August 15, 2014 - Noah Davis is reported missing.

Case discussion: August 15, 2014, the day Noah Davis’s maternal half brother, Joshua Wright, officially reports him missing to Catoosa County, GA authorities.

  • 1:22 AM - Joshua posts on facebook a woe is me story.
⦁ Joshua also goes to the ER complaining of jaw pain.
  • 7:29 AM - Joshua posts on facebook that he's looking for Noah.

  • 11 AM - Joshua calls the police to file a missing persons report. . We have firm confirmation that this IS the day he was reported missing by his maternal half brother, Joshua. NOT August 7, 2014.

  • 11:48 AM - Joshua posts on Facebook that he's waiting for a camera crew to arrive.

  • 2:24 PM - Joshua posts on Facebook for everyone to tune to channel 3 at 6 PM to see him on tv.

  • 5:27 PM - Officer Frye arrives at Joshua's home to take his statement regarding the missing persons report he filed earlier that morning.

  • 6:31 PM - Joshua posts on Facebook his disappointment that the news didn't run his story.

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