February 19, 2016 - The DNA Collection Visit

Case discussion: The DNA collection visit

February 19, 2016 - Police visit the Davis home to collect DNA samples from Noah Davis’s biological mother, Janice Davis, and his maternal half brother, Joshua Wright. These samples will be entered into NamUS to be used to compare against any unidentified remains.

  • Numerous attempts were made by Catoosa County Sheriff's Office to get in touch with Janice Davis regarding this visit. Joshua Wright was also in email contact with Catoosa County regarding this visit. https://imgur.com/a/HSyyR

  • (18:33) Joshua asks how police can collect DNA from Noah if he doesn't have a head.

  • (28:47) Joshua said he talked to Noah in August and he gave the truck to Noah in AUGUST.

  • (29:17) Janice Davis said the drivers side seat looked like something bad happened in that truck. So why, when Joshua went to the hotel to retrieve his truck and saw the damage, didn't he immediately notify the police to come back and process the truck?

  • (33:40) Officer begins to explain he's giving him a copy of the NamUs flyer of information...Joshua cuts him off and says he already has it, been on the website, printed up copies, etc. Officer starts again and explains this is a copy of the form from NamUs that comes with the DNA collection kit to provide to the family and he's giving Joshua a copy and already gave his mother a copy.

  • (34:10) Officer asks Joshua if he knew about the NamUs registry. Joshua replies that he did. Officer asks why Joshua didn't list Noah on the registry, it's open to the public. Joshua said he did it on another registry. When asked, Joshua can't remember the name of it. Then says it was the Salvation Army.

  • (39:40) Joshua is all team Fred Roden, the same guy Joshua now says is corrupt.

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