshua Wright: Visa versa, I guess.

Speaker 4: That just makes my job harder, okay.

Joshua Wright: So does not talking to us.

Speaker 4: How so?

Joshua Wright: 'Cause you don't think we're important enough to talk to?

Speaker 4: That has nothing to do with it.

Joshua Wright: What was it like for [bleep] posting. I could have connected you to them immediately. I still can [bleep], I'll call him right now.

Speaker 4: Call, tell him to come see me.

Joshua Wright: I did already talk to him.

Speaker 5: He already knows.

Joshua Wright: I already talked to him [crosstalk 00:24:37]

Speaker 4: His family knows.

Speaker 5: He's a big boy.

Joshua Wright: I'm just saying these are examples of what, I mean I've already talked to him, I have the whole conversation recorded and everything. Would you like it? For an hour and a half, I sit and talked with the guy. I record everything.

Admin Note: Joshua Wright has made it very difficult for the authorities to investigate this case properly. Joshua has recorded conversations with many people, tainted witnesses, hacked into Noah's facebook account and deleted and altered posts and manipulated or withheld evidence that could lead to finding Noah. This is why law enforcement doesn't keep Joshua in the loop. He sabotages their efforts.

Speaker 5: I'm sure you do but none of that is immiscible in court. [crosstalk 00:24:54] So you're wasting your time.

Joshua Wright: What do you think ... I'm not wasting my time. What's wasting my time, I'm doing work I feel like I'm obligated to do as a brother not as a police officer--

Speaker 5: [crosstalk 00:25:07] on this case.

Joshua Wright: Looks like he's starting to now.

Speaker 5: No, he has been, that's what you don't know.

Joshua Wright: What is funny?

Speaker 4: For two years, I've been working on--

Joshua Wright: Why is it funny? Sometimes you tell me you didn't even care. At what point do we get a different detective.

Speaker 4: You don't.

Speaker 5: You don't.

Joshua Wright: This is sorriest, shittiest investigation I've ever seen in my life. And the fact that y'all keep antagonizing me.

Speaker 5: Nobody's antagonizing you. [crosstalk 00:25:26]

Joshua Wright: You both have an attitude of wanting to defend yourselves and what you do and your diligence. I don't care about that, I want to see a result. If you're so trained, if you're so well off and better than me, show me some progress. I get nothing but contradicting things. Last time you was here four months ago, we had him confirmed in Hixson. I doubt that's even... I've never heard anything about that in my life. That's what I'm saying, throw your hands up but it's not funny to me.

Speaker 5: Nobody's laughing.

Speaker 4: I talk to a bunch of people that tell a bunch of different stories.

Joshua Wright: This is exactly my point, I'm aware.

Speaker 4: Okay, that's what we're investigating. [crosstalk 00:25:58]

Joshua Wright: Okay, I'm just saying. Letting us know. I get email messages, 11:30 at night telling me about pulling DNA and I'm sitting up all night worried to death about it because that's all I got is a single message. I can't ask questions, we don't know shit. Noah's birthday is in fucking two weeks.

Speaker 5: That's why he's here today to talk you all face to face and let you know what's going on. If you know [bleep] that good, tell him to come to the office. [crosstalk 00:26:22]

Speaker 4: I left messages for you to call me about the DNA collection for three days.

Joshua Wright: Well, how long did it take for me to write you back? You reach out to me, I immediately reply.[crosstalk 00:26:30] My mom's sick. What is that? Why is she doing that?

Speaker 4: She asked me.

Joshua Wright: She can answer herself. The best predictor for future behavior is always the past. I'm just saying. I'm immediately available, 24/7. If you need to reach my mom and can't, try me and you'll get one right away. I never wanted to be a police officer, why would that even be relevant?

Speaker 4: That's what we've been for 20 something years.

Joshua Wright: I appreciate that. I don't appreciate a lot of the other things but that service I do appreciate.

Speaker 4: I'm just telling you--

Joshua Wright: I've got eleven years in public service, that's all I was trying to say when I brought it up. He thinks I'm trying to have a dick measuring contest and that's not the case.

Speaker 4: All I'm trying to tell you is, that's being worked on diligently.

Joshua Wright: I'm just trying to say fugitive recovery is different than missing people. Missing people are sitting somewhere more than likely ... say if he's passed on, he's laying somewhere. Fugitives run from flags being waved, saying hey we want you and we don't want to be caught. So they run from it, that's a fugitive. Running from his warrant. Missing person isn't necessarily doing that.

Circumstances have been suspicious the entire time. All the people he hung out with are dead. Courtney Godwin, they were together the last time ... you know what I'm saying, she's dead.

Speaker 4: To who?

Joshua Wright: Courtney Godwin, dead.

Speaker 4: You know what?

Joshua Wright: Drew Lemons, dead. These are the people that he hung out with.

Speaker 4: I knew Drew very well.

Joshua Wright: I know, he was in and out of the system, burglar. He's a burglar.

Speaker 4: Not just that, I knew him when I worked in the school system.

Joshua Wright: Yeah because he was a really good, famous, little popular kid. I know. And these are the people he hung out with. These are the reasons why the search was suspicious from day one, that he should have been treated as a missing person.

Speaker 4: He was.

Joshua Wright: I got the email from you telling me different. Word for word, the whole thing explains why he's running from you. [crosstalk 00:28:21] My whole thing is I know you're experienced and I'm not saying you're not, I know you are and I know you're good at what you do. Most of the time it sounds like you are. But what have you done that brought progress. Progress, I haven't seen anything. Not any time.

Speaker 4: I'm not obligated to share that with you. At all.

Joshua Wright: That's a weird thing to say 'cause I'm not really needing or demanding it, I'm just saying what has happened.

Speaker 4: The reason that I'm not sharing that with you.

Joshua Wright: You don't need to but what have you got that's happened. What's progress.

Speaker 4: A lot of the postings that you chose to put on in reference that our postings on Facebook, have done me more harm than good.

Joshua Wright: I've only done it twice. I can't even comment on Catoosa County's page. All I say is that I didn't feel like anything had happened because you wrote me that message and that's what I went off of, that message says that Noah's running from you.

Speaker 4: Do you remember I was here the last time? And that I gave you information the last time I was here. Less than, what? This year?

Joshua Wright: What about it? The Hixon, that you said he was in Hixon?

Speaker 4: That I had information that he was in Hixon. Do you remember that visit when I told you all that?

Joshua Wright: Yeah, you notice I didn't say anything about any of that?

Speaker 4: Yeah, you did. You posted on there less than 20 minutes after I left here. "Just got a visit from a detective, not real sure that I believe anything he says."

Joshua Wright: Yeah that was pretty much true. It didn't make any sense. There's nothing wrong with having an opinion. You were aware of it, that's why you were so mad that they [inaudible 00:29:56] sheriff's office, you already asked for someone to be reassigned, that's all. That's why you're upset, you said you didn't appreciate me asking your supervisor, the sheriff to have you reassigned. That's why he told me he was upset.

Speaker 5: That's fine but they're not going to reassign anybody--

Joshua Wright: I don't care. My thing is he told me why he was upset. He's upset at me, that's not a problem for me. I don't have anything to fear about him, I can't go to jail for being an older brother. [crosstalk 00:30:17] I know I'm his older brother, I'll fucking get mad if I want. [crosstalk 00:30:21] I'm not, I'm trying to be helpful and I can't participate or be aware of any of this. All I know is what I got to go by is all he says to me and everything is different every time I see you. And he also has been, I have not been out of line, he's been out of line every single time. You yelled at me.

Speaker 5: You held your phone in my face a while ago yelling and screaming.

Joshua Wright: Whatever, I'm upset. You guys deal with victims much?

Speaker 5: We deal with a whole host of people all varieties, trust me.

Joshua Wright: I'm trying to trust you, I don't have anything to go by but word of mouth and what you guys say. At least there's no expectation of privacy here. I don't know what the hell I can do other than go by what I'm told and I get told different kind of crazy things from this guy. My thing is it's my brother, it's my brother. There's nothing funny, you're smiling. That makes me mad.

Speaker 4: Nobody's laughing about that.

Joshua Wright: Well then I don't think that anything about what demeanor should do is smile at me. You know what I'm saying, there's nothing funny about it.

Speaker 4: Nobody's saying anything's funny about the situation.

Joshua Wright: If anything happens and it's worst case scenario, I will absolutely in every sense of the word, want to see every bit of this to hold anyone accountable that has been grossly negligent on my brother's case. He matters.

Speaker 4: Exactly he does.

Joshua Wright: I had never really been that offended before in my life. I wish there had been a video because I walk off once or twice, you can hear it, it's a 43 minute long recording. And then get on to me about every 10 minutes, they say something else smart alek. If you notice there after I got him to calm down, he goes into an immediate different subject change. Did you ever get your laptop back or something like that, that's the route he went. I said "No, no" and he moves forward clearly not trying to segue way into something else 'cause he's seen how touchy I've seem to have gotten, I guess, but he's not going to talk like that, he has no grounds to speak like that. I don't care if he came him with 14, 15 of them.

He's not going to come in our mother's house being disrespectful right off top. When I have a very good justification of being as upset as I was. I don't have to sit here and explain my diligence, I don't have to sit here and explain certain things. 'Cause they talk to me as if I'm some sort of outsider trying to investigate it instead of the victim that I am because I am a victim, that's my little brother. Don't talk to me as if I have no association or shouldn't have any emotions involved in it whatsoever. And not only am I the person that's done all the work on it and all the investigating, I'm the person that's second to my mother the most upset about it. Me and Chase equally, you know my brother. We're hurting about it, we're grieving about it.

Damn that. I'll be damned if he's gonna come in there and be smart. [inaudible 00:33:04] I timed it, he said something smart, I let him have it. They piss me off from the get go and if I get that way, I tend to just run off at the mouth. Y'all can imagine how much passion I have behind this. Every single time they say something ignorant or they say something weird even in that recording, I put them quickly in their place. They felt the brunt end of my vulgarities and stuff on that end on that day because of how he started it when he got there.

Honestly, and that's what had me set off and I never calmed down. I remember they constantly reexplained their diligence and tried to ... I remember there was one part in there, where I asked my supervisor and his supervisors went and got his supervisor and they looked at what I've done and they say I've done a great job. I got tired of hearing all that, I don't care about how much it sounds like, according to his peers, how much work he's done. His diligence didn't matter anything to me. All I'm trying to explain is exactly the obvious situation that was at hand.

I didn't want to hear anything about how it appears that they're doing much work, little work, or tons of work and all that. I didn't care because they hadn't done any. I don't care about how much they try to force feed. I wasn't going to except any of it but they stayed on that subject, they tried to explain to me a few times and doubted me for not being law enforcement. I never claimed to be law enforcement, I never claimed to be a detective or a police. Y'all can sit there and talk all you want, I'm not sitting here trying to have some sort of dick measuring contest. I much rather get to the point.

Marissa Jones: I made an attempt to reach the Catoosa County sheriff's department via phone and email. I was transferred to the sheriff's secretary and left the following message, I never got a call back.

Speaker 6: You've reached the desk of [bleep]. I'm away from my desk or on another line. If you'll leave your name and number, I'll call you back as soon as possible. Thank you.

Speaker 7: After the tone please record your message. When finished you may hang up to deliver the message or press pound for more options [bleep]

Marissa Jones: Hi my name is Marissa and I have a program that covers missing persons cases. I am currently working on an episode about Noah Davis and I was looking to see if somebody could speak with me about the current status of the case. You can reach me at [bleep]. Thank you very much, bye, bye.

Marissa Jones: I emailed several people within the department and did get one email, which read, "There is an ongoing active investigation and details of the case can not be discussed at this time. Thank you Lieutenant Freddie Roden". The Catoosa County sheriff has a weekly show on a local public access channel. Josh and I watched an episode of it together a couple Thursday nights ago. We attempted to call in and ask some questions but the show ended abruptly when we started calling. The show is actually really funny if you want to watch it and they live stream weekly around 8:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.

Josh explained to me his experiences calling in.

Joshua Wright: To begin document a lot of our diligence in trying to keep Noah's name fresh in their heads, there's a local weekly call-in show called "Sheriffs Talk". On this show, I call in with some of the most obviously, aware of the answer, questions of all time at first it was anyhow. It was just going to be a first for me to keep Noah up in their head and to keep waving Noah, like a Noah flag, pretty much. Remember this guy? I'm not going to drop the subject. Remember this? Remember this? Remember this guy? He matters because he does matter, he's not getting the same treatment as anybody else would.

They've not at this point when we begin calling into the show, they've not even done as much as to share him with the media here at all. Our media here locally will only broadcast a story if the sheriff's department that's handling the matter contacts them personally themselves. They have not done that, still have not done that to this day, will not do that for some reason, God only know why. But to not show Noah that respect and that's unreal, offends me so bad to even think about how much of a mistreatment that is, he's a human being. Even if he wasn't my little brother, he's still a human being and he deserves equal treatment.

I'm calling in with the basic question that's honestly a very good one at first too, is when are we going to be able to get the property searched here by cadaver dogs. Because as I know, that once you have a problem you have isolate the problem, one of the things that had not done was isolate the problem. Here being that his property had not ever been searched. That's a pretty big deal, that's a pretty obvious step that they never took, the first one. So it took almost nine months for them to get cadaver dogs up here to search the place.

In that nine months, I was calling and asking, why is taking so long to get that part done or I would call up there one week and just be like, "Can you give me some tips, Sheriff, as to about what I could do to do this on my own bit, that I have an eight year old here and rather not have to do it but what I need to do to search this property on my own?" Questions like that and I'd listen to his explanation and yeah, yeah, yeah something random, google maps, print it off. Like I wouldn't know how to do that. Basic questions that you would think that when the show was over he would get kind of heated about, at least a headache or he would go, "Go over there and search that property."

That never happened for about nine months. They finally done it and they waited until they knew for a fact nobody in the world would be here. They showed up and done it.

Marissa Jones: Josh has videos of these call-ins on Facebook. I've watched all of his videos and the one that bothered me the most is when his mom. I've watched all of these videos but the ones that bothered me the most where the ones where their mother called in. They were completely dismissive of her and she was just asking that they mention him on their show.

Joshua Wright: She called in on her birthday or when she called in on Noah's birthday, yeah, that was a big deal for us too. I don't let my mom speak much because the fact is when I hear someone run her over, it's going to piss me off. Then also I don't feel like she's capable of confrontation very well but she can make her points and she does her best in situations like that where I'd let her call in. I say let, I'm not controlling her but she knows why I asked her to do that and what my intentions were and then she calls. If that makes sense, she gets why I think that would be a good idea and then she agrees. She takes that action on her own.

When she called in she would mention these certain things and she sounded just as sweet as you can imagine an old southern woman sounding. You can see from the person's face, when I say the person, I say the sheriff of our county here, he's just sits there, "Mmm-hmm, yup, mmm-hmm." "Have you guys mentioned Noah's name yet?" She would just ask that, "Have you guys mentioned Noah at all yet? I was just wondering." "Uh-uh, no Ma'am." He would just leave it at that awkward and everything. Watching his face on the screen meant a lot to me. You could see some of the emotions on his end by that alone and that's why I also kept it as a video upload instead of an audio upload. Every time we call in, watch their face, watch their face.

Every time that we've called in, I've uploaded the video onto the search pages, pages under the video section on purpose and I also humbly will leave it open every Thursday at 8:00, feel free to call in yourselves. It wouldn't bother me a bit to see more than one person calling in and ask about my brother. I'm sure that would do wonders for at least motivating someone on their end, I'll tell you that. And so forth, it's very, very, very old time, old fashioned type of show but it has the sheriff of our county and the sheriff of a neighboring county on the other end, sitting there and that's a pretty good hot seat if you take advantage of that opportunity and that's why I have, every time, he's on the spot and he has to answer.

The very last time I called in, I asked him if he could set up a meeting so we can have an update session as to where it stands and we can exchange information at the very least. And I've even turned in a 3,000 page notebook and he said sure we'll make arrangements or I'll have my secretary schedule time or something like that and he's never to this day called me back or given me a time or date where we could do that to this day and that's online. He says he'll make it a point to set some time aside for either he or my mother or me and him and that's never even happened. It's kinda why I do that, to document the diligence too but honestly he does need to be held accountable for his actions because he's in charge of it.

Admin Note: Here is that Sheriff's Talk recording 

Joshua Wright: I've begged that man to this day, in person unofficially on the record, off the record, and under recordings to give me at least, at the very least, another detective to look at it. Because I know of two detectives that work for our county that I would love to have look at it because I trust them. He refuses, absolutely refuses and we're going on the two year anniversary right now. I cried to that sheriff's face, asking, can you just let another person look at it. And it's mainly because of the attitude, the treatment, the cussing, the yelling, the detective has given to us in person. He's yelled at me, he's came at my mom's house, disrespected me. Let's just give it another shot, give me another one of the other detectives, that's a fair question or request at some point. Because he's been wrong and he's stayed wrong. Thinking that Noah's running from a warrant and so forth.

They just finally began treating him as different then that in February of 2016. Putting all the effort into this because I'm not a detective and I don't really have the time to be a detective. I have the desire and the urge and the calling to be one right now because it's my brother and he matters enough to get my time. It's affected a lot of other things going on in my single parent life as well, including employers having to work their way around my hours doing this. Letting me leave on occasions and random spurts of time to go the sheriff's office or to follow up or something like that and so forth.

I've had death threats put on my life and stuff like that. That I've even had to begin carrying myself because of some of these people had also been apparently supposed to have killed me at some point in time. I'm verifiable, I have printable versions of the threat that exists on my life and stuff like that. The sheriff's department, of course, never has really replied or responded or given any advice on what to do about that and so I went and got my carry permit. I guess I have to keep under advisement that way. It's affected a lot of the other sides of my life as well, including my child. I try not to let it take over but it's definitely become pretty close to doing so. I can tell you that.

In my opinion, my brother will get that treatment because he's my little brother, how could you not go and take some sort of action, if you knew of something and then you wouldn't get any replies about something. It matters that much, it matters that much. He matters that much. I believe it's not good. I believe it's clearly an obvious, probably, he's been killed.

Marissa Jones: Josh has spent the past two years tracking down these unsavory characters who were connected to his brother. I asked him to explain a little bit about his process and what his research has led him to believe about what happened to Noah.

Joshua Wright: Pretty much in a nutshell, it's been tons and tons and tons of the kind of the same story result wise. That Noah, like I said, the people involved, the places that this has apparently happened have changed here and there and these people's stories that I've heard. Which this is also part of detective work, detectives are supposed to listen, take notes, and notate, notice certain things. Like I was saying before, common denominators and people's stories, well the common denominators in all these stories involve my brother apparently being hit by a car. First accidentally, second on purpose and that is pretty common. Sometimes it's kind of half and half on whether or not my brother jumped out of the car or whether he was thrown out of this car. Apparently, that's the route that's apparently happened to my brother.

I heard by a few that he was shot up, hit with a needle by someone who got him down. Some people said that was Drano, they hit him with a needle that had Drano in it really quick. 'Cause he was a really big kid, you see from the pictures, he's six foot one, huge. Which comes to mind that it was probably female wise, that he would have felt some sort of comfortable like that with or a friend, a very good friend. Finding all these things out, I work also as security at night as a bouncer at nightclubs. So I hear tons and tons of stories but one in particular, this girl, who immediately became emotional when she realized that was my little brother. And started an inch and inch, here and there at a time, trying to open up to me about it and I didn't force her into it. I was going to let her, whenever she's ready, 'cause I'd heard from day one that she had knowledge of it, to be honest with you.

Abruptly out of nowhere, this girl has died. A drug overdose, unfortunately. This person also has ties to that Steve, I had to think of the name, Steve, individual. To be honest with you the last time I'd seen, of course the time frame here is when she passed, up until that point, the last time I had seen Steve was at this house where this person was found overdosed. The way that they left, once this girl began overdosing, all the people in the house, 'cause even when I'd seen it or been there, there was a lot of people there. Once this overdose began happening, everybody took all the evidence, all their stuff and up and left her to be found in this house.

Admin Note: Joshua Wright is referring to Olivia Sucher. On April 2, 2016 (Saturday), Olivia Sucher died of a drug overdose. and her friend who was with her when she was found dead is now dead 

Joshua Wright: Like a very crappy situation, but those people got charged, I did read that online, that the people that had left, that the person who make the 911 call was not there, they left. They were just like, "Alrighty everybody's out, cool, we'll call them now and let's all get out of here." That's how that initial 911 notification began on that one.

Somehow she was over at that place that I had known Steve to even be residing at from time to time. And still to this day, I'm hearing stories that unfortunately, I don't really enjoy repeating this version but it seems to be the common theory, that what she knew about the entire scenario, which is much like I had been told, that she was actually in the vehicle, when this all had began. It appears that apparently, the two of them, I'm not sure of the reason, the two of them being Steve and this young lady, apparently began assaulting my brother for some reason and that they had tossed him out onto an interstate. I'm not sure of the location. But with tons and tons and tons of people, even verifying that kind of story by telling it to me out of nowhere and on their own.

Even after this girl's passing, her mom has written me on her own for some reason, unprovoked, I've never met her, nothing like that. Writes me and tells me that she had heard that I may had knowledge or had assumed that she had something, be it her daughter to do with my brother, his passing and she wanted to go and let me know about how much she was a caring person and wouldn't have anything to do with that type of thing. But even that just random initiative taken right there on her own was kind of weird to me. Why would she just come out of her way to have never spoke ... Still fresh in her mind, her daughter has just passed, just take some sort of random initiative like that. I had no idea what she was talking about. How I would have heard about, you know what I'm saying, it was kind of an odd initiative for her to take.

Then even in that same day, I'm getting some of her friends, writing me to talk about how much the girl's mom had no real knowledge of her day to day stuff. It's kind of hard to talk about without mentioning the girl's name. Just some weird connections there. As it stands, as it stands right now still, it looks as if the most person of interest is apparently and it seems to be this Steve guy and the girl that's unfortunately already passed.

Marissa Jones: Josh has recorded many, many conversations with people recounting these stories. I was going to use several of them but some of them are difficult to hear. So I picked the one that I felt would be the easiest one for you guys to understand.

Speaker 8: Did you say Marion County or Whitfield County?

Speaker 9: Whitfield. Well, Whitwood.

Speaker 8: Whitwood.

Speaker 9: Whitwood.

Speaker 8: Is that also where Marion County is?

Speaker 10: Jaspar, South Pittsburgh.

Speaker 9: Whitwood. [crosstalk 00:50:56]

Speaker 10: Like I said, I don't know nothing about people. I just [bleep] talk about one day. I don't want my name nowhere in it. If you want, I'll get the kid's name it supposedly come from. [bleep] would be you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 8: He's still alive right?

Speaker 10: Yeah. [bleep] he's somebody that maybe gives some insight to where the words come from.

Speaker 8: You want me now.

Speaker 10: I'll find that kid's name.

Speaker 8: Don't say my name either.

Speaker 10: I don't want my name said either.

Speaker 9: Josh [inaudible 00:51:34] I've seen him in that bar, crying to me like, [inaudible 00:51:38] find my brother, crying.

Speaker 8: His family just needs closure.

Speaker 10: I know [bleep]. And like I said, I don't know [inaudible 00:51:46] and she's dead. I really don't want to talk to no detectives, 'cause I never knew none of it. [bleep] I found out what name it was, I can find out but so and so done told her that the situation was dope and whipped somebody off of this and that they ran him over in Marion County and killed him. Buried him.

Speaker 8: Ran him over with a car?

Speaker 10: Yeah. I guess they was taking, they was taking him to hurt him and he tried to jump out of the car. So then they ran him over by accident and then ran him over again and killed him. Buried him. Like I said, these stories can be hearsay, from a fruit loop just for attention. I don't know none of them [inaudible 00:52:29] I can't even begin to tell him the name of what it was.

Speaker 8: Right.

Marissa Jones: I asked Josh what he thought about a potential motive.

Joshua Wright: Mostly accident pick up, apparently. They probably thought they weren't going to kill. They may have felt like they were just fine hurting my brother, making a point to my brother but once it got to that point where, "Oh, this just went there". They went on damage control. That damage control mostly on their end, that "Oh crap, there's no turning back now. We got to get rid of this evidence and get ourself out of this situation so nobody understands or knows." And I've gotten ... Noah had gotten my stuff signed over to him, including my truck, my phone, $80 apparently and so forth. And I have on my own, tracked him down in his last days to the 28th of July, from things like google location history. My google location history was active on that phone and when he turned it on, I'd seen his movements. On some of those days, I can see his movements, I can see when he was at the America's Best Value Inn and so forth.

And I got people tying him and Steve at this Value Inn, the hotel. It's just not all that hard to put these pieces to this puzzle together. Especially in the sense where it should be looked at by somebody with some sort of authority to detain and required to ask or interrogate this person. And that's definitely not happened. I've seen this person. I'd go ahead and tell you I kept hearing so much about Steve, I hired him myself as a laborer at one of my jobs for a week. And for this week, I went every day that I worked with him, picked his brain, listened to him talk. Asked him about this, talked about this duh, duh, duh. Just to learn how he reacts to certain things and so forth. It wasn't too long after that girl had passed away that I done this. He seems very immature. I can say that.

This person, Steve, he has no idea that I still am looking at him like that or in that way. He still to this day he doesn't, I know for a fact. I believe he's also sent up feelers out to try to be disinformation as well. I believe that's all he's tried to do 'cause he's caught wind of certain things as he stood beside me and over the course during that week. I believe he's tried to put a little bit of disinformation himself out there but other than that he has no idea.

Marissa Jones: I wondered if it was known for sure if Noah was actually at the America's Best Inn.

Joshua Wright: Oh, I can confirm he was there. Keep in mind, remember I told you I was in jail. It wasn't my movement, clearly but I can pull up on google location history, well now it's go to google maps and select your timeline and enter in the dates that we're talking about here. Clearly, I was incarcerated and his movements are bam, bam, bam, America's Best Value Inn and somewhere downtown and so forth. Like, it's clear. And after hacking his Facebook account, which took forever to do, they had apparently subpoenaed Facebook to get a copy. Which when that happens, you get a very weird look and form of nothing but font on paper from someone's Facebook and it's very monotonous to read or look at and it's hard to understand. But they apparently done that and gotten something in return. But I and Chase, myself and Chase actually just as of two months ago, two months ago, finally got access to it by breaking into his google account first and the password to that was something to do with my mom.

We broke into that and had Facebook reset his account via that google account and there we were, we were inside it. That's how I got timeline confirmation of the very last single thing that he had done or said was on the 28th at 9:17 PM. Much different time that what the police have over a month ago while he was still in jail. That's just ridiculous.

Marissa Jones: I wanted to know what was the last location that Josh's phone had tracked Noah to.

Joshua Wright: A spot downtown, I can't remember the exact address. Yeah, Chattanooga, my town is Ringgold but in Chattanooga, downtown Chattanooga. All within fifteen minutes from here, it's in such a populated area though, that it's hard to tell... The phone could have just died too, that doesn't necessarily mean when the tracking stops, that that would be where he stopped. Noah, like I said never had his own cell phone number or anything. The only means for communication that he had was Facebook and his Facebook stops then too.

Marissa Jones: After listening to part one, Josh and Noah's mom, Janice, decided that she wanted to be part of part two. Here is an extended version of what you heard in the beginning of the episode.

Janice Davis: I am Noah Brandon Davis' mother. I know there's someone out there somewhere that knows something. Something that happened. And most likely the first one that speaks and tells the truth that they may get a better deal than the others will get. I'm begging you as a mother with a love in my heart for my son, that something happened and someone knows. Someone knows what happened, please tell the person to get this solved. This is two years, this is the two year anniversary. An anniversary doesn't sound right to say, 'cause it's not a celebration. But I don't want it to go five, seven, 10 years. As Josh has said, my health is not good. But I'm fighting to say strong 'cause I am fighting to find and learn about Noah. I am here for him, for anything that he needs, he needs help, I'll help him. If he doesn't want me in his life, then that's okay, as long as I know he's alright.

I just can not see that Noah would go this far and not get in touch with me whatsoever. He would take care of me at night, he would say, "Mom, you're hurt, you need your medicine." He would get up and fix me a scrambled egg sandwich and he would have me eat it before I take my medicine. There's no way he could go on and not know what happened to me. The last time I saw Noah, he carried me to the car because I had fluid build up on my knee and I couldn't use the crutches right.

So he picked me up and put me in the car and he said, "Ma, I see when you get out, you go get took care of." It wasn't a goodbye, it was a see you later, love you and see you soon. That was the last I seen of him. I never saw him no more. With me having surgery, that's the first surgery I've ever had, there's no way he wouldn't have gotten in touch with me to see how I am. Need money or need something. Something happened and something's wrong, that somebody knows something. Know he's a really good soul, he was loving, he was caring, he loved people. He was really a good person, he really was. There's no way he'd be out of arm reach without reaching out for momma. His dad wasn't around but momma was.

Even when he done wrong, he'd come to me and get in my bed and say, "Momma, look I did this." And I'd say, "Okay son, look we can do this to try to make things better and work things out." We were really close. And it's hard, it's hard to explain what I go through but my nighttime is my worst time. When everyone's asleep, no one can see me and that's when I miss him and I lose it. I just want to hear his breath, his voice, his touch, anything, anything I can get. I walk the yard, just to see if I could see his cigarette butts anywhere. If he drove by, you know. Just anything. But if he's listening, I'll let him know I will never give up, I will always fight to find him and to help him in anyway I can and anyway he needs me. And I love him, I want him to come home. It's straight from the heart, it is, it is. It's all I know to say, to be able to be understood.

Joshua Wright: To counter hearing what she's said, I'm sure there's some sort of deal that could come about or whatever for anybody who comes forward but with me, I just may just whoop their ass, that's all. I mean that might be all I do, 'cause you heard that, that emotion in my mom, I mean I just want to whoop their ass, that's all. I don't have to be a police, open and shut case, I want to physically locate my brother so I may just only whoop their ass. You think I'm making jokes, that's about the only extent of that. I mean I can't tell you, I don't really have any intentions of hurting this person but if I get an opportunity, that's all I'm going to do. I'm not going to kill them or anything like that either. Hopefully my life is never put in that place but maybe we can negotiate on an ass whipping. I don't know what to say other than that, 'cause I don't even like seeing my mom get that emotional.

Marissa Jones: If you have any information about the disappearance of Noah Davis, you can reach the Catoosa County sheriff's department at 706-935-2424. You can contact Josh on Facebook, he has a page called "Where is Noah Davis?" You can check out his videos that we mentioned earlier over on that page. That brings us to the end of part two of

Noah's story. There's a clip of Josh's final thoughts at the end of the show. In a couple of days, I'm going to release a little bonus content, which will be a conversation between Josh and Steve. So you can look forward to that. As I mentioned last episode, Josh and I have become friends and see what he goes through trying to find Noah while being a single father and taking care of his mom. I wanted to do something for him to help him further his search efforts and be able to purchase more missing posters and whatnot.

I started a YouCaring page for him, you can find it at I'll post links to that on Facebook and Twitter. I will not ask you to contribute to my Patreon this week, please donate to that fund instead. I have donated $100 to it myself. That is actually why I did not release this on Patreon first.

Again, I would like to thank Josh and Janice for speaking with me and all of you for listening. If you would like to contact me, I am on Twitter @thevanishpod, I have a Facebook page and a closed group. If you have any trouble finding the group, send me a message and I will send you a link. The Facebook group gives us a place to chat without all of your friends and family seeing your comments. If you having a missing loved one and would like to have them featured on the show, please email me at

Admin Note: Joshua Wright has had no less than THREE fundraisers claiming the money was for the reward. As of this date, and to our knowledge, the money has NOT been turned over to Crime Stoppers by Joshua Wright. 
2. February 24, 2016 - Posters, signs and flyers donated FREE 
3. March 21, 2016 - Joshua Wright selling tshirts for $10.00 each 
4. April 6, 2016 - billboard donated FREE 
5. July 23, 2016 - Joshua Wright's YouCaring Fundraiser
6. February 6, 2017 -  Joshua Wright's GoFundMe 
7. September 1, 2017 - Joshua Wright's Facebook Fundraiser  

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Joshua Wright: It's obvious even to anybody that sees this or hears this can see how far back the sheriff's department is, not holding them accountable is ... Well, actually I've not even truly held them accountable just yet. Anybody can see that they clearly not done anything and when you go back and when you see now that almost two years, almost two years to this very week, which is kind of amazing to think about. Not really went and done anything. People on the streets right now, that I run into, have assumed that it was already a closed matter. They don't know anything because nothing was ever spoken about in the media and they just think that they must have gotten it figured out. "Yeah, we heard he went missing but then nothing." 'Cause I made a good yell about it at first and then it's hard to keep the attention on something.

Without their help or without them putting it out there on the media, people had just pretty much forgotten about it. I was able to get one local, the least watched unfortunately, but the most awesome, yes my opinion, media outlet on foot one day from me handing out flyers, they asked me to come in, I looked like I had just crawled out from under an army tank and everything else. But they took him in the studio and aired a :30 clip that ran with the news that day, which is pretty awesome. I can't lie, I got very excited about that, 'cause it was huge. I couldn't get anybody to talk about it, even our local newspaper. Took them forever to even reply back to emails, really, honestly. They had aired that that one day and then getting "Unsolved Mysteries" was the other and then of course this podcast. I was very thankful as I am right now with anybody that assists or helps or enables in what I call normal reactions, normal behavior and that my brother deserves to be looked for instead of warned as a fugitive, wanted.


Part 1 The Vanished Podcast

Part 2 The Vanished Podcast

Part 3 The Vanished Podcast

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