June 4, 2018 - Transcript for Johnny Vlogs: Noah Davis Case Chat featuring Danelle Hallan

JohnnyVlogs: Noah Davis Case Chat featuring Danelle Hallan


Published on June 4, 2018


00:00 [Music]

00:05 John Lordan: Hey everyone, John Lordan here. Welcome to the first episode of Johnny blogs we've had in a few weeks. Of course last week was a holiday. Hope you are all doing well. On today's episode we have a special guest with us, Danelle Hallan is here. Uh, basically we both worked on the Noah Davis case kind of in silos we really kept our work separated and this is an episode where we're going to share our insights with each other and see if we can come to some new or different conclusions about all of this.

00:33 John Lordan: Because we did miss Johnny vlogs last week, we have a lot of patrons to thank, we're not going to skip out on any of them. Let's get into the list right now. Uh, now pledged Gina Valera, Cynthia Schaffer, Mike Beets, Lynn Downing, Lindsey Bruce, PL Wright, Katie Kadena, Tony Bastille or Basily, Cristina Crapech, Jen a Palooza, cool name Jen, I like that. Amber Castellano, JC Butler, Sonya Barnett, Brandi Jackson. All of them brand new pledges. On top of that, Heather Realander and Selina Moffat increased their pledges significantly. I really appreciate that. Thank both of you ladies very much. And I also wanted to remind you, because we don't talk about it all the time, but thanks to you and your support of me, I'm able to support Destiny Rescue, which is an organization that combats child trafficking uh, internationally. Uh, we donate to them on a monthly basis now, $25 a month, and that's because of you guys and Destiny Rescue just sent me an email just a little while ago. Um, they're very happy that they've hit a milestone already for this year. They have rescued over 250 children. So know that a portion of the proceeds that are coming into me automatically going right back to Destiny Rescue on top of all the other GoFundMe's and things that we support on the channel here. I just I'm so flattered that you guys help me do all that. Thank you so much.

02:13 John Lordan: With all that being said, let's go ahead and bring our guest on the show. Everyone, here is Danelle Hallan. Hey Danelle.

02:21 Danelle Hallan: Hiiiiiii. Hey, how are you doin', John?

02:23 John Lordan: Good, it's so nice to talk to you in person again. Um, it's really interesting we spent so much time at Crime Con and then all of a sudden it was like, oh, you know, her and Powell aren't there.

02:33 Danelle Hallan: Oh I know, it was sad. Powell won't stop talking about you still. He's your biggest fan other than my daughter now.

02:40 John Lordan: Aww, it was it was really awesome. That was kind of a cool thing, too,  gettin' able to --get being able to say hi to Raylan when we were out it at at lunch at one point. Very fun.

02:47 Danelle Hallan: She loved that.

02:48 John Lordan: Um and I-I, there was an interesting start, of course we're here to talk about the Noah Davis case. Um, both of us kind of worked in silos. You took one perspective, I tried my best to take another expect err another perspective. I struggled with it. I've been honest about that through the whole process.

03:04 Danelle Hallan: Yeah

03:05 John Lordan: Um, but before we actually met Josh, we had a conversation that was kind of ongoing at Crime Con about tunnel vision.

03:14 Danelle Hallan: Mm-hmm

03:14 John Lordan: Do you want to share with the audience what we were talking about with with that?

03:18 Danelle Hallan: Yeah, so we were talking about how we personally approach cases and how you really have to see things from both sides and you can't go into something and, you know look, at one fact and say that is what it is. You've got to look at things, you know, from a different perspective or, you know, and unfortunately a lot of the times when people look into cases like this where there's already one big theory going on, they kind of create this tunnel vision and put blinders on and they can't see other sides of it and it could be something that's very easily explained. Like it could be a bit of information that you could say, "oh well this right here looks like she was, you know, walking down the stairs, when really she might have been sliding on her butt", if you looked a little bit closer you know what I mean?

04:06 John Lordan: Right

04:06 Danelle Hallan: It's just something, you know, it could easily be explained and unfortunately people will just see it for what they want to see it as instead of really checking what they're looking at.

04:16 John Lordan: Yeah and I think it's it's a learned thing because um, I remember falling into that a lot when I first started doing this type of work, you know. I'd be looking into a case and looking into one particular aspect and there's just something about it that would either hook your imagination or just all of a sudden you feel like you've solved it. Like you you've got you put that is the puzzle piece that is the corner of everything. And I really had to learn through doing this work and listening to input from other people about those facts that I was leaning so hard on, that you have to challenge those things. You do have to ask questions. Uh, it's one thing to find it and to say, "I can support this with this information". It's another thing to, at that point say, "Okay now how can I test it by firing some other information against this or asking some different questions and seeing if it stands up?" and that's that's a bit of a skill that I think it takes a lot of people um, some time to develop. So I think this case suffers from that quite a bit. That's why I wanted to bring it up because there's a lot of tunnel vision going on with this case um, on both sides I I think.

05:21 Danelle Hallan: Yes

05:22 John Lordan: Um, for me it, was interesting to see um,  your video and to see you really nail the point about when he was released from prison. Uh---

Admin Note: We're unsure why the date Josh was released continues to be a mystery to you both or why you feel you had a "boom" moment when you realized what day he was released. We've known he was released August 7, 2014. We have the actual documents that came directly from the jail. They're on the timeline. His release date stopped being an issue for us once we obtained actual documentation and not a photoshopped version from Josh.

05:34 Danelle Hallan: Yes. That timeline...whew!

05:38 John Lordan: Timeline timeline ---

05:41 Danelle Hallan: It took a lot to put together and make sense because, again uh, there was a lot of input that muddied it and things being spread as fact and they were speculation and it's like you said, you get one thing wrong and you don't look at anything else to make it make sense and you could be giving a whole other timeline that supports your theory when it's completely false so that took a bit, yeah.

Admin Note: You're not telling us anything we don't already know. Our timeline documents each and every single thing we come across. It's not to support any theory, it's to get to the truth and find Noah. You do remember Noah, right? He's the missing man that both of you said your vlogs would focus on but instead, you both spent a combined total of no less than 5-6 hours discussing Josh. Did you bother to interview the detectives? The Crime Stoppers coordinator? Get a statement from the FBI? Interview Uncle Ric? Interview Janice's own husband, Mike Davis? No, you did what everyone tends to do in this case, you focused on Josh. Why? Because he brings ratings and confusion and speculations. Once again, Noah was cast aside. You had 5-6 hours of opportunity to focus on Noah's case and and you chose to focus on Josh as if he were the victim. And people wonder why they don't hear anything about Noah's case. This is a prime example as to why.

06:02 John Lordan: Yeah that that was tough about this case because there's multiple timelines kind of representing both sides but neither of them are very good just about being a factual timeline. Like, you know, we know on July 24th he went to the prison. We know that on August 7th, you know, Joshua was released. Uh, when it came to known facts, that was the hardest thing to try to drill down to and I was working with the people that were representing a particular side and just constantly asking them kind of the same question over and over but where is this belief structure coming from? Where is the viable fact?

Admin Note: To be fair, we actually contacted you back in February to do the vlog/podcast and it wasn't until you all went to CrimeCon on May 5-6th where  Marissa Jones of The Vanished Podcast introduced you to Josh that you decided all of the sudden to rush into this interview with zero consideration to the other parties and their schedules. The week you chose to do this happened to also be the end of the school year for our kids. 2 of the admins had kids graduating that week so they were busy planning their kids high school graduation. The day after graduation, one admin went out of the country for the next 2 weeks on vacation. The other 2 admins were equally as busy that week. One was at her beach home assisting a remodeling job from hurricane Harvey, and the other was taking care of her mother in law who just had open heart surgery. Noah's paternal family had end of season little league games to coach, end of year testing for their children and TWO court hearings that week....one for probate court for Noah and the other was a TPO violation hearing that Josh failed to show up to. But by all means, blame all of them for not dropping everything when you decided at the last minute to do these vlogs/podcasts.

06:39 Danelle Hallan: Yeah

06:41 John Lordan: And ultimately uh, what I heard a lot of was we've got this information from other interviews, which at that point has me wondering, well are you, you know just picking whoever you want to believe at that point? You know, you've got a couple people that you're talking to that you're rating higher than this other person for some reason.

Admin Note: Not at all. We believe the evidence, regardless of where it came from. We don't believe any of the people are giving us the full story or the full truth. We piece it together with actual evidence and not just take anyone's word for it. If they say Noah messaged them on a certain date, we want to see proof of those messages. Not a screenshot, not photoshopped or altered but an actual download directly from the source. The download we obtained from Noah's facebook account is drastically different than the screenshots Josh provided to everyone. THAT is why we take everything he says with a grain of salt. And no, we will not publish those. We showed you a minor sample of where Josh deleted a racial slur before handing over a screenshot of the conversation just to prove to you that he tampered with the evidence he's trying to pass off as fact. The actual downloads are in the hands of the authorities and we will not be posting them to maintain the integrity of the investigation and the evidence.

07:01 Danelle Hallan: Well unfortunately to with this case when it comes to the timeline, you know, there was nothing known originally. You know, that like no one knew when they last saw him and it was about figuring things out so of course when you look back to things that happened right around when Noah went missing, there's gonna be a lot of different dates thrown out there and things thrown out there because they're just trying to get something out in hopes that someone latches on and remember something. But obviously with time when you learn things and look up phone records and pings and you know, messages, you get more solidified dates and in this case, unfortunately, even some of those still didn't prove anything.

Admin Note: The issue is Josh continues to use those "pings" and "messages" this very day. Josh has hacked into Noah's facebook account and he deleted and altered messages to fit his "timeline". The pings he claims came from his phone on July 28th, 2014, the very same phone Josh said Noah was using, cannot be proven to have come from Noah because that phone was found 2 years later in JOSH'S possession. 

07:38 John Lordan: Right

07:39 Danelle Hallan: But, you know, you can't go back and listen to a few interviews here and there, especially when someone's possibly working off memory or trying to figure out the timeline, you know, in the interview you're taking these dates from. Because you know, people know just try to figure it out things change as time goes on so ---

Admin Note: The interviews were from The Vanished Podcast and the Unsolved Mysteries video, more than 2 years AFTER Noah went missing. Yes, timelines change as new facts become available but Josh's "facts" didn't match up to the actual documentation. "Facts" that he continues to push as the truth. That in no way helps locate Noah. We want to do away with Josh's version of the "facts" and only use what can be PROVEN as fact. Make sense? 

07:55 John Lordan: Yeah so uh,we get through your episode, which is pretty straightforward.  You know.

08:03 Danelle Hallan: Yes

08:04 John Lordan: Kind of um, Danelle style episode on it and we get to my episodes where I'm thinking we're going to do some introspective interview of some type.

08:13 Danelle Hallan: Yes

08:14 John Lordan: And all of a sudden we get hit with um, a very strange situation in terms of how Joshua's actions are being perceived.

08:23 Danelle Hallan: Yes

08:24 John Lordan: And we have people that think uh, he's obviously on some type of drug, uh illegal or not or he's suffering from disorder and he's not on a drug that he should be on.

08:33 Danelle Hallan: Yes

08:34 John Lordan: The theories are all over the place.

08:36 Danelle Hallan: They are.

08:37 John Lordan: And

08:37 Danelle Hallan: They were all, yeah.

08:38 John Lordan: What was what was your take when you first saw it? What were you thinking?

08:42 Danelle Hallan: Well, I had, you know, already said something to you just as a suggestion in your interview, and you can take this out if you don't, I realized when I was speaking to Josh about things, he has a ADD or ADHD and it is impossible to keep him on topic. And that's not saying anything mean towards him but it's just, I kept having to redirect and his mind is constantly going down memory lane when it comes to these things. Um, and so I was already expecting that in this interview. Um, I was kind of taken back when I first started watching and it was very distracting for me to watch so I ended up kind of just having to listen.

09:20 John Lordan:  Yeah

09:21 Danelle Hallan: Um, because, you know, obviously he had very dramatic facial expressions and you know, again staying on task, but I don't know, I I honestly boiled it down to his ADD or ADHD and being nervous. Um, I mean, I understand where people are coming from but again, it's one of those situations where you kind of need to look at both sides and it's different filming like with yourself, by yourself. And then it's a totally different story when you're filming to hopefully prove your innocence and your brother's disappearance. You know,  with somebody else, that's going to be asking you difficult questions, like it could be explained by a number of different things and it was odd but I think it's unfortunate that people felt the need to kind of throw really harsh accusations. Um---

10:11 John Lordan: Yeah

10:11 Danelle Hallan: and <UNINTELLIGIBLE> in this fact,  which is a lot of what I was seeing. It's one thing to ask and be curious because that was really strange at first but to kind of say a lot that was said on there was really disheartening to me. But---

10:25 John Lordan: Yeah and of course at one point, I pulled him down. It only lasted for about five minutes but um, I had learned that his 11 year old daughter was defending him in the comments and uh, I pulled him down. I told him I was going to do that and then he was the one that was adamant about, "no no no put him put him back I'll let them do what they're supposed to do let's get this information out", and if nothing else,  I appreciate that he took that stance of course. Um, but I was hoping to hit a goal of us exposing this to at least a hundred thousand people and I think we did that so um, it was unfortunate that the attention got pulled by his actions or by how people were perceiving him because I did find the information pretty compelling.

Admin Note: We were actually relieved when you took the videos down. His daughter was in the next room the entire time you filmed with him. After seeing how Josh was behaving during the interview, why didn't you ask if he was ok, if he was on medication? Why didn't you put it off for another day when he was sober and more alert? You should have never posted them to begin with, especially without some kind of disclaimer at the beginning to let people know Josh may have ADD/ADHD or on drugs of some kind. If you haven't noticed, Josh doesn't care as long as he's front and center. He has exposed his 11 yr old child to highly inappropriate things over the years, including this. Take some responsibility for that because it leaves viewers thinking all you care about is ratings when you choose to push forward with interviewing a guy who clearly isn't all there. The impression we're all left with is you are irresponsible and all you did was exploit Josh's behaviour for ratings.

11:12 Danelle Hallan:  It was! The information in it was great and that's - I responded myself to a few comments and I was like if it's bothering you how he's acting just set  your phone or something away and just listen to what he has to say because if you listen to what he's saying,  it explains so much.

11:27 John Lordan: Yeah

11:28 Danelle Hallan:  And you understand, you know, you'll see past again what you're looking at and hear the actual information, so---

11:35 John Lordan: Yeah. Um, I did actually tell him um, you know, that we needed to stay on topic because we had so much to cover. I was trying to get it in in two hours. We ran closer to three, um, and I did ask him to not curse because I don't typically have that on my channel and he nailed. Didn't -- not not one slip. I didn't have to bleep anything so in terms of me being worried that he wasn't  comprehending what was going on or anything along those lines---

12:02 Danelle Hallan: No

12:02 John Lordan: I was not there. I just wasn't there and quite honestly, we interface with the guy for like five minutes at Crime Con. I mean it really wasn't that much time at all so um, and I've seen it. I just did an interview um, this past week with a woman. She's a sister of a missing person and when you talk to her on Skype, you know, she's she's pretty comfortable but when she knew the camera was, you know, when it was being recorded, uh, she tightened up and you know---

12:33 Danelle Hallan: People get nervous. You what is is because you can't look at someone's  reaction to that and assume you know exactly what's going on.

12:36 John Lordan: Yeah yeah, it's it's a tough aspect to this whole case but um, I did find the information compelling. The two cellphone thing really kind of blew my mind.

Admin Note: It blew ours, too because not ONCE has he ever said there were 2 phones until we questioned HOW he ended up with the missing cell phone 2 years later. He went into a long, drawn out explanation of how he knows it's the same phone Noah had been using when he went missing, thinking it would throw us off, until we pushed harder and spelled it out for him. Josh said Noah was using Josh's cell phone, that the phone pinged in a certain area, that Josh TRACKED the phone to that area then it went silent. Fast forward 2 years, police obtain Josh's DNA and all of the suddenly, Josh "finds" his missing cell phone, the phone that went missing when Noah did, in a box at a home that Noah had never been to. So now that he sees where we were going with this line of questioning, he suddenly comes up with, "there were 2 phones exactly alike, one was mine (Josh) and the other was our mom's". If that were the case, then is Josh now saying Noah was using Janice's cell phone? That isn't possible because Janice had her cell phone with her while she was in the hospital that week and she says the last time she saw Noah was on a Wednesday when he put her into her husband, Mike's, vehicle to go to the ER. So once again we ask, how did Josh get his cell phone back if it went missing the same time Noah did?

12:45 Danelle Hallan: I'm happy you touched on that because in the midst of everything, I didn't get a chance to. Um, I asked as many questions as I personally could but, I had no idea and that was one thing that had really confused me because, you know, a lot of this information coming from this one cell phone that we assumed was Josh's could possibly be another phone that Noah just took from the house and then left there. You know, it that could completely discredit a lot of really smart people who think he's guilty.

Admin Note: The only thing we know Josh is guilty of at this point is he has altered and tampered with evidence, he has lied and he has trolled people in order to silence them and stop them from looking into his brother's case. We are left asking "why" has he lied and tampered with evidence and why does he continue to threaten and troll anyone who really looks into Noah's case?

13:15 John Lordan: Yeah. And another thing that very quickly for me got shattered I would just say is the perspective that I was getting from the side that I was working with that this guy is a master manipulator, ultra-smooth, charming guy, that can, you know, basically control people, make them do whatever he wants. You watched that series of interviews and I don't know about you, but I am not feeling like that at all. I feel like this is a guy that is um, more in a response mode than then a manipulating kind of forward thinking, drill down--- I mean he knew about that interview for a week before.

13:56 Danelle Hallan: Yeah

13:57 John Lordan: Didn't ask me for any questions. Um, people were warning me that he was going to use uh, this new tip information, that there was a new tip out there that he was going to use that as some type of deflection mechanism for the interview. He never did.

Admin Note: We have the recording of this "tip". It was passed on to the authorities like it should have been when it was originally received by Josh. Authorities have discounted it as nothing more than another distraction to go on another wild goose chase courtesy of Josh.

14:12 Danelle Hallan: He never did?

14:13 John Lordan: Yeah I was the one that had to bring it up and uh you know so it never got brought up outside of that. If anything, yeah you could look at how he speaks and you could say, "wow this is a dude that tells long stories and kind of takes a long way to get down the road", but ---

Admin Note: Telling long stories is one thing. We all tend to do it. Being asked a direct question and getting a long drawn out story that has nothing to do with the question being asked is completely different and it's what Josh does. You end up forgetting what you even asked him in the first place. 

14:27 Danelle Hallan: I do the same thing so it's relatable.

14:30 John Lordan: Yeah um, people might accuse me of that also I do have very long videos sometimes. Um, so yeah it's I came away with a lot of different understanding. It didn't go how I expected it to at all.

14:46 Danelle Hallan: Oh yeah I don't think it did either. I was kind of expecting, very different, just in general, I don't know, it's not going how I expected, especially with the interview.

14:55 John Lordan: Yeah but I I definitely commend that he was willing to do it, he stuck by his word, there was only one area we couldn't get into uh, because of legal reasons. Um, but he went all the way as far as answering a very direct question of was he involved in it or not so I really appreciate that.

15:12 John Lordan: Um, I think at this point, I I wrote down kind of three points that I think anyone really interested in trying to understand this case further uh, needs to needs to lock in on and kind of zone in on. Number 1 is Noah's last sighting. I still don't have a good idea of when that is. Um, I know the stories I've heard ---

15:33 Danelle Hallan: Yeah but technically, technically no.

15:37 John Lordan: Right

15:38 Danelle Hallan: I mean, the last time he was seen I think it was, what the, was it the 27th? Um, at his uncle's house which was, I'm pretty sure, the last time people claimed to see him but I know, because I've seen them myself, that he did talk to people and potentially meet people on the 28th, so these people obviously are not coming forward and probably for reason.

16:01 John Lordan: Yeah yeah, so that is definitely a big part of the case here that we need better clarification on. Uh, and let me just put out there now, if anyone does want to come on, I have a couple of feelers out for further interviews on this, uh including Jason the the brother that is having some dispute with Josh. Uh, I haven't heard from him a little bit so I don't know if that's going to come through or not but um, if there's anyone else that is related to this case that wants to share information with us please feel free to reach out. You can email me at John@Lortonarts.com

Admin Note: Noah's paternal brother, Jason, has offered to speak to The Vanished Podcast host Marissa Jones and both of you on the condition you keep it solely about Noah and not turn it into another Josh circus/show. Marissa Jones flat out stated she wanted to talk about Josh. As with anything media related, as soon as Josh gets involved, it becomes all about Josh and not about Noah's disappearance. Jason is trying desperately to get the focus on Noah and only Noah. Not up for discussion is his issues with Josh, the threats Josh made, the TPO Jason has against Josh for those threats, etc. If you wanted to interview him to help get NOAH'S story out, he was more than willing. After seeing both of your interviews with Josh, it's clear where you want the story to go so it looks like Jason will pass on contributing to the circus.

16:33 John Lordan: Um, point number two, uh, we need to conclusively determine if Josh had opportunity for direct involvement. I think we've kind of got that figured out except for the fact that without knowing Noah's last sighting, we could push the whole timeline of something happening to him---

16:51 Danelle Hallan: Uh, a day or two, I mean we know for a fact that he stopped communicating. Well we assume is Noah, stopped communicating on his Facebook on the 28th very very late.

Admin Note: Incorrect. We have the download from Noah's facebook account which shows him arguing with his godmother in messenger on July 30th, 2014.

17:02 John Lordan: Right

17:03 Danelle Hallan: Um, again, I was able to look at the messages, and from the way this person was speaking, I'm pretty pretty certain it was Noah but again we can't prove that but if, you know, that's you know, that's like a, he could have just left his phone. He could have freaked out and left---

17:20 John Lordan: Yeah

17:21 Danelle Hallan: You know, again, it's about looking at all sides and---

17:24 John Lordan: That's that's kind of why I'm leaving that that door open. I don't think it's open very far because you'd have to believe that this guy came out of jail, tracked down his brother, who had been in hiding for about a week at that point for some reason.

17:37 Danelle Hallan: Exactly, exactly. I don't think it's very possible, is it? Yes. <UNINTELLIGIBLE> we not so much.

17:42 John Lordan: Right and without a vehicle was able to harm him, get rid of him, drive his truck somewhere, get back home, call the police, all by 5:20.

17:51 Danelle Hallan: Exactly. All within a couple of hours. I mean I wasn't able to find out when he got out of jail. Um, they didn't even have that on his documentation or---

17:57 John Lordan:  Yeah

17:58 Danelle Hallan: Yeah so, I mean, it's a couple of hours but he got out, had no phone, he had no car, he didn't have his wallet, any of his money, he didn't have anything. Um, and again,  his uncle I think was the only other person that drove. I don't think anyone else in the family had a car or drove so, it would take a ton of really fast work in order for him to have found Noah and done something in that time frame. It's just not a large enough time frame and it like defies a lot of possibilities there.

Admin Note: You seem to forget that Josh didn't report Noah missing until August 15th, 2014, not on August 7th, 2014. What was Josh doing during those 8 days? Josh claims he hadn't seen Noah since July 19th at his friends house when they went swimming. Josh goes to jail July 21st. Mom Janice last sees Noah on July 23rd when he puts her into Mike's vehicle to go to to the ER. Noah picks Josh's property up from the jail on July 24th. Josh gets out of jail August 7th and reports his truck as stolen 10 MINUTES ago by Noah. JOSH puts Noah alive on August 7th. So Noah takes Josh's truck and dumps it at the hotel 15 minutes away. What was Josh doing between the 7th and the 15th? Where was Noah between the 7th and the 15th? Why wasn't Josh messaging Noah between the 8th and the 15th to find out where he was? Why did Josh delete Noah's facebook messages after July 28th?

18:29 John Lordan: Yeah and hearing from Josh especially about how important the truck was for the family, getting his mother to medical appointments and stuff.  The intent of of Noah trying to sell that truck tells me he was in some type of really bad situation that either he didn't know how to deal with outside of doing some drastic measures or that he was intending on leaving that whole life behind because---

Admin Note: Janice's husband, Mike Davis, lived in the home and had a vehicle. A few weeks before Josh was arrested, he was posting online that HE was selling his truck to pay off his own debts and legal fees. Josh also stated he signed his truck over to Noah in August 2014 to sell. So which is it? Noah was only out of jail for roughly 2 weeks. The truck broke down according to Noah and Josh. If he was hell bent on selling it, wouldn't we see a flood of desperate messages going out to everyone letting them know he needed to sell the truck ASAP? We only saw 1 and he was honest with her, he told her the truck was broken down. If he were serious about selling it, he wouldn't bother to tell the person it had broken down. He'd sell it for whatever he could get for it, running or not. 

18:58 Danelle Hallan: It was an emergency.

18:59 John Lordan: Yeah, yeah

19:00 Danelle Hallan: A pretty big emergency so---

19:03 John Lordan: He's taken his mother's ride to the hospital away on top of upsetting his brother in a pretty significant way. So it had to be something major.

Admin Note: We can't believe you both fell for that lie. Josh was selling his truck on Facebook right before he went to jail. Their mother was married. Her husband, Mike, had a GMC Jimmy. Mike is the one who took her to the hospital in July...remember Noah loading her into the Jimmy so step dad could take her to the ER? Josh's truck was not the only vehicle in that family. Uncle Ric also took mom Janice to her appointments, including giving her a ride to the FBI the day before she was found dead in her home.

19:12 John Lordan: Um, and then of course point three, which we kind of touched on confirming or refuting the two cell phone theory, which um, I don't think would be very hard.  I'm pretty sure that the detective already has a clear understanding of it.

19:25 Danelle Hallan: Yeah

19:26 John Lordan: The the actions that Joshua told us kind of made sense. And I saw some of the email chain between him and the detective when he found that phone.

19:33 Danelle Hallan: Yeah I did as well.

19:35 John Lordan: Yeah and the detective certainly did not seem interested in that phone.

19:36 Danelle Hallan: And that right-- because at that point is when I was trying to understand the possibility of two phones I guess, and I saw that detective kind of blow off that email like, "oh I'm not worried". I'm like, well then he knows another phone is involved. There's no other way because that right there, as you said and I said before, that right there is a massive piece of evidence that a lot of people have been using against Josh.

20:01 John Lordan: Yeah

20:03 Danelle Hallan: And I feel like if anyone were concerned about that, if it was a possibility, the detective would have said something or something would have come out of it at this point.

Admin Note: Is it possible the authorities already obtained the cell phone records for everyone's phones and they didn't need to have the actual phone? 

20:12 John Lordan: Right right

20:13 Danelle Hallan: That was 2016 I think, when he found it.

20:16 John Lordan: Yeah yeah. The other aspects of this that are really, I think hurting the possibility of Josh being involved, is his continuing efforts to raise exposure to this case.

20:27 Danelle Hallan: Yeah

20:28 John Lordan: Um, he didn't have to go on The Vanished Podcast, he didn't have to go to Crime Con, he didn't have to meet a bunch of other people wearing his brothers image on him trying to introduce himself as the brother of a missing person. Uh, he didn't have to harass the sheriff's talk show, which I think some people would say, you know, and his mom got in the habit of harassing that show.

Admin Note: They didn't begin doing that until after the authorities took their DNA in 2016. Prior to that, barely a peep out of either one of them regarding Noah's disappearance. 

20:49 Danelle Hallan: Yeah

20:49 John Lordan: Uummm, he's literally -- even the group that is critical of him, was him looking for people to help with this case.

Admin Note: Is that what he told you? He told us his police department was corrupt he wanted to file a lawsuit against them for not investigating Noah's case. We agreed to look at Noah's case to see where the police messed up. He thought if he could get the media exposure, the community would be outraged and the police department would settle out of court with him. It literally only took us 2-3 days of investigating and looking at the police reports to realize that the police were doing everything they could with the information they had to find Noah and Josh's claims of corruption were total crap. He got mad at us for questioning him and ever since then, he's tried to silence us. He maintains HE is the victim and he will list off all of the ways the police have done him wrong over the years, including arresting him numerous times in different counties and states for driving on a suspended license. Noah's disappearance is nothing more than another way for Josh to claim the police are corrupt and the longer Noah remains missing, the longer Josh gets to play victim.

20:58 Danelle Hallan: Exactly.

20:59 John Lordan: And we know, especially you and I know from looking into cases of this nature, you get someone in a poor community that is involved in drugs, those cases completely disappear within a matter of a month or two from all media from all thought unless there is someone as a driving force that keeps bringing it back.

Admin Note: To be fair, Josh delayed reporting Noah missing for no less than 8 days. When authorities looked, they saw a warrant for Noah's arrest for failing to show up to the rehab on July 22nd, 2014. There was no sense of urgency from the family at all. So most likely the authorities viewed this as Noah took off and the family gave him a running start before reporting him missing. Even after he was reported missing, there was no sense of urgency from the family until 2016 when police came to the house to get their DNA to put into NamUS. As a matter of fact, Josh called the media BEFORE he called the police on August 15th. The media didn't run the story. Why? I'm going to assume the media contacted the police to get information on this newly reported missing person and the police probably said don't bother, it looks like he ran from his warrant to us because the family delayed reporting him missing.

21:19 Danelle Hallan: Exactly.

21:20 John Lordan: So if he was involved, he is doing absolutely the opposite that he should be.

21:26 Danelle Hallan: Exactly. And I mean, there's, again, looking on the other side of things, there's obviously situations where someone involved in something  purposely puts themself in it---

21:34 John Lordan: Yeah

21:35 Danelle Hallan: But this is a whole different level. This, I mean, he's literally--- if you look at his personal Facebook you know, the Noah, Where's Noah Davis Facebook, he has done nothing but search for his brother.

21:47 John Lordan: Yeah

21:48 Danelle Hallan: Every single second he has available. I mean, from day one constant talking about his brother. I don't think there's probably more than just a few days at a time where he's dropped it.

21:58 John Lordan: Mm-hmm

21:59 Danelle Hallan: Um, if you were involved in something, why would you put yourself out there like that? Like why would you go on, you know, your channel for instance, and allow you know, you to ask all these questions? And you warned him. You were like, this is gonna be---

22:13 John Lordan: Mm-hmm

22:14 Danelle Hallan: ---interesting. I'm asking difficult questions.

22:17 John Lordan: Yeah yeah. Well I also wanted to test the theory that I was hearing from his critics about uh, their whole story is, "well we originally wanted to help him and we started helping him but then we started asking tough questions and he stopped responding". So I really wanted to test that. Was there a line that I could find with him with those tough questions. And like I said, outside of the legal one---

22:37 Danelle Hallan: Good job.

22:37 John Lordan: Yeah, outside of the legal one, there was no line. He was willing to talk about any of those aspects. So I did, I clearly did not have the same experience that they did in terms of him seeming to run from any particular topics and I asked them for specific things to  ask him---

22:55 Danelle Hallan: Ask him about <UNINTELLIGIBLE>? Wow.

22:56 John Lordan: Yeah and I worked those into the questioning as well. Uh, and he had no exposure to those questions at all. He could have asked. I probably would have sent him some drafts on that but he he never asked. Um, so yeah it's uh, it's pretty telling.

23:13 Danelle Hallan: You know what, I I mean, I know you know as well, I spoke to him, I asked him tons of questions that I had about information he gave me like documents and things and um, things I was having trouble understanding and I asked, I bugged the crap out of this guy for a week and a half I think and there is not one single question that I asked him that he didn't immediately get me back an answer.

 23:34 John Lordan: Yeah

23:35 Danelle Hallan: And some weren't the bes-- I was like, "Where - when did you get out of jail? I need to know." And he immediately gave it to me. He drove all the way to, I think it was Chattanooga, to you know, verify it, get another document to make sure I had what I needed. He didn't seem hesitant at all to ask any questions even the hard ones.

Admin Note: He already had the document. We also had the document. I think somewhere along the way, wires got crossed or there was a misunderstanding about that document and the stolen truck report document. Josh originally gave us a small screenshot with just a date on it, August 7, 2014. No name, no case number, no location. We asked for the WHOLE document. He didn't provide it. So one of our volunteers drove to Chattanooga and got the actual document, which we uploaded and added to our timeline so that there was no more question on when Josh was released from jail. When you say Josh drove all the way to Chattanooga, we'd like to make it clear that he works in Chattanooga and he lives about 20 minutes from Chattanooga so it's not like he had to take a trip to go get the document. He already had it in his possession and if he didn't, it was just a few minutes away from where he worked. He also knew WE had the document because it's on our timeline. Let's not go crazy and act like he went out of his way here LOL. Additionally, the document we are having trouble getting is the unredacted report from August 7, 2014 where Josh reported his truck stolen. Nearly a whole page of it is blacked out. Perhaps you have the 2 documents confused. Document #1 was Josh's August 7, 2014 release date in full (not a photoshopped screenshot). We already had that. A volunteer went to Chattanooga and got it for us and it's been on our timeline. Document #2 is the August 7, 2014 police report where Josh reported his truck as stolen. We have a redacted copy of that. We have tried to get an unredacted copy without success.

23:54 John Lordan: Yeah, yeah. Um, so a couple of things. First of all, I was pretty clear in my Johnny vlogs before we got to the interviews that I was trying. That this was kind of a new a new method we were testing out. Honestly, I think it worked relatively well. I mean, we we got unexpected results but we raised exposure significantly. Uh, thanks to you and your amazing audience, by the way. I really appreciate you taking the lead on that story because that's where most of the exposure obviously happened and then people that were interested in diving deeper came over to my channel for the interview segment so that I think worked really well.

24:31 John Lordan: Um, unexpected turns obviously, uh, which is kind of normal but these ones were some big (laughter) ---

24:40 Danelle Hallan: This was not, I mean, it wasn't necessarily how I expected it to go. I feel like my problem personally, I've learned a lot from this. I mean a ton, that more than just a collaboration but um, I feel like my main problem with all of this is that I expected people to kind of understand better. You know I'm saying? I kind of expected- I expect everyone to have the same heart and I think, for me personally, it was really disappointing to feel like we kind of added to the madness in a sense. I feel like there was initial confusion because I posted my video and other people were wondering where your video was and people weren't getting why I left out all the speculation in my video because you were touching on that. I feel like we maybe could have explained that better.

25:31 John Lordan: Yeah, yeah. I think the Johnny vlogs could have come before everything and maybe been on your channel (laughter) where we kind of just talked about the method. Um, but it was weird because we were also trying to do this mentality of working in a silo so we didn't want to cross-contaminate too much, but---

25:47 Danelle Hallan: I think in our mi - in our minds, it made great sense. I think we knew exactly what we were doing but I feel like, you're right, and it there were unexpected turns. Um, you know, I thought my video did great, you know, I barely had any negative reaction to it, people were really understanding what was going on and following. Um, and then it's the interview came out and I feel like a lot of people instantly made a different judgment and I I don't know. It was hard to understand why for me but, I feel like that was my biggest struggle. I think we worked well as a team personally, and I really enjoyed the way we set it up. I think it was very important to set it up that way as well, especially with this case. We could have explained it better maybe but---

26:31 John Lordan: Mm- hmm

26:32 Danelle Hallan: I don't know. It was very interesting interesting thing to cover.

26:37 John Lordan: Yeah and I I really wanted to respect trying to find the truth in it. That's that's really why we talked about the method and doing at that particular way and I, you know, I don't like to play a human lie detector. If I'm gonna let anyone do that, I'll let the audience do it out at their end, you know?

26:54 Danelle Hallan: Yes

26:55 John Lordan: If if they wanna - if they want to imagine that they can do that and you know, leave comments about what they think and that kind of stuff, that's fine. They're the end viewer, I understand that, but for me to do it at this point and then to relay that filtered information out is bad. I just, I don't believe in doing that so I was really trying to honor um, trying to find the truth in this situation. That's why I practically had no edits outside of technical issues that I had with this interview. Uh, that's why I left all of the rambling in. I could have cut that thing down easily a half an hour.

27:28 Danelle Hallan: Oh yeah, manipulated it so the way, you know, you wanted people to see it or would rather them see it.

27:33 John Lordan: Right, but I didn't want to give the critics that opportunity either to say, "Oh look, this is a totally edited piece and what's he saying in those segments in between?", so uh, I just really wanted to respect honesty and finding the truth in there. And I think because of that, because this is a tough case, the truth is not clear and we're gonna have people that kind of form two camps and go at it. And we kind of had that happen a little bit which, I respect good debate, I respect people ---

28:01 Danelle Hallan: Oh exactly, yeah.

28:02 John Lordan: ---yeah, making good points. Um, not everyone was doing that, which is unfortunate, but a lot of people were. So I think overall, um, what I learned from it is maybe to expect a little noise and something is divisive as this. Uh, to try to facilitate that a little better. Like maybe I should have put some tags at the end of my videos about, you know, let's try to keep this on topic a little bit or something. I don't know. I'll need to think about better mechanisms for that. Um ---

28:27 Danelle Hallan: Well there's only so much though that we can do when it came to the way people reacted to it and the people who are gonna say incredibly like rude things they're gonna say it regardless.

28:37 John Lordan: Yeah

28:38 Danelle Hallan: But it was like I was trying to say the other day, that hopefully, you know obviously like you said, people are going to take sides, they're going to believe what they want to believe, it might be over something really small that makes no sense but you know what? At the end of the day, that's up to them.

28:51 John Lordan: Right

28:52 Danelle Hallan: But, you know, we did what we could.  I don't know, you know? You always hope everyone will take things away you want them to be taken and I don't ya know.

29:05 John Lordan: Yeah, no, I hear ya. I know, I know. We're still learning from this everyone, just in case you haven't picked up on that. Um, there was a couple of good things, at least I'm hearing possibly good things, that came out of this. Um, first of all, several members from the uh, critic side, reached out to me and they really said that they heard my request for them to move the conversation to Web Sleuths. Um---

29:29 Danelle Hallan: I think that's great. I think that's a great move. It really restricts some of the things that they're posting.

29:35 John Lordan: Yeah absolutely. And I think it'll help them focus on the known facts and searching for more of those. It's not that you can't consider what other people are saying, it's that you have to take their comments and then find the information that backs them up and I just wasn't finding that level. I was finding the, "Well we've done these interviews and I can't tell you exactly who and it would take you months to go and do it all yourself". Well, then what kind of internet investigator are you? Like what is the point of you working on this if you're not sharing your information with others so that they can pick up your work and continue? This is a crowdsourcing mentality.

30:13 Danelle Hallan: Yeah, you know, when the biggest thing that I guess that I've learned from my channel and this situation in particular, is that people want to believe the craziest thing they hear and people want to -- there needs to be this drama and this noise and madness about it. There's obviously people out there who love it and they just want to help and that's why they watch that's why they listen. But then there's always, as we say, gonna be those people. And I saw that a lot and you know,the comments section and unfortunately, like the other side that was looking at all of this, the um, sleuthers, you know---

30:46 John Lordan: Mm-hmm

30:47 Danelle Hallan: You can't - you gotta be careful what you say and put out there because people who want to be there for the drama are gonna see that and they're going to spread it like wildfire.

30:56 John Lordan: Right

30:56 Danelle Hallan: Without double-checking. And you know, for instance, I was talking to Powell about it when I was initially researching everything in this case. You could look at one piece of information like, along the research path, you know, you build you build your wall of the different things that happen and I'd be at the bottom and I find one thing and I would look at this and have my mind made up.

31:17 John Lordan: Mm-hmm

31:18 Danelle Hallan: Then, you know, I'd find two facts to back it that were really just someone's opinions that they're stating as fact that they haven't even in fact checked and it really puts this idea in everyone's head. And it's so important when we're covering these cases and talking about these things, that you do your own research. Like I always tell everyone, even in my videos, don't believe everything I say, don't quote everything I say. I know I do because I back it but do your own research always. Make sure you know what you're saying and you can back it before you say it to someone else because that's how things like this get started and, oh man.

31:57 John Lordan: Well and if you're in the position like we are or even not people that are maybe as public as us but if you're putting up a group Facebook page somewhere and you want to be representing a point of view, include your sources.

Admin Note: We did include sources, documents, screenshots, direct links to comments/posts/videos. But guess who keeps falsely reporting them as his copyright in order to get them removed because he doesn't want you to see it? Our sources are FOIA filings, court documents, police reports, Facebook account downloads, etc. We post documented facts and add our opinions or theories in an effort to explore ALL possibilities, not just the one-sided view Josh wants everyone to see. We do have access to other evidence which we were asked NOT to publish online or distribute because it's in the hands of the authorities to investigate. We will continue to honor the authority's investigation and we will not breech their trust in us.

32:10 Danelle Hallan: Exactly

32:11 John Lordan: And make it transparent, where your point of view is coming from, so that other people when they do come along, you want them---

32:17 Danelle Hallan:  <UNINTELLIGIBLE>  yeah

32:19 John Lordan: Yeah you want them, well hopefully they'll agree with you, but it's kind of almost better if they don't, you know, because then you know that you're being fact-checked and you're being tested a little bit. If you're if you're in a vacuum where everyone's agreeing with you, you're probably not on it. You're probably not getting to the real truth of what's going on there because---

32:36 Danelle Hallan: No, it's a domino effect of one person freaking out and another person freaking out then another then another and then you're almost like frenzy together.

32:44 John Lordan: Yeah

32:45 Danelle Hallan: Yeah

32:45 John Lordan: Yeah and it was -there was definitely an emotional frenzy kind of buy-in situation going on there. Uh, so I hope that they'll follow up on that. I hope that they do move it to Web Sleuths, at least as a component to their investigation. I'm not saying that you know, they can't have their group and share their private thoughts or any of that but ah---

33:02 Danelle Hallan: Yeah but it's gonna be beneficial to the case if they do that because, like you said, they will be forced to focus on the facts that are found, things police have, you know, actually released and things like that. It's it's very limited and I feel like you're gonna do more with that information and testing that out than looking into all the different theories and going off with different hopes and assumptions you might have.

33:22 John Lordan: Right

33:22 Danelle Hallan: I don't feel like that's nearly as beneficial.

33:24 John Lordan: Yep. Uh, and then on the flip side, Josh actually sent me an email and he says that he promises not to talk about them anymore at all.

33:34 Danelle Hallan: Gooooood, that makes me happy.

33:37 John Lordan: Yeah yeah. I really tried to talk to him about that about how to typically take the steam away from trolls, how to take their gas away or whatever they're looking for and it's usually that they're looking for response. They're looking for reaction. And in particular with him, they're always looking for more information from him because they're trying to set up this chain of lies. And any time he says something if it counters something else then it adds to their ticker that they've got going in their head so---

Admin Note: Way to add to the drama by calling them trolls and critics. That's real professional of you both. We do not engage Josh. We have asked our members NOT to comment or feed into Josh's circus and if they do, make sure they are posting factual information. https://imgur.com/a/QhZBarZ  We are NOT commenting on the YouTube vlogs at all because we are well aware that it has been overrun by Josh and his followers and we do not want to add to the distractions/circus going on over there. 1 of our former members (Shannon Marie) asked us to start a public group to bash Josh. https://imgur.com/a/G8k7ikv We REFUSED. We found out another one of our former members (Deanne Rhinehart- Rapp) had been prank calling Josh on the phone for several weeks. She was reprimanded for that and was told we did not approve or condone ANYONE harassing or contacting Josh. https://imgur.com/a/gFivSiF  And yet another one of our former members (Laura Jeanette Petty-Strickland-Forlifer-Price) frequently asked us how she could get her troll group to do serious damage to Josh in real life in addition to her creating fake profiles and making nasty comments on the YouTube vlogs as Laughing Carl. Those 3 members got angry at us for refusing to let them troll Josh, refusing to create a public bashing page and for telling them to stop commenting on the YouTube videos so they left the group and started their own group. We do not comment on his things. We do not make false reports against him. We certainly do NOT condone anyone trolling Josh or leaving harassing comments anywhere about him. We wish he would do the same. We have him blocked. He creates fake profiles and tries to follow us, we block those. He has his friends follow us, we block them. JOSH and his friends are the ones trolling the group admin and members. They have stalked us over the internet, posted negative reviews on our employers and business sites, contacted our employers electronically and by telephone, Josh made a video and told his followers NOT to donate to Noah's Crime Stoppers reward, they post and promote lies about us that we can prove to be lies, they leave nasty comments on our YouTube channels and Josh went as far as to falsely claim copyright on one woman's videos in order to get her account terminated and then he took her videos and posted them on his own YouTube account and bragged about it, they've created groups and public Facebook pages to post lies and harass us....all in an effort to silence everyone. Your vlogs have shown you are biased and are unable to represent all sides fairly and equally. You labeled us as trolls and critics yet you failed to include any links to any of the groups, fb pages, blogs, Twitter, Instagram, etc to allow your viewers to see it and decide for themselves. We will still share the links to your vlogs, just as we continue to share Marissa Jones's The Vanished Podcast's, to try and bring attention to NOAH and find NOAH.

34:05 Danelle Hallan: Trying to establish a pattern that just ends up reinforcing their, you know, like you said, belief structure and every time he would no freak out and response to them or have something negative to say or go on a rant it, was just providing more power to their steam engine of ...yeah.

34:23 John Lordan: (laughter) belief

34:25 Danelle Hallan: Every week-- I don't mean that in a bad way but it was almost like they were just feeding each other this negativity and questionable information and, as we both said, Noah got lost in the middle of all that really badly.

34:40 John Lordan: Yeah yeah, absolutely and I still I still feel like  we're trying to find the pieces of where that story is. Um so yeah, hopefully we have both sides taking some good steps there. Um, anything else you wanted to talk about before we cut out today?

34:55 Danelle Hallan: MMmm? Well I would love to know people would enjoy another collab like this because, well you know, cases like this usually I would shy down from and I think you even mentioned that before because, first of all, there's so much information. Second of all, there are a lot of very highly opinionated people and it was very nice to me to be able to get Noah's message out there and his story out there and have a support system. Do you know what I'm saying? Like have someone who was able to do part of it and you know, see two different perspectives and approaches to the case and come together like this in the end and see how everyone feels because, I don't know, it was very nice. I feel like I wouldn't have done that otherwise and I was very very proud of how we both did everything and the end of it and I felt great that we were able to accomplish something that I know neither one of us would have attempted to accomplish on our own so ---

35:47 John Lordan: Yes, yes, you're absolutely right. There is no way, especially me looking back at it now ---

35:54 Danelle Hallan: Ugh, I would never do it by myself. I wouldn't be able to.

35:56 John Lordan: Yeah yeah. It was hard enough just doing the part that I was handling and I know you were going through the same thing on your end so yeah um, it is kind of an interesting mechanic. What do you guys think? Are there other lessons that you see that we should have learned in all this? Let us know about that in the comments below. Do you think we should do collabs like this again? For me, I'm in the boat and saying yeah, especially for a tough case (laughter)

36:19 Danelle Hallan: I  know. It's necessary in a tough case.

36:22 John Lordan: Yeah, yeah. Um, I don't know how we'll always identify that, but um, I think that uh, you know, kind of like this one came up naturally. We kind of knew that it was the right mechanism for this case so uh, if I bump into any, I'll certainly reach out and let you know and I ask that you do the same.

36:36 Danelle Hallan: I sure will.

36:37 John Lordan: Alright Danelle. Thank you so much for your time today and thanks to everyone out there that cares about this case so much to spend all this time looking through this. We put out a lot of content that's just on this case.

36:48 Danelle Hallan: I am so <UNINTELLIGIBLE> the length of your interview and I was like, "How? How did he do that?" (laughter) Oh my goodness, I know, man.

36:57 John Lordan: Yeah so and it means so much that there are many of you out there that care to put yourselves through all that amount of content to try to come to some understanding on this so thank you guys for being a part of that.

37:07 John Lordan: Um, before we go, we're going to end on a video that Josh actually sent in. He just wanted to send kind of a thank you to both of us for helping to raise exposure to this case and this video actually includes some poetry from Noah so we're going to go to that and to everyone else, I'll see you back here on the LordandArts channel tomorrow. Take care everyone.

37:47 Joshua Wright: <UNINTELLIGIBLE> more than anything else, I work hard for what I have and um, I work hard at what I do and I give my all to it. But seeing things like this (holds up an award his child got in school for being most cheerful), man, most cheerful, she got that award today, she graduated. Reminds me of what I'm doing. You guys have been an amazing opportunity to get my brother's name out there. You have no idea how much it means to me. I already can tell you how excited,ecstatic, shocked and speechless he would be just cuz I know him. But thank you. To get side seeking aside, drama aside, just calamity aside, if I could just leave this one point I don't <UNINTELLIGIBLE> nobody cares what I have to say or think. Never let --- never let what can happen stop what needs to happen. You think I try, sometimes I might clumsily go along about my way. But I know what I'm going  after. I don't let what can happen stop what needs to happen and what needs to happen is we need you, we need you guys, we need your listeners, we need your viewers. Thank you for letting us get heard by them. You guys are so great at what you do and I don't brag much, I'm pretty good at what I do, too.

39:17 Poem by Noah Brandon Davis: Where I am. Today I've found myself, for yesterday I was gone. I don't know what tomorrow holds but today, I know where I am.  I do like to think clearly but clarity it's often elusive. My visual mindset is confusion but today, I know where I am.  Racing thoughts cloud my mind. It's hard to focus but you can't see. Often blurred vision blocks my line of sight but today, I know where I am. Where does it all come from? All the thoughts and scattered scenes? Today none of this means a thing because today, I'm with you. From Noah.

39:57 [Music]

40:01 Joshua Wright: Thank you guys.


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