May 22, 2018 - Transcript of Noah Davis - Joshua Wright Interview Part 1 of 2 on BrainScratch Searchlight

Noah Davis - Joshua Wright Interview Part 1 of 2 on BrainScratch Searchlight

Published on May 22, 2018

Part 1 of this interview:
Part 2 of this interview:

00:03 [Music]

00:07 John Lordan: Hey everyone. John Lordan here, thank you for joining me on a very special episode of BrainScratch Searchlight. This is my first video into this case, however it's not the first video, well it's my first searchlight video into this case. I did do a Johnny vlogs and also this is a collaboration with Danielle Hallan. You should really watch those videos before you watch this one so I have links to those in the description box below. You can go and check those out for yourself.

00:35 John Lordan: Let me just start this video by saying I think that this is going to be a two-parter. I think we're going to have part of the interview today and part of the interview tomorrow. I just wanted to say this video is not meant to be an all in one shot, some type of comprehensive investigation into the disappearance of Noah Davis.

00:57 John Lordan: I'm trying to specifically address a lot of theories that are being  kicked around by critics of Noah's brother, Joshua Wright, and his information that he's released in several different public areas.

01:08 John Lordan: My ultimate goal here is to try to help move the focus back to Noah and hopefully inspire all these parties to take more constructive steps towards their individual investigations and maybe put this feud to the side. And I know it's a lot to ask. I don't know how successful I'm gonna be, but that is the intent of doing this video and asking these questions.

Admin Note: There was never any feud. A group of seasoned sleuthers were asked to take a look at the Noah Davis case in January 2018. The group began creating a timeline of events so they could narrow down exactly when and where Noah went missing because the maternal half brother's version of events wasn't adding up to the findings the group had via police reports, comments/posts he made on the internet and media/podcast interviews. It was when they began to question the maternal half brother's version and discrepancies that he declared war. He and his followers began trolling the group's admin, posting blatent lies about them, harassing them in real life by commenting on their business pages, leaving poor reviews on their businesses, calling their employers, he filed false copyright claims against a youtube user's videos and bragged that he did so in order to get her youtube accounts terminated, he and his podcast friend, Marissa Jones, began soliciting their followers to harass them by continuing to post false accusations and false claims that the group had posted the maternal half brothers' personal information and that of his minor child. In an effort to show everyone that the group DID NOT post that information, they provided screenshots of the maternal half brother's posts showing HE in fact was the one who posted those things himself, the group reported those posts and had Facebook remove them. The maternal half brother went so far as to create several videos mocking the admin of the group and told his followers NOT to donate to the Crime Stoppers for Noah's reward. The maternal half brother has done everything in his power to stop the sleuth group from investigating Noah's disappearance. Admin of the sleuth group has made it abundantly clear that their members are not to engage with Josh or his followers, not stoop to their levels, not to troll/stalk/harass them and to keep their focus on finding Noah. This podcaster has just given Josh another platform in which to spread his lies and make himself out to be a victim. The group wishes nothing more than for him to leave them alone. He refuses to do that.

01:32 John Lordan: And I want to thank Joshua Wright for allowing to come on the show and I was very upfront with him about you know, I want to have you on but we might be asking some tough questions and he was willing to do that.

01:46 John Lordan: So here he is Joshua Wright. Hey Joshua.

01:48 Joshua Wright: Hey, how are you doin?

01:51 John Lordan: Good, good. Thank you so much, first of all, for the time and I just wanted to be clear you know, that I've been working with several critics of yours. I've been looking into all their information, trying to find the points that really touch the case because a lot of the stuff that they criticize you for, I don't really see how it's related to the disappearance.

Admin Note: His lies and discrepancies are what has caused Noah's case to be so hard to understand and in our opinion, why it hasn't been resolved. We had to go back to the drawing board and create a whole new timeline based on documented facts. Facts that didn't come from Josh, documents that came directly from FOIA filings that hadn't been doctored or edited. Josh doesn't want anyone to do that. He wants the information to come from him, go through him and only he gets to determine if it's relevant or not. In order to maintain the integrity of the case and any evidence, we refused to do that. 

02:11 John Lordan: They're cataloging basically every scrap and see that you have ever said publicly, they're bouncing it against you. No, he said this over here he said that over there. If it's related to Noah's disappearance, sure I want to talk about that. But there's a lot of cases where it isn't. So I'm trying to drill down to some of the what I consider the more important aspects here.

Admin Note: It started out exactly that way. We had to compare what he said there versus what he said over here versus what he posted over there because none of it matched. When he gives 4 different versions of the same story, yes, we are going to scrap it all and start over.

02:33 John Lordan:  Now you remember when we met at Crime Con, I did tell you, I did ask you specifically if you'd be willing to answer any question and you're you're good with that, right?

 02:41 Joshua Wright:  Yes, I'm very good with that. I've never been someone against answering questions. We didn't even talk up until just now...

Admin Note: Good luck getting a straight and honest answer from him.

02:49 John Lordan: Yeah

02:50 Joshua Wright: ...that no prep time. I'm wearing this...

02:52 John Lordan: Yeah

02:53 Joshua Wright: ...sweaty shirt and I work .. I've been working in the room all day. I'm not even... no set up here. I'm ready to go though in regards to that.

Admin Note: No set up other than the poster board behind him with scraps of paper taped to it and Noah's baby pic, which looks nothing like the missing person we're looking for. You have an opportunity to have Noah's photo shown for 3 hours and you chose a baby photo?

03:02 John Lordan:  It's a really good point that you've made and I did that on purpose. Danelle...

03:03 Joshua Wright: Yeah I got that and I can tell you guys are both very professional with getting it going.

03:08 John Lordan: I appreciate that. Yeah we're trying to really do kind of a point-counterpoint thing. I've talked about it on the previous video I released so I won't go through all of it again. But you can see Josh is being very clear that he understands that that's what we're trying to do here.

03:22 John Lordan: So I got an email earlier today and it kind of sums up some of what I think is part of the problem with, in particular, the feud, so let me read a little piece of this to you. I'm gonna keep this person anonymous but,

03:34 "I want to believe Josh had nothing to do with Noah's disappearance but he makes it hard to do. The lies. Why twist every single thing, I mean things that don't even matter. Like in The Vanished Podcast he goes into great detail over him getting custody of his daughter the same day Noah was released. Having to turn the car around and go pick him up when in fact he'd gain custody of his daughter the year before. And Noah's godmother godmother actually picked him up from jail. Who cares who picked him up from jail".

04:07 John Lordan: ...and that's the persons quote around all this but it does highlight part of the problem here. First of all, do you want to address that about the custody?

Admin Note: This is part of our frustration. Josh inserts himself as a "witness" when he wasn't even there. Picking Noah up from jail...he goes into this very long, drawn out story about how he picked Noah up then goes on to tell everyone about his own custody had nothing to do with Noah. We needed to know WHO picked Noah up from jail, WHERE did Noah go from there, WHO was he with, what property did Noah leave with, what were his plans, where was he going to be staying before going to rehab? But since Josh inserted himself as the person who picked Noah up, then investigators would be asking JOSH those questions...except Josh didn't pick Noah up and by Josh telling that story, he wasted valuable time and resources.

04:16 Joshua Wright: Um, sure, yeah. That's probably one of the only times I've noticed 'cause I  went back, that they're right, yeah, that was that was something I did in there. I probably pick Noah up a total of, probably almost every release. I had the only vehicle in our house.

Admin Note: Untrue, Janice's husband, Mike Davis, lived in the home and had a GMC Jimmy. Janice herself spoke about that Wednesday, how Mike pulled the Jimmy around back to get her when Noah picked her up and placed her in the Jimmy to go to the E.R. and that was the last time she saw Noah. 

04:34 John Lordan: Gotcha

04:35 Joshua Wright: ...and so it was a very common thing and I just had a mix of the days all it was but you know I never, just like today, I don't have anything prepared beforehand other than this.

04:47 John Lordan: Right right

04:48 Joshua Wright: ...which is how many days have been, you know, on on this. He has been missing that long.

04:52 John Lordan: Yeah

04:53 Joshua Wright: .. so I prepared.

04:55 John Lordan: So you're willing to say they're absolutely correct about that. Your your brain just didn't work right.

04:58 Joshua Wright: No, I'm saying I'm correct about it and I made a mistake.

05:01 John Lordan: Yeah

05:02 Joshua Wright: They say that's a lie. A lie by definition means I intended to deceive.

Admin Note: It has been our experience when we confront Josh over his "mistakes", he becomes abusive and lashes out. He doesn't like being questioned over his "mistakes", which leads us to believe his "mistakes" were meant to deceive.

05:06 John Lordan: Yes

05:06 Joshua Wright: I made an error.

05:08 John Lordan: Right

05:09 Joshua Wright: I apologize. I'm not perfect. I'm in the middle all kinds of crazy things.

05:13 John Lordan: Yeah

05:13 Joshua Wright: Including the little bit of distance between the custody and that. That was still a big deal to me at that moment. It's still a big deal everyday I have her still.

Admin Note: Josh's custody case was resolved in 2013. Noah went missing in the late summer of 2014, more than a YEAR later. Not days, weeks or months, certainly not a "little bit of distance" between him getting custody and Noah going missing more than a year later.

05:20 John Lordan: Yeah

05:20 Joshua Wright: So man, I'm not an Android, I'm not a robot. I'm not perfect.

05:28 John Lordan: Yeah

05:29 Joshua Wright: There you go.

05:31 John Lordan: Absolutely. Before all of this...

05:32 Joshua Wright: I apologize, I said it that way, I do. I will say that but definitely wasn't my intention.

05:38 John Lordan: Yeah, now before all of this stuff, have you ever heard in your life that you were a storyteller? Have you been known to kind of color your stories a little bit to make them a little sweeter?

05:46 Joshua Wright: No

05:47 John Lordan: No? Never heard that before?

05:49 Joshua Wright: Nope nope

05:50 John Lordan: Okay

05:51 Joshua Wright: I tell, I've been told that tell good stories. I have no fear of public speaking and stuff like that but I just prefer to, almost like a DJ does, like control and keep the keep everybody around me, especially the ones that matter, uplifted.

06:07 John Lordan: Yeah

06:08 Joshua Wright: Even at my own expense, I'm that person. So, when I have to be serious, I don't like repeating myself. I will say into like if I went into something once already I don't mind saying I've already said it but I'll tell you you know. it's not something I enjoy doing because we I don't know, I would prefer just be light hearted.

Admin Note: Josh doesn't like when someone questions his version of events when things aren't adding up.

06:29 John Lordan: Yeah

06:31 Joshua Wright: You know move on.

06:33 John Lordan: I get that sense from you, I mean even in terms of the way that you've been kind of participating in this feud, which I'm going to be very clear to you, I think I think there's things you've done that are absolutely participating in the feud. You know, I've watched your videos ...

Admin Note: Josh instigated this and he continues to fuel it by posting lies and encouraging his followers to attack admin and Noah's paternal family. None of us have responded to him. Instead, we are allowing the authorities and the courts to handle it.

06:47 Joshua Wright: I don't care, I got attacked, I don't care. I was in the middle of doing what I'm doing, people you know, say I kill my mom...and little Michael, that boy in the lake, all kinds of crazy stuff and I go through enough, I don't care. I didn't address them personally.

Admin Note: This is part of Josh's narrative in order to try and silence the group investigating Noah's disappearance. Nobody attacked Josh. Nobody accused him of killing his mother or the little boy at the lake. People QUESTIONED why Josh had posted the dispatch a few hours after his mother's death, they found his responses very odd and not that of a grieving son. People grieve differently. Looking deeper into his past, it was discovered that Josh happens to always been the first on the scene of fires or drownings and he RECORDS them and posts them online. Yes, many find that strange and have questioned it. JOSH is the one who claims we said he killed these people. Not true. We questioned his actions during those events not being typical or normal.

 06:59 John Lordan: Yeah

 06:59 Joshua Wright: I don't deal with them in any other level than parody.

Admin Note: This is untrue. Calling and emailing employers, posting lies, spreading false information, harassing admin, encouraging his followers to do the same is NOT parody.

07:01 John Lordan: Yeah

07:02 Joshua Wright: I don't know I have to do something for therapy.

07:03 John Lordan: But I do I do recognize that and you just called it out, you use parody. You you are in some ways, you have a comedic mindset. I know this on the same type of person. and sometimes when I'm retelling stories from the past my wife will catch me and she'll be like, "Why does this story get better every time you tell it? You know, why does that one fact where it used to be five is now 10 and next time you tell it it's going to be 15?"

Admin Note: I'm glad you think this is funny. There is a missing man. His maternal half brother is harassing and stalking a group who is trying to find this brother. He is messing with their real lives and he's distracting everyone by keeping the focus on himself rather than on Noah. There is nothing funny about this.

07:27 Joshua Wright: Well at least it's not telling you I'm repeating the story maybe they'd sit there and listen to it.

07:30 John Lordan: Yeah yeah

07:33 Joshua Wright: I'm just saying that, yeah, that's awesome to hear. I like that. Thank you.

07:35 John Lordan: Yeah and honestly on top of that we have you know, some people do naturally have better memories than others. Sometimes people have their memories impaired, especially by trauma or psychological events, all kinds of stuff, so what's your assessment of your own memory? Has it been a problem in your life before?

07:57 Joshua Wright: No. No. I just had like a thing with my social life and my personal life and a parental life and all that. I just speak to honesty. I'd never intend to like, I bring the truth up in my answers, replies even when being light-hearted or whatever but I can't remember the quote word-for-word. Please don't attack dad but it's ...

08:17 John Lordan: Yeah

08:18 Joshua Wright: don't ever have to worry about having a good memory if always telling the truth.

08:23 John Lordan: Yeah yeah

08:26 Joshua Wright: That's me. I think it's a my version of a Mark Twain quote. But yeah, you don't have to worry about it. I've been truthful. Truthful intentions. I'm hearing good faith. There's no one, even anybody that has absolute hatred, for me which is crazy. I hate nobody.

08:43 John Lordan: Yeah

08:44 Joshua Wright: Who could not understand why the guy with suspended licenses wants to look for his brother or stuff like that. I don't I don't have any idea how anybody can be like "sit down, your license is suspended." Don't.

Admin Note: Having a suspended license or a criminal record has nothing to do with finding his brother. Nobody said he didn't have that right. What he DOES NOT have the right to do is lie and mislead investigators. He DOES NOT have the right to harass and stalk admin or encourage his followers to do those things by posting lies about them.

08:57 John Lordan: Right right

08:58 Joshua Wright: Okay I want to find my brother. I'm gonna find my brother.

09:01 John Lordan: Yeah yeah. I think that's that's not that hard to understand for for me either.

09:05 Joshua Wright: Thank you. I appreciate that. I do know that there's a, you know, majority will notice that type of stuff.

09:13 John Lordan: Yeah

09:11 Joshua Wright: So thank you.

09:14 John Lordan: So how many siblings does Noah have?

09:18 Joshua Wright: Um, growing up it was me, Chase. And um, he's one year beneath me, he Chase is. And we had Noah. I think there was a seven-year difference.. 1990... okay, yeah yeah, seven, eight, or eight years.

09:34 John Lordan: Okay

09:34 Joshua Wright: Noah was the baby.

09:36 John Lordan: Now there is another aspect to this family but I know it's debated. There's been information I've seen...

09:41 Joshua Wright: No there's not. There's no debate. There's just pop up claims I guess you can say. I don't know how to say, I don't debate fact fact. I can't I can't speak names, I can't say any of that stuff. It's not.. I grew up with that child. I grew up with him in my lap. I grew up with his dad...

Admin Note: Noah has 3 older paternal brothers and a younger paternal sister. Josh cannot speak names because they have a TPO against him for stalking, harassment and threats he made towards them for searching for Noah.

09:57 John Lordan: Yeah yeah

10:00 Joshua Wright: ...around but I'm really much for debate. Sounds like somebody's knocking on the door for the pizza ...

10:04 John Lordan: Right

10:04 Joshua Wright: I don't know. I didn't order a pizza. Who ordered a pizza?

10:09 John Lordan: Yeah. Um..

10:05 Joshua Wright: Yeah that's really, that's that's me, like huh? Oh they're saying what? Okay. What can you do?

10:15 John Lordan: Well, we've got we've got a birth certificate that shows one man's name and it's not the person that they're saying it is. I have seen communication that they've told me is from Noah to this other guy where he is referring to him as dad, and saying that it feels weird for him to say that.

Admin Note: Noah's biological father's name is Jerry Stephens. He and Noah wrote to each other. Jerry paid for Noah's attorney and paid for his rehab. The man on his birth certificate dated Noah's mother and he put his name on it knowing he wasn't the father. He admitted in court he was not Noah's biological father and he admitted in court he was never married to Noah's mother. Janice lied to Noah when he was small about who his real father was. The man on his birth certificate was abusive and never any kind of father to Noah, according to Josh.

10:30 Joshua Wright: Yeah he wanted.. he definitely wanted you know, who wouldn't?

10:40 John Lordan: Yeah

10:40 Joshua Wright: He wanted to, you know, make contact that way. Yeah.  I've never objected to that. My my my father has a similar situation like that with his father's... it's not unheard of but it is what it is. Their marriage did not even work but right now, he is gonna be with me in a couple days doing something about Noah. He's still here. He's still active, he still cares. He's disabled but he's ready to go so...

Admin Note: Johnny Davis testified on May 23, 2018 in probate court that he and Janice were never married and he was not Noah's biological father.

11:05 John Lordan: Nice

11:06 Joshua Wright: You know I have a... I have nothing but respect for that and Noah has all you know, Noah cared a lot about him so I'm just glad to see...

11:11 John Lordan: Yeah and he was gonna help Noah, right he was gonna help Noah with the with the money that it would cost for him to go to the rehab?

11:23 Joshua Wright: That was out of my....really that whole Carter's Hope thing, although today I noticed when some of this board here and some of the Carters Hope applications apparently he had applied there before in 2010 and I given him the application because I, you can like pre-fill it out, something that. It lacked his signature.

11:38 John Lordan: Yeah

11:40 Joshua Wright: Point being I think he been trying to go for quite a while so I don't really know honestly.

Admin Note: Noah had begged his mother, saying he wanted to go to rehab. His mother, step father, maternal half brother or Johnny did anything to make this happen. Josh himself says he knew nothing about it, proving again that he was not as close to Noah as he publicly portrays.

11:44 John Lordan: Yeah and he seemed that he... I heard a recording of him actually speaking about it like, Carter's Hope was really something that he wanted very badly because he was looking to make a change in his life. He was tired of this cycle of being kind of in and out of prison and he needed help to do that and from what I understand this man was nice enough to try to help him with that so..

12:03 Joshua Wright: Yeah that phone call that was from Google voice, yeah, and when I found that I still find from, I know there's a couple more good ones on there somewhere. That's from when people called into my telephone number that I've had for this whole time. And um that called meant a lot to me because... I was exactly what you heard. It caused me um, doubly to have a moments of clarity.

12:29 Joshua Wright: I heard the conversation. I was sitting on the couch when I passed the phone over to my mom. Um, that was the moment I'm listening, I'm hearing you know, mostly her side but I can hear my brother. And listening to it later after the fact, Noah was missing and everything and he never knew anything any different, and he could not, and he never was able to go out of the environment that he did just stuck in by mistakes.

12:55 John Lordan: Right

12:56 Joshua Wright: And he was enabled a long time ago and was disabled because of that.

Admin Note: Their mother was a drug addict for as long as Noah can remember. Witnesses came forward and said she would take Noah to crack houses and leave him there for days. She would take off and leave him with whoever would take him. As Noah got older, he too began using drugs, including his mother's and Josh's pills. His whole life was surrounded in drugs and crime so it's no surprise that he turned to drugs, too.

13:02 John Lordan: Yeah

13:03 Joshua Wright: You understand, it's like people show up, we don't live there anymore ourselves, show up there to this day, knocking on door, "hey is Noah here?" No do, they do.

13:13 John Lordan: Yeah

13:14 Joshua Wright: And it never stopped. That's all it took. Especially if it was single, it was a female, who knows something, anything, right there, right in his face.

13:20 John Lordan: It's a really hard thing because addictions like that do typically come with a social aspect, a group of people, and then you start caring about the people, but the addiction is your connection to them. So yeah, I understand. I understand it's really hard to get out of and he was...

13:34 Joshua Wright: And that hurts me bad because I wish I was in a better scenario or situation.  And I was always think mom's house looked like it was getting better.

 13:44 John Lordan: Right

13:44 Joshua Wright: You know and it, that's why I was like, when she was out of the GBI's parking lot the day before and the sun was out it was hot so you know, and she was all dressed up ready to go and looked so protective and everything else when she got out and went in there for hours.

Admin Note: This was the day before she was found dead in her home.

14:00 John Lordan: Yeah

14:00 Joshua Wright: Mom moms looking good. She been that way consistently for quite a while. I was, you know, me and Caylee had begun plans even at that point to, you know, do our move it out and um yeah we needed a <UNINTELLIGIBLE> that we're hopefully gonna get.. it wouldn't have been hard to talk him into him to come with us cuz I don't have another person around at our house. I need a babysitter stuff like that.

Admin Note: She was out, she was dressed up, she was healthy according to everyone who saw her. Josh admits she had been better for quite a while, so much so that he and his child were moving out since mom didn't need daily care.

14:20 John Lordan: Right

14:20 Joshua Wright: And they love each other and 100 percent know that he would be, you know,  ready to go, coming with us and all that and ...

14:28 John Lordan: Yeah

14:28 Joshua Wright: I wish that I could have gotten <UNINTELLIGIBLE> phone number on them yeah it does, it  really hurt my feelings to hear that because he never knew anything any different.

14:40 John Lordan: Yeah

14:41 Joshua Wright: That's the sad sad sad stuff but it just wasn't him, it was so much potential and he just glew you know, of potential.

14:50 John Lordan: Yeah

14:51 Joshua Wright: So funny, so ready, above par in most areas in life you know, that I hate that for him, I really do and um, you know we are all now what I can see is his legacy.

15:02 John Lordan: Yeah

15:03 Joshua Wright: We're gonna wrap things up and we're gonna fix anything that needs fixing and put him ribbon on it.

15:08 John Lordan: Right, right. Now some of the critics have mentioned that they've spoken to people that say that your relationship with Noah was quite a bit tougher than you've been portraying it, particularly on The Vanished Podcast. Now you guys were brothers, you grew up as brothers, I imagine you had fights you had disagreements.

15:32 Joshua Wright: How many brothers we got out here in America? No, not really nothing ever violent.

Admin Note: We've lost count on how many witnesses have come forward with some mortifying stories of how Josh tormented Noah, bullied Noah, pulled a gun on him, sprayed him with pepper spray, threatened him and his friends.

15:39 John Lordan: Yeah

15:41 Joshua Wright: We were brothers, I mean good grief almighty. Um, I was more of a <UNINTELLIGIBLE> to the last from uh,  I can't remember when they got a divorce. I don't know. I was also someone that he looked up to.

Admin Note: Janice and Johnny were never married.

15:52 John Lordan: Right

15:53 Joshua Wright: And there's a video we're jumping off a bridge. He's got, I think a girl in a red dress with him and he's just flipping off the bridge.

16:01 John Lordan: Yeah

16:01 Joshua Wright: He says a curse word and I said, "watch yer mouth". I was that way with him. I was that guy. If he done something, I was, it wasn't beneath me to go "dude come here, what's going on", you know, even my messages to him where I'm looking for him, "you're not in trouble dude, just come back bring my stuff back", you know?

16:14 John Lordan: Right

16:16 Joshua Wright: You know, maybe I said well, "what are you doin?..." , you know, brothers brothers brothers.

16:19 John Lordan: Yeah

16:20 Joshua Wright: It's kind of like wow that sounds like a bunch of sisters or something that were <UNINTELLIGIBLE> something like that because brothers, if you have a brother, what, I mean yeah of course we get on each other's nerves no.

16:28 John Lordan: Yeah

16:29 Joshua Wright: Time to time but barely dude, I don't even remember. I can't think of one single time other than like, um, "calm down don't talk back to mom" or something like that.

16:38 John Lordan: Right

16:39 Joshua Wright: You know, I really can't think of one. We've never got into a fist fight or anything, never.

16:43 John Lordan: Yeah

16:44 Joshua Wright: If I did I would say so cuz I don't care what anybody actually generally thinks the truth is what the truth is... and there's been nothing been wrong. It's not even up for debate, any questions about it. There's really not. I mean we've established everything that needs to be established, and I once said what you would think, should all be, you know, I should have already said it all or at this point. I'm going back and I'll keep being here till we find him. But I'm sure ---

Admin Note: A nice example of what happens when you question Josh's version of things. In his mind, what he says is solid and not to be questioned, regardless of how outrageous it sounds, regardless if there is proof to counter what he claims.

17:05 John Lordan: You're not the type of guy to back away from a fistfight is my impression at least from what I heard in The Vanished Podcast.

17:13 Joshua Wright: Actually I'm the nicest person. I'm a bouncer still, you know, just don't touch me. I'll tell you anything you need to hear. I apologize about that. There's anything I can do to help, please let me know. I've no ego involved...

17:25 John Lordan: Yeah

17:27 Joshua Wright: ...ever. Um, I've always successfully defended myself. But I don't like going there. I've saved more lives than I've hurt people.

17:37 John Lordan: Yeah

17:37 Joshua Wright: I really have. I do know how to gain control of situations and that's what I, even in a fight, I gained control, I don't win.

17:44 John Lordan: Yeah, well you've worked also as a corrections officer previously as well,  right?

17:49 Joshua Wright: Yeah I'm proud of that, too. I'm pretty good at it. I'm very very good at it.  Nationwide. Special operations response team is what taught me about brotherhood really about how to stick by one another, not let people break the law.

18:02 John Lordan: Yeah, yeah man, I know some some critics seem to misidentify your statements around that thinking that you're trying to say that you were formally a police officer but corrections officers wear shields I imagine that there's ...

18:13 Joshua Wright: I'm P.O.S.T. certified in the state of Georgia when I left Core Civic to private industry, who hired me at 18, which I don't even have proof of that.

18:20 John Lordan: Yeah

18:20 Joshua Wright: I was there for almost know, I went there in 2003. Why I  transitioned over to state Georgia it was because I actually made a decision for the first time in my life. I don't agree with a business profiting off of people. I don't want to put my career here. I would rather, I was already feeling pretty good at what I did at that point, so I was like, let's go to the home state and see what I can do here.

18:40 John Lordan: Yeah

18:41 Joshua Wright: Yeah and they do P.O.S.T. certified you. I was a P.O.S.T. certified officer I just didn't have a  patrol car. That's how that works

18:47 John Lordan: Okay so let's get to talking about Noah a little bit. When did he disappear? What's going on with this date? When when did Noah actually disappear in your estimation?

Admin Note: That would be nice. Josh likes to talk about Josh, as you can see. This was supposed to focus on Noah's disappearance but instead, we just spent 20 minutes listening to Josh build himself up and list his accomplishments.

18:58 Joshua Wright: Same date looks like. It looks like. Yeah.

19:02 John Lordan: July 28th

 19:06 Joshua Wright: Yep it's pretty locked up. But I mean they're <UNINTELLIGIBLE> past that, ever.

19:08 John Lordan: Now the discrepancy keeps coming up and that's the date that you actually filed the missing person report. I think Danelle did a really good job ---

19:17 Joshua Wright: Nailed it. She nailed it.

19:19 John Lordan:  --- yeah, looking into that and she definitely noted that we know on August 7th you definitely got the stolen truck report and part of that report was you were expecting them to find Noah with your truck.

19:31 Joshua Wright: Absolutely I was. I had no, I had no forethought about just being something to give me a headache tomorrow on.

19:39 John Lordan: Right

19:40 Joshua Wright: I thought this was gonna be, he'll be home tonight. He knew I was getting out, you know.

19:45 John Lordan: But you had heard from Uncle Ric that he at least was missing for a matter of days right?

19:49 Joshua Wright: "Your mom hasn't seen him", was more about how the message came out.

19:54 John Lordan: Got you.

19:54 Joshua Wright: We don't know where he's at cause normally wouldn't know where he was at. And like I said he did NOT have a phone...

19:59 John Lordan: Right

20:00 Joshua Wright: So uh, Noah is a lot like me. I'm not a on a CB radio with my cell phone, just don't call me all the time.

20:08 John Lordan: Right

20:08 Joshua Wright: You know, so, I'm not gonna be like, "I'm 30 seconds away. I'm about to be there, about to pull in" like I'd rather just pull in or something like that.

20:15 John Lordan: Yeah

20:16 Joshua Wright: You know, so Noah was a lot like me except he didn't like talking on the phone in regards to where am I at, when I will be there. He was not like that.  He did not report to probation officers at home.

20:27 John Lordan: Right

20:29 Joshua Wright: So you know, he's not that way.

20:29 John Lordan: So did you not file the report until the following week which is what the paperwork looks to be in terms of the official missing-persons report? Is that possible?

20:42 Joshua Wright: No I'm, what I did is exactly what I said. I'm not trying to sound funny there. I wish I could pull up the days that ...she nailed it. That's exactly what I did. That date asked for order to file for the uh stolen truck, I had to list the driver.

20:59 John Lordan: Right

21:00 Joshua Wright: That's how that went. And so I listed the driver, and mom comes up and tells him like, "we don't know where he's at, he has not been home", you know, it kind of starts in like, "okay okay, let me see like a look at here", and I'm pretty sure that was officer ... I'm gettin' old but, oh man, it's been long time. Officer Frye, I believe. Probably okay, and this is all off my memory here. Um, please correct me if I'm wrong by the way. I know you're <UNINTELLIGIBLE>

21:28 John Lordan: Yeah yeah

21:30 Joshua Wright:  Alright, I don't mind being corrected or noticed or whatever, steered back.  Um, I believe it was officer Frye that day. I also believe it was raining. I remember standing on the front porch of the house and I remember watching him go and sit in the car with his little rain cap covering his hat. He set in there for about 30 minutes.

21:47 Joshua Wright: They made the bolo, be on the lookout. You know, he came back up, he let me know they had found it already. East Ridge, you got a phone call, there's the phone call,  you got that recording there because I recorded it.

21:58 John Lordan: Right

21:58 Joshua Wright: Why do I do that? I always try to do that.

21:60 John Lordan: mmm-hmm

22:02 Joshua Wright: Look,  it's relevant now.

22:04 John Lordan: Yeah

22:04 Joshua Wright: And if I didn't have these things by the ways of recordings, what would we have? Even more of my, "I wonder if that was what really happened".

22:12 John Lordan: Right right

22:13 Joshua Wright: That's why I had it but it was never for public distribution, it was more for, "okay I don't like my integrity questioned." If this was a court of law I'd say, "Do you believe I really didn't say that? I can't show you differently", but I don't like constantly, you know, hearsay hearsay.

22:28 John Lordan: Yeah

22:28 Joshua Wright: What are we gonna do about it? Argue.

22:33 John Lordan: Yep

22:34 Joshua Wright: I don't like that. I've always done personal journals of anything I'm looking into. 'Cause even how I explained being serious and not liking to repeat myself.

22:44 John Lordan: Right

22:45 Joshua Wright: I will do it right the first time.

22:47 John Lordan: Yeah

22:48 Joshua Wright: And nothing more is better for any investigation than being able to look at your notes and see what you did and before you speak to your mouth because people like to look at it like I can't remember but they said there's a couple things you can't take back on this job, bullets from your gun and words from your mouth. And that's pretty good way of putting it.

23:13 Joshua Wright: I would never want to have people pick me apart like they do now. If this had never went out and any media, you know, like a...golly, it's got so much attention around the world but none at home.

 23:25 John Lordan: Right

 23:26 Joshua Wright: This would have just stayed at home, Tennessee Valley area.

23:28 John Lordan: Yeah

23:29 Joshua Wright: Oh no, nothing to worry about, nothing to worry about.

23:33 John Lordan: So who's the last person ...who's the last person that saw him, Josh?

23:39 Joshua Wright: That's a great question. No, that um, let me think. Um, it's ah, I don't know, I don't know, that answer off top of my head, I don't know.

23:53 John Lordan: Okay

23:54 Joshua Wright: He seen a couple people that day, according to his messages, but whom have I talked to in person that said, you know um, my Uncle Ric, is the only one I can go to myself and go, "Hey man, what was he wearing that day?", 'cause I've been trying to figure that out a lot, especially recently.

24:11 John Lordan: Right

24:12 Joshua Wright: This week even, I've had some uh, I don't know, two inquiries and then uh, questions pop up myself. Even mediums, three mediums contacted me yesterday want to know what kind of shoes he had on. I don't understand how these people got my number but whatever, okay. But that was a great question. I was like, I don't know.

24:32 John Lordan: Yeah and the date the day you're talking about is July 28th but that's that's the last day where he's talking to several people. Um, so Uncle Ric, did he give you a last time that he had seen Noah?

24:46 Joshua Wright: Yeah, Ric's um, Ric's a sound bite communicator, but yeah, uh, "I don't know where he's at, man, he didn't say anything", just say like that.. where's Noah?, "I don't know where he's at". He has all the <UNINTELLIGIBLE> with the information. You know, he's got, he's no, he's all meat no potatoes or just potatoes no meat sometimes. I love him to death. So that's all.

25:07 John Lordan: So did he give you a date? That he last saw him?

25:10 Joshua Wright: No 'cause he doesn't talk, honestly, no, he didn't. He probably said Saturday or something like that, whatever it was. Uh-Oh, I just said a week day! You know he probably said something like that, like it was just whatever the weekday was in that year. I don't know there's something like that. He's very country.. he's very down home country in his uh, his uh, communication.

25:29 John Lordan: Gotcha

25:29 Joshua Wright: Over, like stuff like that, he's one of them, he's uh, Tennessee man, that's where we're from.

25:35 John Lordan: There's been some talk about on August 7th that you might have made some statement about seeing Noah within the past ten minutes before he took your truck. Do you know where that's coming from or what that's about?

25:45 Joshua Wright: I dunno know. I think that was me getting a little uh, well I don't remember where all that came from. It sounded like it had a little bit of merit to it but you know, I think it was one of those moments I was just in an argument and I did I think fight with a girlfriend it seems like. I got all mad, I just, I don't remember, I think I quickly corrected that statement.

26:04 John Lordan: Okay gotcha. So you did not see him on obviously on August 7th.

26:08 Joshua Wright: No, No

26:09 John Lordan: Okay

26:09 Joshua Wright: No no and then, it, you know, but that I, for me sharing the world and all that, no no I just lied and put it all out there...<UNINTELLIGIBLE> it was a mistake again, I make 'em.

26:20 John Lordan: Yeah

26:20 Joshua Wright: Sorry guys, sorry.

26:22 John Lordan: Gotcha. So we have a facebook private message between uncle Ric and Noah on July 28th at around 9:17 and is that the last communication that that we have that we know is actually Noah?

26:38 Joshua Wright: Oh yes, yeah.

26:40 John Lordan: Okay that's the one that's kind of always kicked around as the official.. Um. Do we know where he was when he sent that?

26:50 Joshua Wright: No, no n-not exactly. There's pinging cell phone locations in the uh, dated version of Google of, hasten, uh, the location history at that time, which was not as accurate like it is currently which it's very accurate now.

27:03 John Lordan: Right

27:04 Joshua Wright: There it's spotty. It's like cell phone towers says he's here, then until he switched up on that, it's kind of like that there.

27:10 John Lordan: Okay

27:11 Joshua Wright: But there were, um, pinging locations, IP addresses from both his.. and again he he um, communicated more with Facebook Messenger than he did SMS.

 27:20 John Lordan: Right

27:21 Joshua Wright: But both have logged in IP addresses in and whatnot and the downloaded Facebook account and its security files says the the logins and logouts from what model and...

27:32 John Lordan: Right

27:33 Joshua Wright: They say, you know, a general location with their IP address sometimes. other than that I don't know.

27:39 John Lordan: So you never checked that specific time frame in a location history to try to see where he was?

27:46 Joshua Wright: Um, it looked like that, I mean, I've seen him at the hotel very good and thoroughly I think a day or so before then. That day I see activity looking like it's downtown during water treatment facility <UNINTELLIGIBLE> Again, I'm answering on top of my head here.

28:01 John Lordan: Yeah yeah

28:01 Joshua Wright: Quite sure that, oh yeah let's keep that in mind too, I may be off here but..

28:06 John Lordan: uh-huh

28:07 Joshua Wright:  ..but I'll bet you I'm not off by much.

28:09 John Lordan: Okay

28:10 Joshua Wright: Um I got my laptop here myself  I'll pull up if I have to.

28:14 John Lordan: Yeah, no no, I got you.

28:15 Joshua Wright: Actually I'm trying to keep up with my lies here on some things but uh, um, near the water treatment facility downtown Chattanooga, I did see some activity, yeah.

28:25 John Lordan: Okay

28:27 Joshua Wright: I gave all the information to um, Alan Miles and um, it was.. yeah, he has it.

28:35 John Lordan: Okay Detective Alan Miles

28:36 Joshua Wright: He didn't seem that interested in it but they don't, no one thought it was deep, you know, Google location history stuff is quite new.

28:44 John Lordan: Yeah Uh, Detective Miles is still on the case, right?

28:48 Joshua Wright: Yes sir.

28:50 John Lordan: Okay, do we know how long Noah was hanging out at that America's Best Inn from the location history?

28:54 Joshua Wright: Sounds like a day or so a two-day probably maximum ...

28:59 John Lordan: Okay

29:00 Joshua Wright: He was kind of centering his um, whatever this was he had going on there, not our house, cuz our house would have my most definitely canceled that and you know, ruin that for him very quickly. His little fundraising and networking and none of that would have worked. No one stayed at our house. They would come by busy, come by get, everybody drop off, nobody stayed there, ever.

29:25 John Lordan: Right right. Um, is there any reason why no one else actually wound up filing the missing-persons report? I mean we've got your your mother, we've got the uncle, we've got Noah's godmother, that obviously picked her up at one point from the jail, but uh, why does it ultimately fall down to you on August 7th or 15th, if even if you debate that, but why does it happen at that point instead of before if you know, we know that he's missing for a bit of a prolonged period of time, at least a week right?

29:58 Joshua Wright: Well that at least a week part, I don't know, remember I'm getting out of jail. I don't know he's missing, really. I just think he's out partying or with a chick probably. He's Noah.

30:08 Joshua Wright: Anyhow I'm getting out, my mindset was, "Headache headache! Where is my truck? Why's my truck not picking me..ugh you know, but I still see resolution coming quick in the in the short term. I see unnecessary things having to happen when dude he's not home in my truck eye-rolling happening.

30:25 Joshua Wright: It's gonna be call the police to make him go, "Dude bring the truck back"  and you know, the whole...that's how we were looking at looking at or whatever...

30:33 John Lordan: Yeah

30:34 Joshua Wright: ...there but um, what were what was the question? Sorry. Why am I usually the one that steps to that position?

30:40 John Lordan: Yeah why did it come down to you to do that when there's there's other people that should have noticed while you were still in jail, that he hasn't been around for a prolonged period of time. I understand that he doesn't necessarily live at home. I understand he likes to crash on people's....

30:52 Joshua Wright: Oh he lived there, he lived there.....huh?

30:54 John Lordan: Well I know he lives there, I know he lives there, but when he's, particularly if he's out partying or something like that, he's staying with other people. How long did those...

31:02 Joshua Wright: Yeah 'cause he don't party at that house yeah.

31:04 John Lordan: Right, so how long does that usually go on is he gone for a week? Two weeks at a time?

31:08 Joshua Wright: It wasn't usual for him to do that. He would uh, he would do it like a daily whatever. Like uh he would probably do something with a friend for about two three hours ...

31:21 John Lordan: Okay

31:22  Joshua Wright: But he came back home because we really did keep an eye on mom. Now did he spend the night somewhere every now and again? Yeah,  yeah but naw, it was, he would come home ...

31:30 John Lordan: So essentially...

 31:32 Joshua Wright: No, he was never like uh, mom did not know where he was for whatever amount of days, naw, never. They always talked by the way, even on his longest stint that it would just even shocked me how close they were able to remain knowing the pain she was going through, you know, and...

31:52 John Lordan: Yeah

31:54 Joshua Wright: That was her baby boy. They're like, when he was like um, I don't know if you can see this, a picture this picture behind me right here, we called him bones, man, because he would just sit there and smile and giggle and spit bubbles all the time. Mom took him to a um photography studio and he's sitting in a tin bath everything being silly man and he's always been like that.  Like he'd smile now if he, see him, you'll see him smile now in those pictures, you'll...

32:24 John Lordan: Yeah

32:25 Joshua Wright: I see it, you know, I'm like, that's my little brother, I miss it, I miss I hear his laughter all the time.

32:32 John Lordan: Yeah

32:35 Joshua Wright: You know it lighten the room up like I like to do but he wouldn't even have to talk and I do that too much.

32:39 John Lordan: Right right.  So Josh you actually raised a bit of a point that supports the question I was trying to ask though, if it was normal for him to only go out and party for these little finite windows and by the time you get out of jail we're looking at ten days that he's been missing. How come no one else filed that report? Why did it come to you?

33:00 Joshua Wright: That answered your last question for you. Um I get out, I'm like what? You know..

33:06 John Lordan: Yeah

33:07 Joshua Wright: That's like that's like coming home and the house has been broken into and uh, your friend that lives there with you is just sitting on the couch watching <UNINTELLIGIBLE> I'm like, "Where's the rest of the stuff <UNINTELLIGIBLE>

33:17 John Lordan: Right

33:18 Joshua Wright: And you're like, "I'll take care of it, I got it, thank you" and I did, that's what it was.

33:20 John Lordan: Right okay, gotcha

33:22 Joshua Wright: Not that I looked at my family like that but it's kind of like, I clearly have came home now. I clearly notice major things absent. Uh. Anybody know anything? No. What were you doing about it? I don't know, waiting until you got out.

33:35 John Lordan: Right

35:36 Joshua Wright: That was also the reply back from my mom. "I didn't want anything drastic because it wasn't my property or place to do", you know, mom did recognize that it was my truck duh duh duh and I might actually have gotten out. It's possible if I would have gotten out, you know and um, mom would have sent that out. Cuz I gave him permission, I signed it over. And so like, you know, uh, that I may have been upset if mom would have done that without my say in the matter because um, no no, I didn't want them seizing my vehicle. I've never...

34:06 John Lordan: Gotcha

34:06 Joshua Wright: I'm all about living away from you know, municipalities and police departments and just being our own independent selves.

34:15 John Lordan: Yeah

34:15 Joshua Wright: I would much rather not go in tow yards and get my own vehicle. Oh man it's be nice it'd just be nice.

34:21 John Lordan: Yeah gotcha, I hear ya.  Uh in one police statement it clearly states that when they spoke to you, that you had said the last time you saw Noah was June 20th and we know that this is a date that got copied to the NamUS record, has been on posters, even t-shirts that you've printed have showed this because you use the NamUS poster.

34:41 Joshua Wright: I used it. Did I use who?

34:42 John Lordan: Yeah uh,  it was on it was on the NamUS poster so when you use the NamUS poster you were actually...

34:48 Joshua Wright: The NamUS poster was based off the police ...

34:50 John Lordan: Right

 34:51 Joshua Wright: file but not anything I did. I never had any say-so on any of NamUS other that I pitched a fit .. I don't know if it still says it but it said he had two different colored eyes on the log or something like that.

35:00 John Lordan: Yes

35:01 Joshua Wright: What? Does it still say that?

35:03 John Lordan: They fixed it. No, they fixed it they fixed it.

35:04 Joshua Wright: Okay, I was like people are looking for a guy that's got like multicolored eyes right now man, good job on getting that started appreciated it.

35:12 John Lordan: Right right

35:13 Joshua Wright: Not that I was in the smart-aleck tone because people assume I have that

35:16 John Lordan: Yeah

35:17 Joshua Wright: I'm in the sense where like, this person, you know, is a human being regardless of this age right now.

35:24 John Lordan: Yeah

35:25 Joshua Wright: Like he is still not located, in like two years. Mom, I feel like almost is just as delicate as the baby sometimes because she's so brokenhearted. "Josh why don't they call me? Josh..why won't they do that?" "I'll get them to call you, mom, it's no worries, I'm sure everything..."
35:40 Joshua Wright: I'm talking about the police to my mom like, everything's perfect all the time. Everything's perfect on and this is true, this is very, seriously true. "Mom, I know they got, there's nothing big going right, they'll be down here, they'll call you back, they must not uh, they must have the wrong email address. Maybe they sent it to me or something. Maybe they called me instead of you back. I don't know. Let me get a hold of it and I'll find out."
36:00 Joshua Wright: I was all time to her um, justifying they're not corresponding. And I was, I really was and this me bringing this up is not me doing a nudge at them. You know what? I don't even care. I'll just <UNINTELLIGIBLE> I was trying to take my mom out of the pain all the time, all the time...

36:18 John Lordan: Yeah

36:18 Joshua Wright: ...all the time. Her baby boys' gone, and nobody knows, nobody knows. If you were a fully capable parent... if my daughter went missing right now, I would not go to sleep

36:27 John Lordan: Yeah

36:28 Joshua Wright: You know, like I would not be able to do it and mom in her state needed to sleep.

36:34 John Lordan: Yeah, yeah I get ya. I hear ya. Um, so do we know where that June 20th thing even started from? Is it possible that you said July 20th and they got the month wrong?

36:46 Joshua Wright: I said July 20th I think I have said that.

36:48 John Lordan: Well I mean, cuz if you look at the time frame...

36:50Joshua Wright: Yeah so I don't know. I know it started at a certain date, I think, and then it moved up like, you know, like it was me figuring out...

36:59 John Lordan: Yeah

36:59 Joshua Wright: You know, information because I don't think anybody gets a full case file download and uh then they read it and then they come up with their answer, it's their final answer and they're looking into stuff

37:09 John Lordan: Yeah

37:10 Joshua Wright: I'm finding out as I go because I'm doing it on the fly you know, and I'm also not a detective. I think I'm getting  pretty close now to getting you know, uh, you know a good experience and thorough one on this one but ...

37:24 John Lordan: Yeah

37:24 Joshua Wright: I do have some training and investigative background and everything but I am NOT them and I very much need my detectives

37:30 John Lordan: Yeah and honestly the the issues that you've had with the detectives here for missing person cases is common. It's very very common. Not enough communication, you being concerned that they're not working hard enough, leads that you send in that you'd get no reply on. Uh, all that stuff is fairly common for missing-persons cases. They don't have the best touch with communication all the time, particularly with the family.

37:54 Joshua Wright: Are we talking about just nation wide or something, what's that mean

37:55 John Lordan: Yes

37:56 Joshua Wright: We are talking about something like...

37:57 John Lordan: And honestly worldwide. I look into cases all over the place.

37:58 Joshua Wright: I was just asking. I thought it sounded like you were saying for Catoosa County or the United....

38:02 John Lordan: No no no no no, I I I mean it is it is a worldwide thing. There's a certain amount of time where they're really hot on the case, usually for about the first 30 days or so and then it starts hitting the kind of back burner because their caseload is constantly coming in and they're constantly refocusing and uh, it is a common thing so know that the tough spots you're hitting with detective Miles it makes it make sense. Some people might question you...

38:25 Joshua Wright: I got, all I ever expected, I think there's something in Georgia law that says while the case is not cold and stays active, that they report back to the reporting party, the family or the wife, the husb..whoever it might be, at least within once every 90 days or something that something like that. Maybe I'll look it up while we're talking.
38:41 Joshua Wright: Point is, I never even expected that but if I say, hey take a <UNINTELLIGIBLE> at this here, this is DN, you know, you need to see this? Or whatever, come get it please, if you don't mind or whatever you need me to do. You want me to drop it off? And then then two months later I don't get, "I didn't get no email".

38:54 John Lordan: Right right

38:55 Joshua Wright: Well okay man, I gonna see what I can do about sending you know, road flares off or something to get your attention or something or I'll send you USB drive to a PO Box or something.

39:06 Joshua Wright: I even did that one time, I really did. I filled it up, 32 gigabytes

39:08 John Lordan: Yeah.

39:09 Joshua Wright: Yeah. I just wanted a relay. I'm a relayer right now. Yes people are going to send me things they don't want to send the police right now. And just, you know, I listen I read it, absolutely I do, but guess who gets it almost 100% of the time, guess who's gonna get it guys. I'm not the police

39:25 John Lordan: Right

39:25 Joshua Wright: But the police have to fix it. They're going to fix it, too. Now they're gonna be the upfront. I hope I'm there but I don't want to be there for that Scooby Doo moment. I don't to be there for that.

39:35 John Lordan: No hear ya. Um was there any particular reason...

39:39 Joshua Wright: I did that

39:39 John Lordan: I know how good you are in terms of learning new stuff and getting stuff  done yourself. Was there any reason why you didn't enter him into NamUS? Why you waited two years?

39:45 Joshua Wright: I didn't even know what NamUS was. I still don't get it.

39:48 John Lordan: Okay, yeah and that's that's a common thing.

39:50 Joshua Wright: I'm mean honestly that's the honest answer. I I kinda think, I like ah, I've looked into and studied they're uh unidentified remains

39:57 John Lordan: Yes

39:57 Joshua Wright: Uh site and I liked that and I found some locally that one time I remember this one and they had the artist renderings and one looked just like Noah. It was in between here and Atlanta I was like, whoa okay this is a pretty important site. I reached out, um oh I'll just keep this person's name outta this but he's the detective down there. And I'm like um, "hey how do you know if we've checked to see if this is Noah or not or whatever how's that going uh...

40:25 John Lordan: Yeah

40:25 Joshua Wright: He goes uh, "no it's just an automated uh setup, a process that if it is Noah they will already know, like automatically and

40:34 John Lordan: mm-hmm

40:35 Joshua Wright: I don't get that kinda how that might be the thing but

40:37 John Lordan: Yeah no you're right

40:38 Joshua Wright: I know there's not one national database. There's not the one database..

40:42 John Lordan: Right

40:43 Joshua Wright: ..if I'm remembering correctly, NamUS wants to be.

40:47 John Lordan: Yes yes and they're even putting laws into place in certain states where they're making it legally that the reporting departments have to enter it into NamUS  because of what you're talking about. Because they captured the DNA profile and then if there is a unidentified body and it has the matching DNA, boom, case solved so yeah that's exactly...

41:06 Joshua Wright: Yeah it made a lot of sense to me. It also made me also want to like, oh man, look at all these other things I need to look at or whatever. Wow, what are these good.. Wow, next thing you know, you're like, absorbing everybody in the whole state's case, <UNINTELLIGIBLE> the case reading, looking at it

41:22 John Lordan: Yeah yeah

41:23 Joshua Wright: Oh man I can't do it. I can't do it. It's so hard.

41:26 John Lordan: Yeah well, I do it I do it on a weekly basis, and you know...

41:28 Joshua Wright: Yeah you do, you do a great job..

41:28 John Lordan: Danelle does it a lot, too.

41:32 Joshua Wright: Danelle does it oh man, I've seen you guys do it and I've thanked you individually. I've warned all three of you

41:34 John Lordan: Yeah

41:34 Joshua Wright: I kinda wanna mention that. I've got public servent in me and I'm big on that. I wanna help, I do help, I save lives and I have ...

41:42 John Lordan: Yeah

41:43 Joshua Wright: ...and I really have. It it feels good and it's really what I like to do and I'll always be doing it.

41:46 John Lordan: Yeah

41:47 Joshua Wright: But you can't not, uh, you got to remember you're not gonna stop. I can see your drive. We just gotta constantly absorb all this and this is the worst parts of the world all the time.

41:57 John Lordan: Yeah

41:58 Joshua Wright: But it's because of your heart that you're wanting and you're reaching out and your arms are going <UNINTELLIGIBLE> around the world. Just don't forget to squeeze that water out every now and then.

42:06 John Lordan: Yeah, oh boy, no

42:09 Joshua Wright: You got to, you know what I mean?

42:09 John Lordan: Yeah

42:10 Joshua Wright: I just worry I guess.

42:10 John Lordan: That's how Danelle and I met. We're kind of each other's support system when it comes to pressure

42:14 Joshua Wright: Yeah venting is important.

42:16 John Lordan: Yeah

42:17 Joshua Wright: Venting is important, keeping your sense of humor is important. I've seen things in the prison system that would blow people's minds.

42:22 John Lordan: Yeah

42:23 Joshua Wright: Like it really would. Uh we'd always stop the gas station, have a fountain Coke and make jokes before we went home because you had you couldn't go home as Officer Wright. Officer Wright could not go home.

42:32 John Lordan: Right right

 42:34 Joshua Wright: That's why, that, you know, that those things need to stop and get out properly.

42:36 John Lordan: Yeah

42:39 Joshua Wright: So yeah. I'm just getting that out there but keep doing what you're doing I'm so proud of you guys.

42:41 John Lordan: Yeah, I know. I appreciate that.

42:42 Joshua Wright: I can't ever imagine being in your position but you guys are very good at what you do.

42:46 John Lordan: Yeah,  I really appreciate that, Josh, thank you. When was the last time you saw Noah?


42:58 Joshua Wright: Swimming, swimming that day with my daughter and him. At my at my friend Zane's house, there's a brief video of him doing that belly flop.

 43:05 John Lordan: Yeah

 43:05 Joshua Wright: That's the first thing that pops up in to my mind. I think it was the 14th of  July. We separated that night, he went to a friend's house. Uh, my daughter had a rare visit with her mother and it wasn't too much longer, well, we hadn't crossed paths again visually that I'm aware of now, I really don't know of it.

43:22 John Lordan: Yeah

43:23 Joshua Wright: I know we talked on the phone.

43:24 John Lordan: Yeah yeah

43:26 Joshua Wright: From what I can remember off the top of my head now, four years ago.

43:30 John Lordan: Right

43:32 Joshua Wright: That was it.

43:33 John Lordan: It seems to work in the time frame, I mean, you know, he had just gotten out of prison recently, they're lining up him going into the rehab, and yeah 14th of July certainly fit in there.

43:43 Joshua Wright: I will say like the what sticks out the most that means a lot to me now it with our last, uh encounter, is that phone call where I'm in that holding cell you know, and how he talked to me for the first time ever. It was insanely, like it was I actually, um have put in the request and they're very good at pulling recorded calls down there.

44:03 John Lordan: Yeah

 44:04 Joshua Wright: And in the in the holding cell that I was in, I'm in there with way too many people. When every one of these calls are free, you're not entering any code so 600,000, who knows how many unidentified, not labeled phone calls are coming out.

44:18 John Lordan: Right

44:18 Joshua Wright: But they're able to find them, they found one that I made to a bondsman while in this thing. I'm like dude if we can find that one call uh, I don't, not for you know showing off for everyone else, it just meant so much to me. I remember he was trying to tell me that he was gonna take care of it.

44:34 John Lordan: Wow

44:35 Joshua Wright: I got, like, "I got you, Josh. I'll take..Hey Josh, make sure you stay calm. I love you. I'll make sure I'll get that truck home. I was worried about that cuz it's the only vehicle at that entire property or our whole house. Nobody got a car but us. That was how we got around, got groceries, everything. Mom, the doctor, very important. Cayley had to eat and stuff, you know. That was the other thing, I needed Cayley to get home. She was at a location that wasn't her home.

44:58 John Lordan: Right

44:59 Joshua Wright: He said, "Josh I will take care of it. I will take care of it. Don't worry about nothing, Josh. How ever long you're in there, don't worry about nothing. I will take care of it. I love you. Everything's gonna be fine. Do your time and don't let...", you know, just given me advice. And that was the first ever. He just said, and I remember how it ended. He was just like "Josh Josh Josh". I was upset I was like, man it's not like I'm kind of justifying, I didn't sound like I'll quit quit you know. I'm the big brother, too still. Man it's not that big of a deal. "Josh Josh Josh, I love you, brother."

45:28 John Lordan: Yeah

45:29 Joshua Wright: “I love you. I'll take care of it, I promise.” "Alright Noah." I wanna get that call, I really do.

 45:34 John Lordan: Yeah

45:35 Joshua Wright: And uh, that's the last time we ever talked right there. I remember that call. Yeah, it was the first time he’d ever talk to me like that, but the first time I've ever heard him talk like that, ever. I've never seen him do anything like that where “I'll take care of it”. Never seen him step up like that  ever.

45:54 John Lordan: Wow, I hope you get that recording. I think that that would be really nice to have.

45:57 Joshua Wright: I even went, I told them I'd volunteer my own time to go do the, you know, monotonous, repetitive, I'm sure, boring activity of, "Oh man, look how many files are in this folder", searching for it.

 46:08 John Lordan: Yeah yeah. No, I get it. So the missing person report, another thing that the critics talk about on this is that the missing person report is filed in Catoosa uh, but not in Tennessee where supposedly he was last seen and that's where your truck was found. Uh did you try to file one in Tennessee?

46:25 Joshua Wright: Um, how did we find my truck? Yeah. How’d we find it? We filed report, right?

46:32 John Lordan: Yeah, so you were assuming that the report ---

46:35 Joshua Wright: <UNINTELLIGIBLE> that thing there but from everything I know and I don't know much, I don't know anything. How's that guys? Uh jurisdiction, home and venue, uh, county of your residence or where it happens or whatever type of thing and it's normally kind of, it's a good way of guessing that it would probably be wherever state you are in.

46:54 John Lordan: Yeah

46:54 Joshua Wright: Like right now if I, if I go, "Boo, I don't like you. I'm gonna go by your house wherever you live at and whatever state..." I don't have a clue, you know? And I throw egg at your house or whatever. Uh, you could file that charge on me at your Sheriff's Department.

47:07 John Lordan: Right

47:08 Joshua Wright: Or you could do it, staying at home, and you know, electronically in Walker County where I live at here.

47:14 John Lordan: Yeah

47:15 Joshua Wright: You know. That's how you do it. They can't say, "Uh we got nothing to do with that. He don't live around here." I'm like, "Uh, I live here, uh uh, that's why my, you know", it's kind of like one of those things. There's usually two places you can do any kind of thing something like that. That's how jurisdiction and venue works.

47:29 John Lordan: mm-hmm

47:29 Joshua Wright: I don’t like, ever, if I can help it,  say things when I know things like this. But I've even had officials explain to me that that's not the case or say , "We can't do this and that."

47:43 John Lordan: Yeah

 47:44 Joshua Wright: “Ok Sir, I I appreciate you leting me know”.  Yes they can.

47:47 John Lordan: Well I know some people we hit a misunderstanding ---

47:48 Joshua Wright: That's it. They're trying to pass that buck

47:50 John Lordan: Yeah, with some people we hit a misunderstanding here because they assume that a crime has been committed but in a missing-persons case, that is not the assumption so....

47:59 Joshua Wright: There has to be a, uh, what is it, um? Circumstances that you'll, you know, you know, suspicious circumstances and things like that....

48:06 John Lordan: Yes

48:06 Joshua Wright: ....because a person has the right to go missing.

48:08 John Lordan: Right

48:09 Joshua Wright: I could be like, "Bow I'm out". I can do that.

48:10 John Lordan: Yeah

48:11 Joshua Wright: But there's something that says, you know, um, uh he he's with somebody that's holding  that's holding the back of his shirt the whole time with a ski mask, “Alright, we’ll  look into that...."

 48:21 John Lordan: Right

48:22 Joshua Wright: "....let's go look into that”. They'll go find him, do a safety check and they don't report back to that filing person with at least, with at least their activity, current location, duh duh duh dah. They go and they do a safety check on that person when they find and locate them.

48:35 John Lordan: Yep

48:38 Joshua Wright: Yep. I don't I didn't know fully then but I had a general idea.

48:41 John Lordan: Yeah, no, I got ya. Uh, I know that you were arrested on July 22nd and on The Vanished Podcast, you were very clear that you weren't driving when they came up on you, uh and you...

48:51 Joshua Wright: I wasn't, yeah.

48:52 John Lordan: Yeah, and they were thinking that...

48:53 Joshua Wright: ...and they were saying that though...

48:54 John Lordan: ...they charge...

48:55 Joshua Wright: ..they said they seen me driving...

48:56 John Lordan: Right, you were thinking that the charge shouldn't have even really have been valid, however…

49:00 Joshua Wright: Yeah it definitely hadn't been, shouldn't have been, no.

49:02 John Lordan: However, when...

40:04 Joshua Wright: Even I seen it  addressed or attempted to be addressed before. There was a major back and forth back and forth going on between Catoosa County and uh, court correction forms in the DDS in the state Georgia and that's genuine truth there are forms online. Well, no actually I had to take the page offline because it kept getting ticked offline cuz people from that... Anyways, I had the documentation, um..

49:24 John Lordan: So didn't you---

49:25 Joshua Wright: Court correction letters had DDS...the Catoosa county court sent one down to the DDS for them to correct my license. Guess why they didn't? Because they didn't have a fax cover sheet. I swear, I kid you not I had both towns that were sent.

49:42 John Lordan: Wow

49:42 Joshua Wright: Like I had to go back. You know how I found out that it wasn't fixed? I got pulled over again.

49:46 John Lordan: Right yeah

49:47 Joshua Wright: In the state of Georgia, did you have an officer be going, "Hey they fixed that yesterday, sir, we don't care about.. tell that to the magistrate". You must go to jail every single time.

49:54 John Lordan: Right

49:54 Joshua Wright: You cannot show that license in lieu of bail. So I'm like back in front of the same judge. I was like, "Yeah man, I thought y'all had fixed that." He's like, “Well I thought we did”... I'm like, "Well guess how I had to find out"

50:04 John Lordan: Yeah

50:04 Joshua Wright: And back and forth like that, which I had accumulating on my license.

50:09 John Lordan: So what happened---

50:10 Joshua Wright: ...had to go back and address to that.

50:11 John Lordan: What happened with that charge in particular on July 22nd?

50:13 Joshua Wright: Dismissed. I think, well hold on. Uh, I can look it up if you need me too. I’m quite sure almost I've never been convicted. Off the top of my head, I am not remembering any driving on suspended charge I've ever been convicted of.

50:27 John Lordan: Okay so they held you for...

50:29 Joshua Wright: I don’t know off the top of my head, maybe there is one. 'Cause I know it has happened several times.

50:27 John Lordan: Okay so they held you for almost like two weeks in that case, but ultimately..

50:37 Joshua Wright: Which one, which one? Which case?

50:39 John Lordan: For July 22nd

50:40 Joshua Wright: Yeah yep

 50:41 John Lordan: But ultimately it gets dropped? Or it doesn't? Are you found not guilty?

50:49 Joshua Wright: I I can't, I I’ll have to look at that paper, to be honest with you.

50:52 John Lordan: That's alright, that's alright.

50:53 Joshua Wright: I'm I'm pretty sure that it got um, I had my license when I went, I think, to  those hearings and what happens then is they'll uh, they'll dismiss the license part and they’ll want to see proof of insurance, and duh duh duh duh.

51:06 John Lordan: Okay

51:07 Joshua Wright: And you usually get court costs and stuff like that in those scenarios pretty much

51:10 John Lordan: Yeah.

51:11 Joshua Wright: Ticket. That’s how it goes.

51:14 John Lordan: Okay. Alright

 51:16 Joshua Wright: I believe that’s how that went.

51:17 John Lordan: Okay

51:18 Joshua Wright: I'm quite sure, yeah

51:19 John Lordan: I know, and I, look, I know man, you've had a little bit of a history. You so I I know that...

51:22 Joshua Wright: With my license, yeah. But I'm still like qualified to look for him, you know .

51:26 John Lordan: Yeah uh, when Noah came and got the keys, the wallet, the cell phone, uh, what was the plan with your truck? Did you actually tell him something specifically to do with it just or just go get it, take it home, or...

51:40 Joshua Wright: Take it home

51:41 John Lordan: Just take it home.

51:41 Joshua Wright: Take it home. I didn’t say that he couldn't drive it but um, that's not a good area that MAPCO. That's a pretty popular little business district. I mean I was leaving a book store.

51:52 John Lordan: Yeah

51:52 Joshua Wright: I just left the book store. I read books from time to time. Some are law books. Most of the people actually from there , believe it or not, use law books, can't beat that.

52:01 John Lordan: Yeah

52:01 Joshua Wright: And uh the prices are, ooo-hooo, oh man. Um anyways, that's exactly what I was doing and they have like the best in the entire state in the case  actually. I was leaving from there and uh, that's what happened. But at night time, there's criminals everywhere right right there in that one spot it's very bad. The hotels are empty during the daytime.

52:22 John Lordan: Yeah

52:22 Joshua Wright: Nighttime they're all occupied with popping CEOs in there, you know.

52:30 John Lordan: Gotcha. So you wanted him to go get your truck out of that situation so nothing bad would happen to it but, would it have been okay if he wanted to use your truck for anything?  But he didn't have license at this point either, right?

52:40 Joshua Wright: I don't know that answer. I got I got I was trying to look that up earlier.

52:43 John Lordan: Oh okay

52:44 Joshua Wright:  And uh, you know, sometimes apparently when I’m checking right now, um, I I will be able to, I feel confidently about, check 100 percent of these things after a next hearing I have coming up. Last time I had something set up officially for him, I got a you know, apparently, a wag of the finger of being criminal like so I had to back off.  I better not look at that right now. I better not go to DDS website and ask that question right now. I better get some clarification from these judges really quick.

53:13 John Lordan: Okay gotcha.

53:14 Joshua Wright: Because the only way you can really check is to kind of, I’m I'm quite sure that he had a driver's license, yeah.

53:21 John Lordan: Okay

53:22 Joshua Wright: I know every time when he would get released he would only have a state ID in the form of something like this here, it’s partially in the shot but...

53:29 John Lordan: Yeah

53:30 Joshua Wright: ...had a jail thing. Those are actually valid state form of identification with a picture on it.

53:33 John Lordan: Right, Department of Corrections ID right?

53:36 Joshua Wright: Yep yep

53:38 John Lordan: Okay um, so there wasn't any other specific instructions that you gave him about what to do with your truck or your phone or your wallet or anything just get the truck get it home, that's it.

53:47 Joshua Wright: No, no. Um, I'd say I don’t like addressing stuff all the time but, um, you know, people talking about..I knew I had no bond. It wasn’t rushed in any way on that day, I wasn't gonna go anywhere.

54:00 John Lordan: Yeah, yeah

54:03 Joshua Wright: There was nowhere to go. There was no bond. Um, some people would think  and thought that I was trying to say sell the truck off or have him sell the truck off, mixture prescriptions and or any goodies on the inside or I don't know. I've never seen a potential municipal violation bond that would require an automobile be sold and all these things. You pay 10% of whatever that might be like, okay man, he's got a good traffic ticket.

54:28 John Lordan: Yeah

54:28 Joshua Wright: Make sure he sells his whole car to get out of this traffic ticket. That doesn't that's not how it works, man.

54:33 John Lordan: Yeah, doesn’t seem quite right but there was a bond set ---

54:35 Joshua Wright: Thank you

54:36 John Lordan: ...I believe, though.

54:38 Joshua Wright: Yeah

54:38 John Lordan: Yeah it was for---

54:39 Joshua Wright: On on the, well when there's one hold, this city, Collegedale said, “He can't leave yet”.

54:45 John Lordan: Oooh okay

54:45 Joshua Wright: My charges had bonds but guess what? “He can’t leave yet”. That's how it works.

54:50 John Lordan: Gotcha.

54:51 Joshua Wright: That that agency has ten days... I think ten or eleven days, to act on that.

54:55 john Lordan:  Yeah

54:56 Joshua Wright: I wor- I worked in booking for four of my Corrections uh years up here at the at the actual, the private sister jail up here, Silverdale.

55:05 John Lordan: Yeah.

55:05 Joshua Wright: Is what I worked at and they both operate like they're separate entities. Technically they're both Hamilton County facilities. Anyways uh, booking is a  very similar, of course, as you can guess, process. And we work back and forth, back and forth, dadadadada.  Also how I found out that I had no bond… “What are you doing here, Wright? Come here for a second man. What can I do to help you?”

55:26 John Lordan: Yeah

55:26 Joshua Wright: They let me know quite quickly when I walked in for obvious reasons.

55:29 John Lordan: Yeah

55:29 Joshua Wright: "Oh man, looks like you got a hold in Collegedale, what can we do--", you know, they were trying to help me. I learned it that pretty quick. Um, you have 11 days to get picked up or you're not gonna… actually they will release you if you're not picked up after 11 days.

55:41 John Lordan: Okay

55:42 Joshua Wright: It it might be a little bit higher number, might be a little bit lower but I’m quite sure it used to be 11 days.

55:47 John Lordan: Did Noah have a cell phone of his own?

55:51 Joshua Wright shakes his head no

55:51 John Lordan: No?

55:52 Joshua Wright: No. He would have - he would have one that would usually like um, "Hey man, can I use this for whatever and WiFi or whatever?" (Joshua Wright holds up his own cell phone). "Yeah you could, Noah. I guess ideally. Yeah, sure." "I mean that's all I need, it's all cool, thank you brother", and he could be gone.

56:04 John Lordan: Okay, gotcha. And um, you've been clear that yeah, there is-- you you've heard the critics talk about that you told him to…

56:12 Joshua Wright: It’s so weird saying I have critics. I mean...

56:14 John Lordan: I know, I just ---

56:15 Joshua Wright: It's weird to me

56:16 John Lordan: I'm I'm trying to not use their names because I'm worried about people back lashing on them and there's been enough back lashing all around in this, so I'm trying to kind of be respectful to everyone here.

56:25 Joshua Wright: My whole thing is I'm defending my integrity. I don't really care about proving myself right.

56:28 John Lordan: Yeah

56:30 Joshua Wright: There is no um, I think I said it in one email to you maybe I think it was or whatever, it's a, sometimes you'll realize that people know enough or they'll or they'll think they know enough... that Neil deGrasse Tyson quote, you know.

56:42 John Lordan: Yeah

56:43 Joshua Wright: Uh they know it, they.. I can't say it right. I don't know. I look at it like that now because I tried to help them. I tried to help them but I knew they didn't like me.

56:50 John Lordan: Yeah

56:50 Joshua Wright: I was out of their little group quite quickly cuz if you want to be out of that group give it a shot.

56:55 John Lordan: Right

56:55 Joshua Wright: Say something nice about me. It's it's weird. I don't know how they... no one can..  I don't know, anyways, you'll be gone you'll be gone quite quickly. Anyhow. Um

57:04 John Lordan: Speaking of, speaking of on that, um one of the big points of contention that was brought up to me by these people, it was literally in the first paragraph of the first email that I got from them way back in the middle of February, it came up again...

57:15 Joshua Wright: <UNINTELLIGIBLE>

57:17 John Lordan: Yeah yeah, it came up again uh, in an email from someone else uh, in like their top, I asked them for their top points of why do we think that there's something weird going on here and this thing kept coming up. that you weren't in jail all the way until August 7

57:33 Joshua Wright: Oh man, yeah.

57:34 John Lordan: And it seems to be a cornerstone of their conversation because they want to make sure that there is some opportunity that you had to do something to Noah if that's kind of where they're aiming in terms of what they believe. Uh so I did ask you one question, uh in email, and I just asked you for, "hey can you send me some paperwork that shows when you got out of jail". You did. Uh, that paperwork...

57:56 Joshua Wright: <UNINTELLIGIBLE>

57:57 John Lordan: Yeah, that paperwork was also given to Danelle, she featured it in her piece as well, uh and like I was talking to you…

58:05 Joshua Wright: Yeah I went and got them again.

58:06 John Lordan: Yeah he went and he literally went and drove and got it again specifically for Danelle.

58:11 Joshua Wright: With handwriting

58:12 John Lordan: Yeah with handwriting on it and on top of all that, uh, I went one further and I had heard from these people that they could not get it verified. Took me all five minutes.

58:23 Joshua Wright: Yeah. Oh still probably uh it can't be because they have those blinders man <UNINTELLIGIBLE>

58:27 John Lordan: It it's so weird because it literally---

58:29 Joshua Wright: It's not weird it's <UNINTELLIGIBLE>

58:30 John Lordan: I called I called the county re- um the court reporting system. I talked to them about it. I said, "Hey how can I verify this?" They said, "Hey call this number. Uh, you're gonna need his name, his birthday, the date of his arrest". They didn't even ask who I was.

58:44 Joshua Wright: Yeah, they're they're quite awesome down there, honestly.

58:47 John Lordan: They're really really helpful, yeah.

58:48 Joshua Wright: And sometimes look at me a little bit funny and I'm like uh, when I'm calling, I've called a couple times, they were like, "But it says you got out on this date, what is the problem?" I'm like I-I know it, right?

 58:57 John Lordan: Right,right

58:58 Joshua Wright: What do you want me to do, like put my drop of blood...uh that's what they said. I said, "Do you want me to sign it and put a little bit of drop of blood on there, maybe we can do it like that and add some wax and we'll just do it and press down and we'll have a good seal on there and nobody's gonna debate that ever. If we have an officer sign, whatever. I was like, "ha-ha, yes they'll still argue."

59:18 John Lordan: Yeah. So without a doubt, no doubt whatsoever, we know he's in jail all the way up until August 7th. Now, of course the conversation's gonna move...

59:26 Joshua Wright: Yeah right in the middle of a vacation man. You know, I was gone. Sad but it was what it was.

59:31 John Lordan: Yeah....because I believe that we're dealing with a very strong belief system here, uh, now the conversation is going to move to August 7th and what happened on August 7th, so I have a couple questions for you where I want to go through August 7th and then we're gonna end this interview. We will continue with another interview where we get much more into the phone, much more into the truck. But for this interview, August 7th happens, uh, you're released from jail. About what time in the day are you released from jail?

59:55 Joshua Wright: Uuuhhh, it seemed like um, just before business close. You get out with no watch, um.

1:00:01 John Lordan: Okay

1:00:02 Joshua Wright: Family Dollar stores and things of that nature were open and I was able to walk and I still smoked at the time so purchased.. I had money, somehow still a little bit money left. Get me some cigarettes, walk around, try to see the river front, beautiful day when you're out of jail, waiting on your ride.

1:00:15 John Lordan: Okay, so hold on a second. You you turned your stuff over to Noah, but you wound up with some money still left?

1:00:23 Joshua Wright: Yeah

1:00:24 John Lordan: Is that the discrepancy between the $80 and the $60 that are on the form?

1:00:27 Joshua Wright: Possibly. Possibly. I'm not really sure what that ..I know there was some sort of uh, oh man, it sounds so chain-gang right now. Um, some sort of debated about a pillow. They said my pillow was tore or something like that.

1:00:41 John Lordan: Ooohh

1:00:42 Joshua Wright: They were gonna have to take it out of my account or whatever it was. Uh yeah they actually charged.. I remember them trying and deducting and I said I got a receipt for a torn pillow. I wasn't asleep on the pillow

1:00:52 John Lordan: Wow

1:00:52 Joshua Wright: I was like, "Man, this pillow's torn? It's got a case on it. But this pillow's torn?" They're like, "Yeah man, it is and you uh, just bought it. " I was like, "Did I? I can leave with it then?" That's crazy! And I apparently bought...I swear that's a true story.

1:01:04 John Lordan: Did you take it?

1:01:04 Joshua Wright: And I was like, I finally I asked the chaplain I was like, "Hang on, I got charged with pillow that I can't even take it home," that's even weirder and I didn't do anything to it. "Ahh, let me fix it", they said so yeah, that actually happened. I got I'm a pillow I'm apparently a pillow tearing guy, too yeah.

1:01:18 John Lordan: Yeah you get out, you're walking and you go buy a pack of cigarettes?

1:01:24 Joshua Wright: Yeah

1:01:25 John Lordan: And we think this is a---

1:01:25 Joshua Wright: But you can't talk and walk on your mobile and all that kinda thing <UNINTELLIGIBLE>. Noah had picked mine up, remember?

1:01:31 John Lordan: Right, so you had no phone. Uh so---

1:01:33 Joshua Wright: No, I was able to walk by the uh same one you get your free uh call thing on. They let you do the same thing on the out. Again, they're very nice to me over there. I've never had's a.. just the circumstances that are bad. Not the people down there. I won't say anything bad there.

1:01:46 John Lordan: Yeah

1:01:48 Joshua Wright: They let you do it on the way out. "Uh uh, Ric, I guess you're coming?" Couldn't reach Noah. I really couldn't, I tried. "Uuuuuuuhhhhh, yeah, on my way." Alright.

1:01:56 John Lordan: Okay so you call up Uncle Ric and Uncle Ric comes to get you.

1:02:00 Joshua Wright: Yes, he'll always answer that phone, boy I'll call him right now and he'll answer it.

1:02:03 John Lodran: Um, did you try calling your own cell phone first?

1:02:06 Joshua Wright: Why?

1:02:08 John Lordan:  To get Noah?

1:02:08 Joshua Wright: No um, actually it wouldn't call my Google Voice-- would not uh from those phones so I didn't ---I don't know why--Oh I know why, because technically at that time I don't ---I done it once on one of these suspended license moments. You can go in, login your voicemail when uh, your voicemail picks up and dial out from your voicemail and it'll show---if I called you, it'll say "Josh Wright's calling John", not "JAIL!" you know, "HELP! JAIL!" don't answer this <UNINTELLIGIBLE> you wish it said. It would say, "Hey Josh is kinda cool, what's up?" "HELP ME!!" Oh nooo, you're stuck then, kinda yup. Then uh, that you could do multiple calls.

1:02:48 John Lordan: So you had

1:02:48 Joshua Wright: I think they stopped that, yeah.

1:02:50 John Lordan: Yeah, you did not have an expectation that Noah was supposed to come pick you up.

1:02:56 Joshua Wright: Younger brother moment, can't reach him, that's a shocker but I didn't think he was out, you know, Napoleon Bonaparte or nothin'.

1:03:06 John Lordan: Okay okay, yeah so um, Uncle Ric comes---

1:03:09 Joshua Wright: Nothing that crazy was goin' on.

1:03:09 John Lordan: Yeah, Uncle Rick comes and gets you and, at least according to information I've heard from you before uh, stated by you not from you directly, uh you say that Uncle Ric tells you that Noah has been missing. Like in the middle of the drive and you were kind of shocked

1:03:24 Joshua Wright: "Missing", he didn't say the word "missing". He he just you know, "I don't know, we ain't seen him. We ain't seen him in a couple a days", you know, that kinda thing.

1:03:29 John Lordan: Okay

1:03:30 Joshua Wright: Everything... I love him to death. Everything he says sounds like  negative. He probably dropped me off when he did and went back down "if you seen anybody always drive back down this dead end street. "Had to pick Josh up, man." "What? What-what Ric? Is it like that, all that...?" Everything is turned into a toned down statement like.

1:03:52 John Lordan: Gotcha

1:03:52 Joshua Wright: And again, I don't know if he means it in harm--like it is - like it sounds, but

1:03:56 John Lordan: Right right

1:03:57 Joshua Wright: "Noah's out - Noah's out raisin' rais-- runnin' the roads, man." I remember him saying that. He said that. "Oh, he's out runnin' the roads, nobody knows where he's at, man." I'm like, "Whoa what?" And he tried to keep goin' into something like, "Ric, Ric, Ric, Ric, what?"

1:04:10 John Lordan: Yeah

1:04:10 Joshua Wright: You know, I had that moment with him I do remember on the way home.

1:04:12 John Lordan: So how far is the drive from the jail to your back to your home?

1:04:17 Joshua Wright: 13-14 minutes

1:04:19 John Lordan: Okay. You get there and you don't see your truck.

1:04:23 Joshua Wright:  Yeah

1:04:25 John Lordan: Okay, and what happens at that point?

1:04:27 Joshua Wright: I see my daughter first.

1:04:29 John Lordan: Okay.

1:04:30 Joshua Wright: I go in there and I'm like, "Oh man alright <UNINTELLIGIBLE>",  and my my mom was up there I think even, too. I missed her, checked on her, asked her how she was feelin' and whatever. Blah blah blah, you know, I'm hungry, gimme food please mama. That happened. And ah, ya know, that Ramen, boy, that Ramen vacation is uh, a little hard on you.

1:04:46 John Lordan: Yeah

1:04:46 Joshua Wright: Um, you know, and during that time I planned on it, I did ask, "Alright so what's going on with that? What's going on with Noah? Can we reach him? Is he answering the phone?" And, pretty much got all I needed to know that way.

1:04:57 John Lordan: Okay. So you're eating, you've - you're literally have a meal, you hang out with your daughter for a bit, you start asking and do you start sending Facebook messages at this point? Is this where the Facebook Timeline kind of clicks in?

1:05:07 Joshua Wright: I had no laptop. I didn't have any um mm no phone. I mean I'm going back ---

1:05:12 John Lordan: Yeah

1:05:13 Joshua Wright: I'm in quantum leap mode, lemme close my eyes. Um I don't know of any other methods that I could have been doing that type of thing. I know Ric had a phone and my mom had a phone - who knows if I might have said, "Can I borrow it for a second?" and did that stupid, annoying flip phone login to Facebook on a flip phone <UNINTELLIGIBLE>

1:05:31 John Lordan: Yeah yeah

1:05:32 Joshua Wright: And so yeah, probably wasn't doing much, no.

1:05:36 John Lordan: Okay so when do you decide - do you go searching for him yourself or do you call the police right away or what's - how do we get to that? How do we get to the police are looking for him?

1:05:43 Joshua Wright: Talked to mom first about it because, again, I don't believe um, anything extreme or fail or non uh, you know, seems like a party foul. It's kinda like, "Dude, just come home man." URGGGGH Whammy on this kid. He's never been more than that bad and <UNINTELLIGIBLE> but being addressed by any of us really I guess, or whatever. He's never done anything where we want to really get to gah or anything. I don't know. I don't know how he managed to get away with being that kind of slick. You know, he had had some serious moments in his life but we still weren't the same.

 1:06:20 John Lordan: Yeah

1:06:21 Joshua Wright: You - yeah and so um even as just as I was in making that happen in an official capacity like that, um, I talked to mom first- if she could have talked me out of it, and she had it in her eyes, but I also, you know, well mom, we needed- I needed to get her to the doctor, too. I mean like she usually went about once every two days.

 1:06:43 John Lordan: Yeah

1:06:43 Joshua Wright: And so mom was even like, "I-I'll be able to --"--- "No, mom no I am that person. I'm gon---". That's me bein' that guy right there 'cause, "I will make sure you get to that doctor, mom. I know you're gonna be fine. You're gonna be ok, Noah's fine. Everything's gonna be good. He's not gonna go to jail. My truck will be back home so everything's gonna be fine. Just lay down and get some sleep.

1:07:06 John Lordan: Okay. Now when you call in the, the at least the stolen truck report, you do say it's stolen, right? Your trucks' been stolen.

1:07:15 Joshua Wright: I didn't call in a stolen truck report. I said I needed a don- an officer to come to our address, and---

1:07:20 John Lordan: Okay.

1:07:20 Joshua Wright: ---to discuss the matter. He came there. He takes his notes. He gets his, he tells me that, you know, I guess that's what you're suppose to do. Like, "This sounds like---", by the way I have it right here in my lap.

1:07:31 John Lordan: Yeah

1:07:31 Joshua Wright: That's what the charge is. The statue in Georgia says that this is blank, or whatever, and so in order to do this, you know, prerequisites have to be in place and the definition of the crime has to occur and yadda yadda yadda. Um, he tells me, "What has happened here? You have a theft of vehicle and a missing person report, Mr. Wright? Is that what, is that - am I understanding correctly?" You know, that's pretty much what he did. He was nice that day.

1:07:53 John Lordan: Oaky

1:07:53 Joshua Wright: And my mom was talking with him, "Yeah, we don't wanna do it. We gotta catch him." By the way, I will remind you and I don't think I ever said it, the police department, especially the road patrolling police department, they know who Noah is just as much as they know who I am.

1:08:08 John Lordan: Okay

1:08:08 Joshua Wright: Noah was in and out of there like he was...I seen him...I seen him get uh, arrested one time so quick, he was back in the same job at the jail. When I went to visit him, he was cleaning the outside garden that he had planted all the things in the garden. I was like, "Noah, you <UNINTELLIGIBLE> back that bad, go in this garden."

1:08:29 John Lordan: Wow

1:08:30 Joshua Wright: I'm tellin' you, at some times though, this was not a reason at that time but Noah was just as known as you would would think I am.

 1:08:37 John Lordan: Yeah

1:08:37 Joshua Wright: Not everybody felt like it was infamy but they knew Noah. Yeah.

1:08:41 John Lordan: Yeah. Now some of the details on the, um, on the stolen vehicle report are kind of interesting. Did you tell him that he might have syringes with him?

1:08:54 Joshua Wright: Um, no. He asked about um, now, "what's his history?" and you tell him his history because you don't lie.

1:09:02 John Lordan: Yeah

1:09:02 Joshua Wright: Cuz you know why? He could have gotten pulled over, found him, found the truck and, "What is all these syringes doing in here?" And I would be like, "Well they're not mine!" "Well you never said he coulda had that....", you know, they could do something like that.

1:09:11 John Lordan: Gotcha. Yeah. And that there was some type of pepper spray that was in the vehicle also. Was that yours?

1:09:17 Joshua Wright: Oh yeah. I always have it. I always have pepper spray, yeah.

1:09:18 John Lordan: Okay

1:09:19 Joshua Wright: I don't wanna hurt nobody. I carry too, now. I don't - I hate that. I hate guns but I will use it. But I don't want to and preferably and 90% of my time away from work, I have my child with me. I'd much rather go PSSSHHHHHHH and let somebody's face burn for a minute while I get away with my kid scott free, yeah.

1:09:36 John Lordan: Right right

1:09:37 Joshua Wright: So I've legally been trained on how to use it, yeah.

 1:09:39 John Lordan: Okay

1:09:39 Joshua Wright: It's like Dog the Bounty Hunter size. He would have on his thigh, that, the Mark 9 of uh, Oleoresin Capsicum, it's all-natural ingredients.

1:09:47 John Lordan: Yep

1:09:47 Joshua Wright: Yep so it's what I prefer to use rather than a firearm, you know.

1:09:52 John Lordan: So when you left jail, until the point where you have a police officer sitting in front of you talking about what they're gonna do in terms of filing these reports, how much time are we talking about?

1:10:03 Joshua Wright: He he never left the driveway. He had to, like I said, the plastic cover on his cap and all that, it was raining...

1:10:08 John Lordan: Yeah I just I just mean the gap. How much time from when you actually leave the prison to when you're talking to a cop?

1:10:14 Joshua Wright: There was no prison.

1:10:15 John Lordan: Alright sorry when you - when you leave jail to the point where you're talking to the police officer about Noah being missing, how much time are we talking about in there? Like four hours?

1:10:24 Joshua Wright: Oh, um, good question. Enough time to eat, sit down and talk. What -  are we good? Are we good? Is this what we wanna do? Put a plan together. That type of thing, duh duh duh duh. And we weren't in a hurry. We would not have a reason to be in a hurry. "Well you need to..." No, we wouldn't care. We didn't think anything had happened to him.

1:10:40 John Lordan: Yeah, 'cause we know, we know that it's 5:20 when that report is being called in.

1:10:44 Joshua Wright: Yeah, actually, I don't remember that being the time, is it the time?  I don't remember. I don't have it in front of me so okay.

1:10:49 John Lordan: Yeah

1:10:51 Joshua Wright: Um I think that our mentality was I bet you just from that number, Harriett business has closed. What we wanted was a way to show Noah... we have not  <UNINTELLIGIBLE> card. Remember I took the picture of that card? I don't know if you seen that, but uh, I took a picture of his business card with his hand written name on it, Officer Frye on it.

1:11:09 John Lordan: Yeah

1:11:10 Joshua Wright: Um that was so I could send it to Noah in messenger.

1:11:12 John Lordan: Oooh I gotcha, gotcha.

1:11:19 Joshua Wright: You know, as I'm walking through, yes it worked when he walks in or drives home and you know.

1:11:12 John Lordan: So knowing ---

1:11:19 Joshua Wright: Sometimes you get somebody home, well especially him I believe, I mean of course he was on probation. He has a warrant

1:11:25 John Lordan: Yeah

1:11:26 Joshua Wright: Uh so, you know, that usually works.

1:11:29 John Lordan: Right. So knowing that is at about five twenty, can you backtrack from that point and tell me about how much time we're talking about in between there?

1:11:36 Joshua Wright: I have no idea when I got out especially myself , I don't, so I don't know of any way of

1:11:40 John Lordan: Do you remember if you did you have a lunch that day?

1:11:40 Joshua Wright: I mean if you want me to pull out my computer and seeing logins and stuff of myself. I'm sorry?

1:11:45 John Lordan: Do you remember if you did you have a lunch that day in jail before you got out?

1:11:49 Joshua Wright: Uh uh, pfft, I don't know.

1:11:51 John Lordan:  Yeah

1:11:53 Joshua Wright: I don't know. I mean you're kinda moved out of your...I was in a dorm because was there for a couple weeks.

1:11:58 John Lordan:  Yeah

1:11:58 Joshua Wright: Brought back downstairs and there's multiple stories in that place and you set in the same old cell you're in for a couple days. And I can't remember if ---and usually, I don't think I did eat that day because, "Oh you're gettin' out, ain't you?" is the thing.

1:12:13 John Lordan: Okay

1:12:14 Joshua Wright: You know, yeah I'm gettin' out, I would figure.

1:12:16 John Lordan: Okay

 1:12:17 Joshua Wright: That's not, just being respec--- I don't I don't know

1:12:20 John Lordan: I'm just trying to tighten it up--

1:12:20 Joshua Wright: <UNINTELLIGIBLE>

1:12:22 John Lordan: Yeah I'm just trying to tighten up the time frame there because I want to you know, try to understand what type of opportunity did you have to do something here because let me tell ya, if if you ---

1:12:33 Joshua Wright: Oh yeah. And let me remind you of this, though. I've done that myself, thinking, "What could that---

1:12:36 John Lordan: I know

1:12:36 Joshua Wright: ---possibly assume", like he gets out, he's got pretty much, got out completely naked and they think I start flying around <UNINTELLIGIBLE> all these things. I had no phone, no car---

 1:12:45 John Lordan: Right

1:12:45 Joshua Wright: No idea what's going on and um, apparently have located, I guess, through spidey senses, spun around the world or whatever with the web, okay do successfully to this very day not gotten caught at you know. Why there's not enough time in the world to do anything like that. That's insanity. Like there was my personal feelings on everything at to right now even, is there was not one single entity going on here. There was ---ya know. And so doing all these things with no mobility, no way of being notified, given permission to do something as big as abduct or hold on to somebody. It's, dude, come on.

1:13:27 John Lordan: Yeah, yeah

1:13:28 Joshua Wright: You know, so I don't know of a time frame. Maybe I can follow back up with you on uh, or sit here and look silly on the computer while we stare at it.

1:13:37 John Lordan: No, it it m-m-might be something that---

1:13:38 Joshua Wright: I'm just saying, I can look.

1:13:40 John Lordan: It might something that you want to add to your own timeline that's on your website if nothing else.

1:13:44 Joshua Wright: Sure. I've never cared enough about that timeline to constantly update it so much but I might do that actually.

1:13:48 John Lordan: Yeah it might not be a bad idea 'cause honestly the opportunity---

1:13:51 Joshua Wright: I appreciate that. I appreciate that.

1:13:53 John Lordan: Yeah, yeah. The opprotunity is what I'm really interested in here because if people really want to think that you're related to this case in some way, there has to be a window of opportunity or we have to ---

1:14:02 Joshua Wright: There ability, opprotunity and jeopardy, I remember those key words. You have to have them all in place just to shoot somebody I think.

1:14:09 John Lordan: Yeah

1:14:10 Joshua Wright: Those are words right there have to be in place and even that logic, try and apply it here. Did I have the ability to get anywhere?

 1:14:18 John Lordan: Right

1:14:18 Joshua Wright: Did I have the ability to get notified? Did I have an opportunity?

 1:14:21 John Lordan: Right

1:14:22 Joshua Wright: Gah, who knows, they're too many variables in place to say anything could have possibly happened like that.

1:14:27 John Lordan: Yeah

1:14:28 Joshua Wright: I seriously doubt that a comic book could be written with such whish-whish Wow.

1:14:35 John Lordan: Yeah. No I hear ya.

1:14:35 Joshua Wright: Concluded so well that I'm still here right now getting "attention" for what would be apparently myself. That's just, wow. Marvel couldn't write one like that.

1:14:45 John Lordan: Yeah that is an interesting aspect to this case as well.

1:14:48 Joshua Wright: And insulting though. They mention that like, it hurts---

1:14:50 John Lordan: Yes

1:14:50 Joshua Wright: ---it makes me want to get angry but I don't.

1:14:52 John Lordan: Yeah no I get that. I get that. One of the things I try to encourage family members that have missing loved ones to do is to reach out and to raise attention and to try to keep their that face out there. That those vital statistics. This whole time we've been talking, Noah's face is literally right under the image of me. His his face is right there the whole time.

1:15:11 Joshua Wright: <UNINTELLIGIBLE>

1:15:11 John Lordan: Uh, that's a major part of trying to help with these cases. We have to know who you're looking for so um---

1:15:18 Joshua Wright: Yeah I- I've kinda almost done so--yeah yeah I do that, too, all of, as much as I can.

1:15:23 John Lordan: Yeah

1:15:23 Joshua Wright: Recently I was tryin' to redesigned the thing from time to time even because I do try to keep it, you know, I know what that is. You see a teacher walked by, they knew it's Noah's poster or whatever. But uh, yeah man I've had to keep it up there myself as best as I can so I've totally gotten that. Now I be --- I wouldn't have guessed this would be a smart way of going about it but there are these families,<UNINTELLIGIBLE> there some great tools ---

1:15:46 John Lordan: Yeah

1:15:47 Joshua Wright: --- in place that they - I know they can't know about. It takes people with experience, unfortunately,  to let them know that you can do certain things online now with uh---

1:15:57 John Lordan: Yeah, like  check NamUS

1:15:58 Joshua Wright: Like right now, I'm gonna - I'm gonna try my best to keep an eye on people trying to take over investigations from-from families and people in <UNINTELLIGIBLE> I'm just gonna do that.

 1:16:07 John Lordan: Yep

1:16:08 Joshua Wright: You know what I mean? Like people are very vulnerable in that state so.

1:16:10 John Lordan: Yeah absolutely

1:16:11 Joshua Wright: This is not in the handbook.

1:16:13 John Lordan: Yeah

1:16:13 Joshua Wright: We just want people to come home and we need our hug circle to be completely ---you know.

1:16:20 John Lordan: Yeah, I hear ya Josh.

1:16:21 Joshua Wright: It's our family. Thank you.

1:16:23 John Lordan: Um, okay we're gonna wrap up this episode at that point. Joshua, thank you so much for your time. We are going to --

1:16:21 Joshua Wright: <Grabs a big, red, holiday bow> You're welcome, put a bow on it.

1:16:29 John Lordan: Yeah awesome. We are going to put the bow on it, end this episode and we will have you back for more uh, probably another hour at least. Uh, we're gonna get into the phone, we're gonna get into the truck, we're gonna see if we could put some more of these things to rest help clear the air.

 1:16:46 Joshua Wright: <UNINTELLIGIBLE> out of me

1:16:46 John Lordan: Yeah. We're gonna try to clear the air around all this.

1:16:49 John Lordan: That is it for today's interview with Joshua Wright. Thank you so much for your time, Josh. Um, if you have any information about this case, please use the contact information below get that information in the right hands. People that can act on it. Hopefully help move this case forward. Uh, tomorrow, we're gonna be talking about the phone, the truck, and does Joshua actually have any potential motive in all this with with the theories that we're kind of hearing around so be sure to come back to Lord and Arts channel tomorrow. We'll be here with much more. Take care.

1:17:21 [Music]

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